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Join the BUGS Team! Post on the internet along with us to fight White Genocide!

Lord Nelson

Posted by Bob on January 1st, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses



I can feel a change happening on stormfront thanks to the mantra.
More and more stormfronters are attacking antis for being “anti white” and the antis don’t like it.
Our enemies would love us to talk endlessly about black crime, and der uber race, but we all know they are just sick fools promoting GENOCIDE against the White race.
That’s the truth and it puts them on the defensive.

Prometheus, who is obviously a contributor here uses the mantra and the basics of the mantra eg. anti racist=anti White etc. in all his posts to great affect.
And I see others picking this up.

If its making a difference on Stormfront it can make a real difference in the outside world were it really counts.
I believe more then one person repeating the mantra on a mainstream forum can have a huge impact,
and I would be happy to join others if they have a place in mind.

Lets keep it up and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone.

Comment by Lord Nelson


Making the point is everything. There are no points for “almost.” I havew spent a life time in debate, and I cannot empahsize enough how important this precise amalysis by Lord Nelson is.

How can I say it? The debate has changed from the poor non-whites to the anti-whites.

You know they are evil, but you must say EXACTLY why they are evil. And we are making them say anti-white
rather than mistaken, evil rather than the other side of some argument.

Repetition and the Mantra makes the whole argument entirely different.

Thank you, Lord Nelson.

I could not imagine a better theme upon which to bring inthe new year.

  1. #1 by Alan B. on 01/01/2007 - 1:59 am



    Forgot to wish everyone a Happy New Year, sometimes I really am a retard, lol.

  2. #2 by Shari on 01/01/2007 - 1:22 pm

    Not Spam
    Not Spam

    What does lol mean?

  3. #3 by Bob on 01/01/2007 - 1:43 pm

    LOL! means Laughing Out Loud!

  4. #4 by Kevin on 01/01/2007 - 2:04 pm



    LOL- Laugh Out Loud

    ROFL – Rolling On the Floor Laughing

    LMAO – Laughing My Bum Off

    All ways to say it was good/ funny.

    BRB – Be Right Back

    GTG or G2G – Got To Go

    There are emotion tags to combat the coldness of this medium. Best used with jokes or sarcasm you put a /, which means end, infront of what you intend to express. Ex.

    That sure was a fun ride. /sarcasm

    This concludes our little lesson on the basic lingo of the internet.

  5. #5 by Bob on 01/01/2007 - 2:11 pm

    Good stuff, over half of which I did not know.

  6. #6 by Shari on 01/01/2007 - 2:48 pm

    Not Spam
    Not Spam

    Thank you. These are good things to know. But I didn’t know that bum started with an A/tongue in cheek.

  7. #7 by Dennis on 01/01/2007 - 11:16 pm



    The mantra not only forces the anti’s to go on the defensive, it forces us to go on the offensive, to have the courage to point the finger at THEM. Debates on SF usually revolve around an anti making some accusation and SF’ers trying to clear thier image, OR of SF’ers trying to appeal to their common sense, and put forward a case to them, as if to say “Please Mr Liberal, please leave my race alone, you’ll get all these benefits if you do”

    So many arguments seem to revolve around us getting their respect, and their permission. The mantra is something that I have known, but using it forces me to think differently, to no longer try to appeal to their morality.

    THEY are the ones supporting genocide, they are the ones who want ot do away with a race of people, and they often speak in a way which reveals this aspect. Whether its an anti trying to be clever by saying that peace will reign when all racial differences are gone, or one who claims to believe we have a right to our opinion, but still attacks any pro-white group, no matter how moderate.

    Each time they speak, it seems an opportunity for me to say “Ah ha! You see, you DO only want whites gone! You ARE using multiracialism to do away with white nations”

    They always ignore the mantra, we cannot let them get away with silence. We cannot let them just say nothing and wait till we move onto some other argument which they can argue around.

    Most importantly though, you must point out to everyone, to all the observers, their silence and hypocrisy. Draw the worlds attention to their inability to counter the claim that anti-racism doesn’t involve anti-white genocide.

  8. #8 by Dennis on 01/01/2007 - 11:16 pm



    The mantra not only forces the anti’s to go on the defensive, it forces us to go on the offensive, to have the courage to point the finger at THEM. Debates on SF usually revolve around an anti making some accusation and SF’ers trying to clear thier image, OR of SF’ers trying to appeal to their common sense, and put forward a case to them, as if to say “Please Mr Liberal, please leave my race alone, you’ll get all these benefits if you do”

    So many arguments seem to revolve around us getting their respect, and their permission. The mantra is something that I have known, but using it forces me to think differently, to no longer try to appeal to their morality.

    THEY are the ones supporting genocide, they are the ones who want ot do away with a race of people, and they often speak in a way which reveals this aspect. Whether its an anti trying to be clever by saying that peace will reign when all racial differences are gone, or one who claims to believe we have a right to our opinion, but still attacks any pro-white group, no matter how moderate.

    Each time they speak, it seems an opportunity for me to say “Ah ha! You see, you DO only want whites gone! You ARE using multiracialism to do away with white nations”

    They always ignore the mantra, we cannot let them get away with silence. We cannot let them just say nothing and wait till we move onto some other argument which they can argue around.

    Most importantly though, you must point out to everyone, to all the observers, their silence and hypocrisy. Draw the worlds attention to their inability to counter the claim that anti-racism doesn’t involve anti-white genocide.

  9. #9 by Kevin on 01/02/2007 - 11:52 am



    lol Shari, it looks like you’ve got it. Now for the second lesson of acronyms since I found my notebook on the ones I use and see in chatrooms.

    L0L 5|-|4R1, 17 L00|
    TTYL – Talk To You Later

    IMO – In My Opinion

    IMHO – In My Humble Opinion

    BTW – By The Way

    OIC – Oh, I See

    TY – Thank You

    YW – You’re Welcome

    That should finish up the most commonly used ones.

    pH34r 7|-|3 /\/\19|-|7’/ 5|-|4r1! Happy chatting!

  10. #10 by Kevin on 01/02/2007 - 11:57 am



    One correction on the above, the HTML thought the K’s were tags and cut half the sentence.

    L0L 5|-|4R1, 17 L00k5 L1k3 j00Z’\/3 907 17. This is L337 speak. Mostly Used by gamers and hackers.

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