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A Complete and Detailed Explanation of All That I Have Learned About Women in My 63 Years of Life

Posted by Bob on November 14th, 2004 under General, Musings about Life





  1. #1 by Elizabeth on 11/14/2004 - 4:16 pm

    Finding it hard to keep a straight face….
    gave up!

  2. #2 by Richard L. Hardison on 11/14/2004 - 6:36 pm

    I would say the level of your expertise on the female of the species is about typical of the male. You certainly have me beat on the Austrian version.

  3. #3 by Hank Parnell on 11/15/2004 - 10:50 am

    Amen, brother!

  4. #4 by Peter on 11/16/2004 - 12:18 am

    Ha ha ha

  5. #5 by Mary K on 11/18/2004 - 11:45 pm

    Makes me think of something I heard in a Fred Astaire movie years ago. Ginger Rogers has Fred in her hotel room. She is outside talking to another female character. She asks the woman how she should treat the man in her room. The woman replies “Oh, I don’t know. Be feminine and sweet …… if you can blend the two.” Coming from a man that would be tacky, chauvinistic, I suppose. But coming from a woman it was hilarious! Truthfully, woman ARE a mystery, even to other woman. My own view is that while men excel at physical brutality, women excel at verbal brutality. There is no exact male equivalent of the term “bitch.” And for good reason. Woman can be posivitely insufferable. Not THIS woman, of course, but a lot of women.

  6. #6 by Peter on 11/22/2004 - 2:30 am

    So, your saying that even if I understood women a little more, I still will never find Miss Right?

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