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11/7/04 Insider Letter

Posted by Bob on November 22nd, 2004 under Insider Letter Archive

*** Bob’s Insider’s Message ***

(reprinted here from 11/7/04)

In my blog I had an article about AN important aspect of this election.
It is included below, and shame on you who haven’t read it already!

The important aspect is the race gap. Whites are in one corner, minorities in the other.

What is more important is that whites are not feeling guilty about it. In fact, whites are getting angry and mean.

At last!

Somewhere in the American pshyche there is a growing realization that there is more at stake here than polite elections.

So I wrote about that. The immediate response was a burst of fury from people who said Bush was no better than Kerry and there was no such change and so forth. I wrote pointing out I was not talking about Bush. I was not talking about Republicans.

I was talking about something more important.

But the whiners wanted to whine. They fought me like tigers over my imagined Bush support. I voted a straight Constitution Party ticket.

Two thoughts:

1) I do not tolerate fools. I was talking about an undercurrent of movement of which this election is a symptom. Nobody else would notice it.

So if all you hear is “BUSH!” or whatever the latest buzz is, you can get a lot more from experts. Bush is a tree in the forest. The news and commentary will tell you about every leaf on that tree, what kind of wood it is made of, and everything else that fascinates the average political moron.

If that is your fascination, then WhitakerOnline is the wrong place to look;

2) If the whiners spent half the time and effort they waste fighting for the idea that all is lost instead of fighting for something worthwhile, a lot less would be lost.

From the Blog: Whites Are Moving Right

As always, what matters in politics is being ignored. That’s why they paid me the big bucks.

Part of professional politics is realizing that a black or brown skin means a Democrat vote. You aren’t allowed to say that, but the Democrat Party spends many millions each year to get out the minority vote.

They put their money where the bigot’s mouth is: a dark skin is a Democrat.

Back in the 1980s, all the media were talking about “the gender gap.” This meant that Republicans were not getting the women’s vote.

But people like me, people who got paid for this kind of thing, were noticing one tiny little fact that meant nothing to the media but meant everything to those of us who did this for a living: Republicans were WINNING.

Silly little point, isn’t it?

In defense of those of us who did this for a living, let me say that winning elections was what we were all about. So while the media were fascinated by Republican sexual oppression and the Democrat capture of women and minorities, we had a forgivable obsession with the fact that Republicans were winning real elections.

I know it sounds simplistic, but remember we were not paid to be fashionable. Our job was to win elections.

When you said “the gender gap” back then, you meant the women’s vote. But professionals like me considered men’s votes important, too.

We had this silly idea that there are TWO genders. So it seemed logical that if the Democrats were getting the women’s vote and losing, the Republicans must be getting the men’s vote and winning.

Silly little point, isn’t it?

My silly little mind would say that since the Republicans were losing a lot of the women’s vote and still winning, and since there are only two genders out there, the Democrats had an even bigger gender gap on the male side.

A political science professor announced to the graduate class I was in – I went back to school briefly in 1992 – that a male gender gap is not a gender gap. Only a female gender gap is a gender gap.

If this sounds stupid to you, remember the fact that nobody but me has noticed the growing RACE gap today.

Brown skins are increasing at a breathless pace. But Republicans have the Presidency and a majority of both Houses of Congress.

Back when whites were a solid and overwhelming majority of the population, Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress.

As brown skins increase, the Democrats are piling up automatic votes. Everybody notices that.

But somebody like me notices that there are TWO groups involved here. There are not just minorities, there are also whites.

All I read on Stormfront is pointing frantically at the growing minority vote. Nobody ever seems to notice what is happening to the white vote.

While everybody else is busy panicking, I quietly note that the white vote is moving steadily to the right. This steady movement is under way, and it shows no sign of retreating.

Whites are ceasing to feel guilty about being on the other side from the minorities.

Whites are getting really angry. They are beginning to see that there is more at stake here than polite disagreement.

Well, DUUH, you say. But if you have been watching this for fifty years, this is a breakthrough.

I thought that whites would never even BEGIN to catch on. But their opinions are finally moving.

So can’t we all cry and wail over the increasing non-white population?

I was raised where whites were a minority, but they were hard right.

We ruled.

No multi-racial society is ever a democracy. So when we move right, and if we are hard right, we will become the ruling group.

Sorry if that doesn’t sound depressing enough.

OK, you can now go back to panicking. I just thought I might mention this.


  1. #1 by Richard L. Hardison on 11/22/2004 - 10:14 pm

    After awhile people get tired of being accused of stuff that is a lie. I don’t hate blacks, and I’m not “racist” when I oppose preferences based on the fact their skin is black. The other side is segrgation and discrimination. Go to a black church sometime and see how many whites you see there. If you don’t want to do that, just watch TBn or some such, and you can watch Fred Price and pay attention when they pan the camera over the congregation. No Whites! Dr. Price doesn’t care about your skin color, but there are a number in the group who will and they will revert to type. There is nothing wrong with that. It’s natural to congregate with your own kind. Tribalism is, in fact, the norm the world over, even in the church.

    Discrimination? Who hasn’t experienced that? My observation is if you aren’t qualified, you won’t get hired, and you shouldn’t be. I’ve seen the token black hires, and most of them have felt degraded by that fact, especially so when they worked hard for what they had and they were as good as anyone else. But, I digress.

    The main problem I see is getting the word out to those who are seething. The immigration issue may be close to critical mass, but there is going to have to be some person or, preferably, some organization around which people can gather so the efforts can be coordinated and perpetuated so the movement does not become a personality cult. Once we are in power we will have to go after those centers of power on the left that have allowed them to smear us and hit them where it hurts. Call it vengeance if you like, but I was going to spend my life in the military and one thing a soldier never does is intentionally leave an live enemy in his rear areas.

  2. #2 by Bedford on 11/22/2004 - 10:28 pm

    Well, Bob, I refer you to H. Millard’s latest on the Mex situation. Now get this – someone has speculated that Hillary Clinton may come out to the right of Bush (which isn’t too hard) on the immigration situation. Obviously, Slick has been suggesting to her that the way to victory might be to step to the right (lie about it of course). The Clintons believe only in the Clintons – they have no political beliefs that get in their way – they only seek to win and therefore will say anything that might lead to victory.

  3. #3 by Don on 11/23/2004 - 2:28 pm

    First Whites voted with their feet: They ran to the suburbs
    Then they voted with their children’s education: They created the homeschooling movement.

    The time for escapism as a solution to anything is over. It is time to face reality and get serious.

  4. #4 by Don on 11/23/2004 - 6:29 pm

    Taking a page out of Bob’s style, the five topics which are of most concern to me are:

    1) The White Racial Future
    2) The White Racial Future
    3) The White Racial Future
    4) The White Racial Future
    5) The White Racial Future

  5. #5 by Bob Whitaker on 11/23/2004 - 7:52 pm

    Don, you forgot to add:

    “In that order.”

  6. #6 by H.S. on 11/25/2004 - 2:42 am

    “First Whites voted with their feet: They ran to the suburbs. Then they voted with their children’s education: They created the homeschooling movement. The time for escapism as a solution to anything is over. It is time to face reality and get serious.” –Don

    Sometimes escape is the answer…. although I wouldn’t prefer it.

    15 years ago I heard an older American man who was in Russia, struggling with the new leadership to rebuild after the curtain began to come down, watching and being amazed at the changes he saw there, predict that – wouldn’t it be like God to humble one prideful, worthless, godless system and then remake it to harbor the refugees from another – his own America.

    A young man I just met who got FED UP with what America is doing to its own people says he “got screwed by affirmative action” throughout his entire young career and now says he’s thankful he finally got disgusted, sold everything he had, and moved to Russia. He told me to tell others I may know of:

    “Again, my advice to any young White person is to give serious consideration to moving East (“go EAST young man!”). The language is a major barrier. And the mentality and culture might be just as difficult for many to understand. It is indeed quite unique and different. But I prefer it wholeheartedly.”

    Hmmm. I thought back to that man who has worked with and in a struggling Russia for over 25 years.

  7. #7 by Peter on 11/26/2004 - 2:57 am

    Bob: this is great and truly heart-warming.

    But: what about the overwhelming evidence that the presidential election was fraud? How about the latest from Johns Hopkins that an old key (decipher code) was written into the Diebolds’ software? This dismisses your thesis entirely — and if it does not, you surely ought to tell use why not (for example, if the Diebolds’ results vary from election polls only five percent, then does your thesis still hold true about the red and the blue?).

  8. #8 by Johnny_Reb on 11/26/2004 - 5:01 am


    I agree that more White’s voted to what they perceived as being to the political right this time, that being boy george. The only problem is that boy george, and his pseudo-con republican party passed more leftist legislation than klinton could have ever got passed. The reason he was able to do this is because people perceive him as being a conservative, which he is most certainly not. The problem now is how to get people to pay attention long enough to perceive the fact that the republican party is not going to turn things around, unless they start electing real conservatives who will take a stand on principle.

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