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Pain and Al

Posted by Bob on September 28th, 2006 under Coaching Session


Forget the “Conservative” label. For most people, Conservative equals what others call Neo-Conservative, and that is certainly PC. Any other remaining connotations mean “Yankee economics:” the system that exploited the South, replaces the town square with Walmart, and imported 100 million alien wage-slaves. Come to think of it, Conservatives don’t even know what Conservative means anymore and Conservatives are stumbling over themselves trying to be Respectable/PC. Why not Populist or “true American” or “honest?” Believe it or not, Hitler was able to recruit Social Democrats and Communists. He didn’t do that by calling the NSDAP “radical conservative.” There are still some situations where “conservative” is useful, such as in religion, but these are few.

Conservatism is long dead. Deal with it.

Comment by Pain


Absolutely. Today any opponent ofhte established religion, Political Correctness, is called, of all things, a conservative.

What our discussion has proven that Political Correctness cannot be expressed in real English. They’re screwed up the language like everything else.

  1. #1 by Alan B. on 09/28/2006 - 12:32 pm


    thanks to good ole Bob I am no longer a conservative, up to then I was totally confused by the behavior of the respectibles, ole Bob was the first patriot to explain this docile behavor and now I know why they sit on their asses and act polite in a debate with the lunitics. So now I have taken up the cause to point this out to others, im my opinon Bob is a hero

  2. #2 by Alan B. on 09/28/2006 - 1:08 pm


    Bob, when I point out the realities to those people who have been hoodwinked by the political establishment, I am always struct by the look these people have on their faces, its utter astonishment, lol. Its like the saying goes, people will believe the big lies every time, anyway im in this crusade for the long haul, never forget this Bob, you never wasted your time getting the message out, hell I fould it not a month ago, so keep up the good work.

  3. #3 by joe rorke on 09/28/2006 - 1:15 pm

    Say what you will Pain is totally correct. I saw this many years ago. Limbaugh would claim to be the voice of “conservatism” and, for many today, he most certainly is said voice but what he stands for and promotes is and has been anything but American conservatism. I saw that years ago after having listened to this con artist for five years nonstop and buying all his crap. It was neat the way they stole the whole thing and had people believing they were American conservatives. This was a confidence game to beat all confidence games. People by the millions actually bought into that con game. They thought and still think that American conservatism actually exists. Oh, how they proclaimed that government was going to get smaller and liberals were all downhome evil and they were going to change all that. Liars. Not disingenuous. Liars. On a huge scale. The same lie exists today. On a huge scale. They talk about “liberals” and “conservatives” as if there’s a difference. But they don’t talk about freedom versus slavery.

    Pain is right. Conservatism is long dead.

    Bob is correct. They have screwed up the language. It was and is very important to do that in order to bring about the tyranny they have in mind. Among many other things.

  4. #4 by Pain on 09/28/2006 - 3:49 pm


    It’s interesting that you brought up the Whigs a few posts back. Americans today associate the Whig Party with the phony Whigs that plowed that party into the ground. It’s easy on this side of the Atlantic to forget that the Old Whigs were exactly the opposite in beliefs from those of Henry Clay and company. The Old Whigs were the ones who won the Revolution. They would look at Bob as one of their own.

  5. #5 by Alan B. on 09/29/2006 - 12:24 am


    I have a question for Bob or anybody else who may have some insightfull
    predictions for the next presidential election. Will there be a third party run and if so who would make the best candidate. I feel America is ready for a real leader, damn, after flim flam Bush senior, the Trotskite Clintons and last but not least the retard offspring of Bush senior, when can there be a better time.

  6. #6 by Elizabeth on 09/30/2006 - 5:32 am


    As someone who was an activist in the Republican Party for nearly ten years (1995-2004), I can tell you BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID of the South Carolina Republican primary. The Republican
    Party in South Carolina is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Southern Baptists. The few involved in it at high levels who aren’t Baptists or likeminded are either tokens or fellow travellers. They
    rolled over and played dead for GWB in both 2000 and 2004. (I wasn’t for GWB: I was against
    the Dems’ nominees.)

    I’ve come across and have nearly finished reading Rod Dreher’s CRUNCHY CONS. I had never heard of this book until I came across it by accident back in July. (I’d just moved to another city and was browsing my way through a local bookstore.) It comes out in paperback in October and was published back in March. My local library finally got a copy, which is why I haven’t read it earlier.

  7. #7 by Alan B. on 10/05/2006 - 2:06 am


    Heres is a few words to describe PC most wil understand

    Profoundly confusing : its like a politician, promises everything and delivers nothing
    Pretty crazy : I hate whitie, kill whitie, wait! I’m white, lol.
    Professionaly concocted : One size fits all, no questions asked, its my way or an F
    Predominantly communist : Marx is my hero, our god, the father of fantasia
    purposely confusing : what did you say, I told you no thinking allowed, just words damn it, words!
    Professor’s cotex : it never leaks out real information and always holds in the bullshit

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