Archive for June, 2004

The Woman Who “Saved the World”

I believe this is the anniversary of the day that Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in 1941. By a strange coincidence, it is also the anniversary of the day that the entire political left in America switched from demanding American neutrality to demanding that America get into World War II.

Within a few days of Hitler’s attack on the USSR, the United States broke off diplomatic relations with Germany.

KGB files that were opened when the USSR collapsed showed that Communist infiltration into the Roosevelt State Department went deeper than even Senator McCarthy suspected. But, as Joe Sobran pointed out, even the parts of the Roosevelt State Department who were not Communists never made single statement that Stalin would not have approved of.

One of the unsung heroes of the American left was the daughter of the American ambassador to Berlin in the early 1930s. She was a fanatical Stalinist and her letters on the subject are a matter of record.

In the early 1930s, the only major power that Hitler threatened was the USSR. It was a major accomplishment to change the situation so that the West destroyed Hitler and gave a third of the world to Stalin and Mao.

The daughter of the American ambassador had a role in that process. She gave sex to German officers for information and planted information where needed.

When you are worshipping The Greatest Generation for this wonderful achievement, don’t forget this woman, who had more to do with ‘Saving the World’ than any hundred Medal of Honor winners in World War II.


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Socialism Here and Now

Socialism is defined as “government ownership of the means of production and distribution.” But that is not what people debate when they discuss the merits of socialism.

The whole point of socialism is to turn the economy over to bureaucrats. It doesn’t matter who owns the shares, what socialists want is for professors to run the economy. So what we really argue about when the word “socialism” comes up is not who OWNS industry but who RUNS it.

It doesn’t really matter if government owns shares on the New York Stock Exchange as long as the government doesn’t use those shares to run it. Switzerland used to get a lot of its government revenue from Swissair, but it left the running of that airline to the managers and only judged the managers by how much money they made, like any other stockholder.

But if the professors are to tell everybody what to do, that means that the market can’t. Either supply and demand runs things or professors run things. That is why liberals are always denouncing “commercialism.” They want professors to decide what audiences watch, not the audiences themselves.

So the real argument over socialism is not about “the ownership of the means of production and distribution.” If a system is run by the market, professors have as little use for it if it is government-owned Swissair as if it is privately owned.

Professors no longer insist on socialism because they have discovered they can run thing through bureaucrats and lawyers no matter who owns things.

Socialism is just like all forms of leftism. It is a means by which professors could rule the world, and professors teach it in college. Leftists are people who never outgrew their college education, or people who have an inferiority complex because they didn’t get one (See my latest book, “Why Johnny Can’t Think.” which is subtly advertised in the flashing red letters at the top of this page).


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No Need to Restate the Obvious

Please, have mercy on an a old man! My latest book, “Why Johnny Can’t Think, America’s Professor-Priesthood,” does NOT “show there is leftist bias on campus.”

I recently got some clippings from two different female relatives that “say what you said,” that there is a leftist bias on college campuses.”

No, I did NOT “say that there is a leftist bias on campus.” No, Einstein did NOT “say that the speed of light is real fast,” No, Isaac Newton did NOT “say there is something called gravity.”

What would Einstein have done if someone had said “I think light moves real slow. You got to prove light moves fast.” He would have called the loony bin. What would Isaac Newton have done if somebody said, “There ain’t no such thing as gravity.” He would have acted like the guy didn’t exist and then hit him in the face if the fellow got in his way.

I do not try to prove that light moves real fast, or that gravity exists or that college campuses have a fanatical leftist bias. If you actually open the pages of “Why Johnny Can’t Think,” you will find that I say that that is the kind of thing dumbass respectable conservatives dedicate books to, not intelligent people.

Every sane person knows that light moves fast. Every sane person knows there is such a thing as gravity. Every sane person know that colleges are fanatically biased to the left.

PLEASE don’t insult me by saying I am trying to prove any of those things. Please don’t send me forwards and news paper clippings to show how morons are trying to prove these things.

No intelligent person will spend one minute “saying what you said, that there is a leftist bias on college campuses.”

If you waste time debating that, you are too much of a fool to get any real point made.

If you want to see how to cover that whole argument in two minutes, you will want to READ “Why Johnny Can’t Think.”


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Dimwitted Brits

When Winston Churchill was born, the British Empire ruled a major portion of the world. The English were the richest people on earth with the exception of the Americans.

When Churchill took power in Britain and led the country into war in 1939, Britain had lost much of its wealth and a generation of its best in World War I. But its workers were still the best-paid in Europe and it still had an Empire on which the sun never set.

When Churchill died in 1965 Britain was just one cold, wet little island. Economically Britain was the sick man of Europe. Hundreds of thousands of British workers went to Germany, where the pay was twice as high as in England and the taxes much, much lower, even on workers.

In 1965 about the only thing Britain had left was tens of thousands of statues of its Great Hero, Winston Churchill. By then, even the Soviet Union had taken down the statues of Churchill’s Friend and Ally, Joseph Stalin.

Lenin Worship has ended now, even in Russia. But the poor little dimwitted Brits still worship Winston.


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A Lesson in PC from Tourette’s

A military man was telling me about an enlisted man who had Tourette’s Syndrome. Tourette’s Syndrome is a DISEASE that makes a person suddenly spout out obscenities and other things he wants to suppress. He will be talking and suddenly will spout out the very words he wants to say least.

This poor guy tried hard, but they had to kick him out of the military. They were able to overlook his obscenities and his comments about white peoples’ mothers, but he started using RACIAL epithets and the blacks kept beating him up. The kept disciplining him and finally had to let him go.

I asked the military man if they disciplined the blacks for beating up somebody they knew had Tourette’s Syndrome. He looked startled and replied, “No.”

I asked him if they would have discipline a WHITE man who beat up this man for saying something bad about his mother. The military man replied, indignantly, “Of course!” He then gave me a short lecture about how a man in uniform is supposed to show DISCIPLINE.

If he’s white. Now please don’t think the lesson here is that poor little white guys are being discriminated against, like everybody else does. Whites are always getting kicked around and I’m glad of it. Whites are wimps and race traitors and they deserve everything they get and more.

Notice that no white came to this sick white man’s aid.

No, the lesson here is what all white people know about blacks.

Note I said “know,” not “assume.” If Africa were threatened by massive non-black immigration, whites would be expected to lead to the defense of the existence of the black race. When every leader demands massive third world immigration into ALL white countries and ONLY into white countries, we all know it’s silly to ask a black person to help us fight it. They are incapable of that, and we all know it.

This racist goes so deep that nobody but Bob Whitaker would ever notice it.


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