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Commenters trying to use some of the listed HTML tags, read this.
The following line appears in the “Leave a comment” area:
Line and paragraph breaks automatic, e-mail address never displayed, HTML allowed: <a href="" title="" rel=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <code> <em> <i> <strike> <strong> {We’ve used ASCII code sets here to get the carets to “appear” for these instructions. The left-pointing “open” and the right-pointing “close” caret sets above the comma and period on your keyboard “disappear” on the blog page as they should when tags are constructed correctly.}
Of course, there are no instructions for you to know which or how to use “HTML allowed” to get the effect you want. That would help if you’ve never done it before.
Following is the Name/Meaning and Tag Word Sets this software uses:
Type the code word “on tag” and “off tag” around the text/words you want to be affected. The coding must have an “on tag” in front of the first word of your altered text, and an “off tag” after the last word of your altered text (the “off tag” adds a forward slash / mark in front of the same tag word used in the “on tag”). When using the " " quotes around URLs or any other tag attributes, be SURE you put both start and finish double quote marks around the text or URL.
a link to – – – <a href="the full complete URL">TEXT you want clicked</a> — for what respectable conservatives will never say. The other <a> attributes don’t appear to be allowed here.
b bold or
strong – – – <strong>altered text</strong> — or, these tags <b>Bold</b> to get Bold words — either set will work — the developers prefer <strong></strong>.
em italic or
i italic – – – <em>altered text</em> to see words you want to italicize or <i> & </i> to get Italicized words — either set will work — the developers prefer <em></em>.
strike – strikethrough – – – <strike>altered text</strike> to see words you want to strikethrough for whatever reason you want it to look like that. (?)
blockquote – – – <blockquote>altered text</blockquote> to get the indented long quote blocking as follows:
The one member of the Cabinet Bush is not even thinking of removing is Normal Mineta. His Japanese family got interned sixty years ago and he’s still got the grudge going. America is going to pay. He is the one who ordered the strip-searching of grandma and he is going to keep on ordering it.
To blockquote and italicize at the same time you type it like this:
<blockquote><em>altered text</em></blockquote>
The one member of the Cabinet Bush is not even thinking of removing is Normal Mineta. His Japanese family got interned sixty years ago and he’s still got the grudge going. America is going to pay. He is the one who ordered the strip-searching of grandma and he is going to keep on ordering it.
A few unknowns:
cite attribute to tag words – – – never got it to work. ?
code – – – an HTML container element. ?
abbr abbreviate – – – never got it to work. ?
acronym – – – gets you word mouse-over text for those who may not be familiar with some long acronym’s real word translations — hold mouse over the words NATO and ZOG:
acronym – – – <acronym title=”North Atlantic Treaty Organization”>NATO</acronym> gives you: NATO or ZOG
If you mess up on ANY PART of constructing a tag – it will show up on the blog page. If you mess up or forget to PUT ON the CLOSING tags, </bold>, bolding, for instance, everything following that point will remain bolded. Brave commenters have seen that already. Hope this helps – it may not be worth all the checking you do before you SAY IT. We don’t edit comments.
#1 by Don on 12/25/2004 - 11:32 am
No preview as on the BBs? I tried the [blockquote cite=””][/blockquote] stuff using the < and > symbols and it didn’t come out right. I thought I had the proper syntax.
#2 by Board OP on 12/25/2004 - 2:25 pm
Your: <blockquote cite = "Robert Whitaker">It may be all our fault. But that doesn’t help.</blockquote> from Clinton Years worked. The "cite" attribute has never worked that we’ve seen, so left it out of the explanation and just showed <blockquote></blockquote>. When that text is located on one of 100s of CSS or php files that make this thing work, only what works will remain along with a link to the instructions.
You can combine the ones that do work. Basic HTML is constructed in nested use order, ON/OFF:
<blockquote><i><b>TEXT Goes here</b></i></blockquote>
It’s pretty limited in this UK-based free program. The admin has more to choose from, but Bob doesn’t know how, doesn’t need to. He writes. Only original admin level posts have a draft mode and then it doesn’t always show exactly what it does on the post.
It’s enough to be dangerous and look stupid. That’s okay on Bob’s Blog, out on his porch.
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#5 by Peter on 01/18/2007 - 2:51 pm