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Posted by Bob on August 2nd, 2006 under Comment Responses


Being least subject to self-deception, the most moral take offense earlier. Accordingly, our souls find a voice for racial loyality. Its audibility day by day grows amongst us all.

Therefore, mistake not that these despairing and complaining surrenderings to the world. They are nothing more than the stirrings of emotional offense at the trepidations upon us.

Comment by Dave


I needed that reminder. We are dealing with two absolutely different groups here.

The ones I keep wishing would go jump off a very high ledge are the old guys who are STILL doing nothing but saying, “We are so good and so weak. The Evil Ones are Wise and powerful. I am Tough. I would have fought to the end. But it is all HOPELESS because everyone but me is weak and lacks virtue.”

But Dave reminds me of an entirely different group.

You won’t believe this, but I was young once, too. I was young and I saw how the older people, the Greatest Generation, were giving away everything I cared about. It took me YEARS to accept the fact that things are so incredibly bad. It was an agonizing period, and I am STILL realizing it.

So a person like LibAnon may not be young, but he is still in the midst of this grieving process. As Dave points out, this grieving process is something all of us must go through. Needless to say, I am impatient with it because I went through it so long ago.

You are nbot dealing with a Great Philosopher here. All you have is Ole Bob. But on the plus side, you have an Ole Bob who has no time for Great Philosophers. All I ask is that you don’t be a damned fool.

None of which protects ME rom being a damned fool.

Over and over and over and over ad nauseum.

I must leave time for the grieving process. People are going to grieve for their own.

But AFTER the grieving process I do not want people to KEEP grieving over the loss of our kin. I want them to say, “I am going to KILL hte son of a bitch who DID this!”

OK, Dave, I will do my best to give them a reasonable time to feel their loss.

But, Dave ole buddy, once that period is over, I’m going to hand them a friggin’ RIFLE!

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