A big controversy has just broken out about a new heart drug. It was aimed at black heart disease. It worked.
Objections broke out. The drug combination was only tested on those who identify themselves as African-Americans. If I have to tell you that all hell broke loose you must be living in a different world.
But it does work specifically on blacks.
As one commentator said, “This is as much a social question as a genetic one.”
Oops! What do you mean “a genetic one?”
The absolute line, the line that every geneticist has to swear to if he wants to keep his job, is that race does not exist.
But one of the big arguments is that Hispanics have a right to use it, since they have a lot of black blood. But black blood is imaginary.
Just because it works doesn’t mean that the results of this test are real.
This drug — actually a combination of two drugs — worked so well on blacks that the testing was cut short. It worked perfectly.
This is just awful! This drug must be banned immediately.
#1 by Bedford on 11/08/2004 - 7:46 pm
It’s just the color of the skin that makes a difference, Bob. I don’t know exactly how it works – it must be very very complicated:-). A lot of people do not see any races – for instance, Inez of Tennenbaum would be very surprised to learn that black students and schools perform poor in this state and, in fact, if you exclude the performance of the 30% blacks from test scores, the scores are average in comparison to the rest of the country rather than near the bottom. That would be a real shocker to Inez who no doubt would reply, “throw another billion on the budget”. Is Fritzi Hollings going to help the people that he loves so much? Is Fritzi going to resign and give DeMint a head start on seniority? I doubt it because Fritzi is for Fritzi first and the demorat party second and S. C. people maybe third.
#2 by Hank Parnell on 11/08/2004 - 8:48 pm
If the race “question” was based on facts and evidence, it would’ve never been raised. I am reminded of that line, attributed to Richard Pryor: “Who you gonna believe, your lyin’ eyes, or some college professor?”
The fact that race can be determined by forensic examination of skeletons is evidence enough that race is REAL and to the BONE and hence gene. This I think is why the “Native Americans” are so afraid of letting scientists study Kennewick Man — he LOOKS Caucasoid, and if they examine him closely enough, horrors! He might turn out to be WHITE. And THEN they’d have to explain what a white man was doing on the Pacific coast 12,000-some years ago, apparently murdered by those peace-loving, eco-friendly “Native Americans.”
BTW, Bob, your biographical info on the right-hand side of the screen spills over into the comments box and obscures what you’ve typed, making it hard to check for typos. Is there some way to get rid of that?
#3 by JC on 11/09/2004 - 10:31 pm
I saw the black, female MD that chaired the study on TV and read her comments in the newspaper. She would sell her own people out (although she did look like there was a little Whitey in the wood shed) before she would admit there is such a thing as genetic differences between races. I’m curious to see how the establishment is going to get around this. I mean, they can’t admit that race exists. But, this drug is statistical proof that race does exist. If this were a drug that worked primarily on whites there would be no problem. They would just not market the drug. But the nigs won’t accept that. If it works for them, then by golly you’re going to give it to them for free and bill Whitey! So, it will be sold. But, how will it be worded, this being a Wordist nation and all. They’ll probably market it to everyone, since the two ingredients do have an antihypertensive effect in everyone. They’ve been around for decades. The physicians that prescribe it will just have to incorporate doublethink. “There’s no such thing as race, but this medication is more effective in African-American populations, so Rastas gets it. But Bob gets the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor medication because he’s Melanin challenged. And race is a meaningless construct!”
#4 by Don on 11/10/2004 - 12:38 pm
I am not a big fan of drugs, but if one of the side effects of this one is a certain type of “dysfunction” I might appreciate its usefullness.
#5 by William on 11/12/2004 - 10:01 pm
I saw a speaker on CSpan today indicating that the truth NOW is that there are differences between races and it is in the blood. However, he quickly indicated that irrational hatred of races like Hitler (the ever famour anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews) and Selma, Alabama of 40 years ago was not acceptable. Amazing, a drug is created that may help millions of blacks and they are more concerned about appearing politically correct than saving the lives they claim to love so much.