Archive for December, 2004

A Christmas Appeal to Non-Christians

Every time Christians try to celebrate Christmas, somebody says:

“I am offended.”

You keep telling Christians what should be forbidden in the public schools, in public displays. You tell them they can’t say “Merry Christmas,” they have to say, “Season’s Greetings.” Christians are bending over backwards so you won’t yell:

“I’m offended!”

Christmas used to be fun. Now we can’t relax and celebrate it because one of you is going to suddenly shout:

I’m offended!”

So we all know you are telling us what we can do at Christmas, but you are doing a sloppy job of it. All this uncertainty destroys the joy of Christmas, a time when everybody used to relax and have a good time.

Maybe we could enjoy Christmas again if all of you Modernist Christians, Jews, atheists, Moslems, Hindus – ALL of you – would get together and tell us exactly what we ARE allowed to do at Christmas.

Is “Merry Christmas” allowed at all? Will a teacher be fired for wishing her class a “Merry Christmas” on the grounds of a school that receives any public money?”

Could you give us the EXACT geographical limits in which the name of Christ might be mentioned?

The Ford and Carnegie Foundations could spend tens of millions of dollars hiring thousands of professional liberals to write a tome of regulations on Christmas that is as large as the Federal Income Tax Code.

For example, the highways are paid for by the public. Are cars allowed to ride on those publicly-financed highways carrying the sign of the fish, which everybody knows is a CHRISTIAN symbol?

Does this OFFEND you? Should highways that you pay for with your tax money be used to help offend you this way?

If you are going to dictate, then go ahead and dictate. No more hints, no more sudden bursts of temper and random lawsuits.

We seem to have all agreed that non-Christians have the right to tell Christians what they can do at Christmas.

But with power comes responsibility. You have the power, so you have the responsibility of using it and being clear about it.

Stop acting like spoiled children and being offended at this and at that. Tell Christians, in plain English, what they will be ALLOWED to do.


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Europe’s Clinton Years

In the Clinton years, I wrote an article called “Superterrorism” (11-21-98). When September 11, 2001 came around, we reprinted it.

It seemed prophetic, but if you look at it, “Superterrorism” was just common sense. Maybe common sense is what real prophecy is based on.

The Euro is going up. Europe is out of the Iraq War and all the problems.

But common sense says that Europe is terribly weak and terribly vulnerable.

Iran’s new missiles might reach Europe, but they won’t reach us. North Korea’s new missiles can reach the West Coast.

But they won’t.


Because if they did South Korea would suddenly be an island.

And if Iran threatens Europe, what exactly is Europe going to do about it? Throw croissants?

America is stupid, but it is also extremely dangerous. Europe is stupid and nobody is scared of it.

Under Clinton, America had a boom like one that Europe is enjoying today. Terrorism? Clinton just ignored it. And it worked out fine.

Until 2001.

Europe is cruising into something that will make 2001 look like a tap on the cheek. Europe is ready to be slapped around. There is always somebody who wants to do the slapping.

Europe is not just stupid, it is hopelessly stupid. There is nothing as dumb as a dumb man who thinks he’s smart.

All that brilliant sophistication Europeans think they have got Europe ripped to pieces twice this century. It nearly wiped out two generations of Europeans.

And Europeans honestly believe they are diplomatic geniuses.

That attitude is more dangerous than any nuclear missile.



Mark’s Points

I promised below to deal with Mark’s points when I got all better.

Let me apologize again for insulting my readers by acting like an ass. Mark did me a big favor by calling me down on it.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but the very same mistakes that infuriate me most in others are the ones I often commit myself. Insulting the people who appreciate what you have to say is just plain nasty.

So here is what Mark had to say with my replies marked *** :

Ok Bob, an observation and then a question: Over the months I have found it interesting at how fond you are of cutting down anyone who has the audicity to agree with you openly on these blogs but lacks the intelligence to understand your true message, revel in your hidden meanings, or see 20/20 thru a locked keyhole.”

*** You nailed me and I have apologized. When I do it again, nail me again.

I bet you’d kick the cheerleaders in their pretty little arses if the home team fumbled the ball, wouldn’t you?”

*** I was usually the one doing the fumbling. The coach had a regular shout: “Feel around you, Whitaker, maybe you’re still in bed.”

Why don’t you take the time to cool the ego driven, frustration-born verbal tantrums and tell us EXACTLY HOW, IN YOUR OPINION WE CAN CHANGE THINGS. You want to be the academic (and you do an okay job of it) full of profound witticism, so put your money where your mouth is: GIVE US A GAME PLAN, A BATTLE PLAN, A SET OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR TURNING THINGS AROUND IN AMERICA (legally of course).”

*** The usual reply from an “expert” at this point is to use modesty to sneak out of answering the question, but I have a feeling you won’t let me get away with that.

The expert says you are overestimating him, that he has no plan for changing the whole world. Then he uses the exact line you predicted below: “Well, you all have brains. Why should I do your thinking for you?”

Mark cut me off at the pass on that one. He seems to have the experts pretty well figured. So after I quote the rest of Mark’s comment, I guess I’ll actually have to deal with the question.

Oh, and please don’t use that slight of hand brush off: “Well, you all have brains. Why should I do your thinking for you?” We might have brains, but we don’t have a plan. Oh, and yes, I do own a copy of your book and I’m not sending my kids to college as a result so don’t start with me.

It’s the fourth quarter, Bob, and we’re behind by 7. What’s your game plan? I’m putting my money on more sarcasm, but we’ll see.”

*** See what Mark has done to me? Normally after you’ve written some books and are a Recognized Expert you can turn your mind off and coast. But here I’m being forced to call my brain out of retirement.

Mark, this exactly how you deal with experts.

My battle plan is based on the fact that our present “both sides” political strategy has already been discredited.

So if they’re dead, why don’t they fall down?

No one yet has a stake in MAKING them fall down.

But they are in the same position the Soviet Empire was in in 1980.

The sickos we are after thought that Communism was the key to an anti-white future in 1950. Now they are doing exactly what I am doing, they are trying to see and control the future, which has nothing to do with what people are arguing about right now.

Everything the left is based on is pretense. It is universities, it is foundations, it is Hollywood, it is Old Europe and New England, which are the traditional graveyards of passe ideas.

No new ideas come OUT of the universities today. Ideas used to be from professors to the New York Times to the editorial pages. Everything new hits the Internet and is forced on the universities. Filter-down is not FROM the universities. It is TO the universities.

The universities have become isolated, backward-looking feminaries.

And everybody either knows or will suspect it.

There is a scientific establishment that is growing to supplant the social engineers who ruled intellectual life through the time when the big TV networks were in absolute power. The scientific revolution will find the social engineers, to whom they are slavishly obedient right now, to be in the way.

We have to get in on this game.

We, meaning US, can only get in on this game by attacking the universities, at the universities, on the universities. That is why I dedicated my declining years to Why Johnny Can’t Think.

We can get in on the fight where the money is that the scientific establishment is going to want.

We need our lever to move the world. Our lever is an intellectual revolution on the campuses, at the campuses, attacking the campuses.

If we get in there, if we lead the attack on the universities out here, we will be in on the fight over every dime the enemy’s entire power is based on.

We will have a generation of people who have wasted their youth getting and paying for a college education and now paying off student loans on our side. We will have a growing scientific/biology/genetics establishment as a potential ally against the total draining of all power and money to the social scientists.

Everything else is yesterday’s news.

IT IS time for revolution. Our weapon is Why Johnny Can’t Think. It is NOT “criticism” of academia. It is a revolution as DETAILED in Why Johnny Can’t Think.

NOTHING else counts.



All I Ask Is To Rule the World

I have spent my entire life working day and night so that the world will, so far as possible, be run the way I want it to.

I want the world to do what I tell it to do.

This is not a modest request.

Some people say, “Do you realize that you might have wasted your whole life? Don’t you realize that all the things you think you helped do might have happened without you?”

Could be.

All I want is for the world to do what I think is right.

Let me repeat: This is NOT a modest request.

So when things do go right, and they sometimes do, I don’t sit around worrying about whether I am wasting my life. I will settle for the times the world moves my way.

I let other people worry about the important stuff.



Mark Told Me Off, and I’m Gonna Git Him for It!

I don’t like long blog entries, so I will deal specifically with what Mark said later. Right now let me deal with LESSON ONE of what he said.

Please remember that the blog is porch talk. Sometimes poor little Bobby’s tummy doesn’t feel good, so he bitches and he moans and makes a fool of himself.


So what do you do about it? You say exactly what you would say if you were on the porch to a respected member of the family who has said something stupid.

You say, “I respect you, Uncle Bob, but you are making an ass of yourself.”


Mark just did that, and I took it like a man. Some of you may want to know how a truly mature man deals with justifiable criticism:

I am writing this in a fetal position under my bed. I am typing with one hand and sucking the thumb on the other. I stopped holding my breath several seconds ago.

But once I get out of my trauma stage, I will appreciate what Mark told me.

Yes, Mark, it is stupid and childish for me to betray people who take the trouble to read what I have to say by accusing them of not getting the point. I am insulting the very people who are among the very, very few who read AND APPRECIATE what I have to say, and there is no excuse for that.

Let me repeat that: There is NO excuse for behavior like that.

I appreciate just how bad this behavior is. All my life I have been sickened by New York editorialists telling their readers how stupid they were. Beginning in the 1960s, a fashionable editorialists just could not insult his readers enough. He would tell them how nasty Americans are and how evil white people are.

Readers couldn’t get enough of it. They just grovelled ecstatically.

All those years I kept wondering, will anybody ever tell those insulters to go to hell instead of just lying down and taking it?

Well, when Bobby’s tummy hurt and he made the same mistake, MY readers called me down on it.

MY blog readers are not as tame as the people who live by New York Times editorials.

Stay wild.
