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Sillier and Sillier

Posted by Bob on December 13th, 2004 under General

I was country when country wasn’t cool. I was telling the ignorant snobs that the country folks were right.

Unfortunately, after we won big victories, every preacher is now pushing nonsense that would embarrass a cow.

There is a group that is trying to ban any bad language on cable. Children might see it, they say, so everybody has to be treated like a child.

Let me make an unsophisticated comment here:

Go to hell.

  1. #1 by Jay on 12/14/2004 - 2:01 pm

    Now that’s the Bob I know and love! Hahahaha!

  2. #2 by Don on 12/15/2004 - 12:23 pm

    Doesn’t the Bible – especially the Old Testament – contain some rather risque material? Shouldn’t it be kept out of the hands of children?

  3. #3 by Bob Whitaker on 12/15/2004 - 2:16 pm

    Don, I understand they DO censor some parts of Bible in Canada.

    It will be long, cold day in the Bad Place before any “Christian” has the guts to complain about it.

  4. #4 by Richard L. Hardison on 12/15/2004 - 8:51 pm

    Canada has told the churches that preaching against homosexuality is discrimination of the worst sort. Sweden is jailing one pastor for saying such things. Both would jail Christ if he reappeared and started preaching.

  5. #5 by Jay on 12/16/2004 - 12:05 am

    Um, I’m not as educated on this subject as yall, but when did Christ ever preach against gays?

  6. #6 by Don on 12/16/2004 - 4:38 pm

    I like preachers who preach against interracial everything. I don’t know of any except perhaps Identity.

    So let me raise this issue. There are those who say that Christianity is racially destructive – that by its very nature it embraces all on an equal basis.

    Conversely, there are those who say that the path to a racial future lies thru Christianity, and that the strongest Racial Warrior is the Christian Racial Warrior.

    Any opinions or ideas?

  7. #7 by Richard L. Hardison on 12/16/2004 - 9:40 pm

    Jay, there are many things Christ did not preach on. As he said it, He came to fulfill the law, not abolish it. All forms of adultery are forbidden by Christianity, that includes hetero as well as homosexual. The only difference is homosexual activity is always adultery whereas heterosexual marriage is not adultery.

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