Now there is a phrase I haven’t heard in years:
“We don’t stand for that!”
AOL has a feature about a girl who was grabbed on the street, screaming, and not one of the many, many passers-by even called 911, much less interfered.
They didn’t want to get involved. And for good reason. If you are street-wise and don’t interfere, you can’t get sued. You can’t get in trouble for using excessive violence.
I’ve used excessive violence.
But if you know how to exploit that, you don’t end up with a record. I tell the cops: “OK, this is one hell of a chance for me to write a press release. Let’s GO for it!”
First of all, your average cop is a decent human being. He thinks that the fact that you beat the hell out of somebody chasing some helpless person is great.
He just can’t do it.
Trial Lawyers, you know.
So the girl, prostitute, drug addict, whatever, runs and the average Street-Wise Citizen ignores her.
I will beat the hell out of her attacker. I’ve done it.
Maybe I am the last person on earth to say, “I won’t stand for it.”
What an honor!
#1 by Don on 11/12/2004 - 4:55 pm
RE: I will beat the hell out of her attacker. I’ve done it.
Maybe I am the last person on earth to say, “I won’t stand for it.”
I think a brief summary of this should go in your bio to the right, underneath He has been a college professor, so people will get a better first impression of you.
#2 by Elizabeth on 11/12/2004 - 6:54 pm
This type of thing is one of the reasons I want to get my concealed carry — and something to carry.
I’m single, live by myself, and do a lot of travel by myself. (I don’t like this situation, but it’s what I’ve got.)
I also live in a small city with a — to be kind — extremely mediocre police force. It’s the usual “We’re so overworked, underfunded, etc. etc.” But they won’t fight for funding and they do such a wretched job that they don’t have the local support that could really help them to get funding.
I’ll be moving in mid-2006, earlier than that if I can manage it.