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The Big Time IS Choosing Your Staff

Posted by Bob on January 1st, 2007 under How Things Work

I wrote on Stormfront about how Iran probably got its TOTALLY free speech approach from me, the strategy that got David Irvin released via David Duke on TV here.

Rieman relied to me on Stormfront:

Originally Posted by Riemann
I did not know that you were involved until I read this post. What I did notice at the time this all took place was the emphasis placed on Freedom of Speech, which I thought at the time seemed like a remarkably prescient strategy

So I replied to him:

I cannot prove this. I am sure that a hundred people in Iran are taking credit for it. I made a very good living for decades by giving practical political advice, so I’m good at it.

Having been senior staff myself, this is how I think it went down. One of the senior staff of the President of Iran figured that if President Reagan deided to get my advice on dealing with Americans, the President of Iran might benefit, too.

If David Duke were elected president and gave up eating, sleeping, exercise and everything else, he would only have the 168 hours there ARE in a week to do things himself. Hiring and listening to staff is absolutely basic in the big leagues.

If David made me staff, I would spend hundreds of hours on an issue he SHOULD be thinking about, if his time were infinite, and I would spend hours crafting a decision paper for him that contained less than one word per hour I spent on the project. He would need five minutes to do hundreds of hours of work by checking “Go with it” on the paper.

When Pat Buchanan was appointed Head of White House Communications, I recommended someone for his staff. He told me he wasn’t going to HAVE any staff. I certainly like Pat, and supported him until he became a pure theologue, but it was clear to me that he was purely a protest candidate because he had no experience hiring and using staff.

Yes, I am prejudiced on this subject since high-level staffing was my profession. When you are listening to anybody, you need to take that sort of thing into account.


  1. #1 by Alan B. on 01/01/2007 - 10:52 pm



    When I came across WOL and read Bob’s work it was almost additive, I had trouble walking away from the computer. Here was information written by a member of Reagan’s staff, it was simple, concise and loaded with common sense, down to earth so to speak. If I had to wager a bet I would place my money on this, Bob’s focal point, freedom of speech, may have sparked debate and a passion in those who attended the Iran conference. Democracies that imprison their citizens for speech offensives based on vague laws are plain frauds, this logic is akin to the mantra, PC talks tolerance and equality, the mantra exposes its sinister long term goal, the genocide of the white race, its directed at white nations and nobody else, it’s the obvious that we never see and it kicks their asses ever time, they can not hide the fact that they are intolerant and racist. I never dawned on me we were being eradicated, like granny would say, if it were a snake it would have bit you. I can say this, I could care less how many Jews survived or died in WW2, non white immigration bolstered by hate laws are motivated by hate for the white race. They contently remind their white host of this hate that only they can see and feel, their line IS, only somebody belonging to a persecuted race can understand the danger they say is festering out their. Their emotions and guilt is the rope that they hang their selves with every time, so how does a white hater use this law to punish those they hate.
    David Irving has been the victim of the hatred for the white race law, Irving seeks truth, it’s the facts of the holocaust he challenges, that’s the Mecca of all hate the forbidden fruit. To silence Irving he is knighted a holocaust denier, which means he’s smart and honest and that’s not to be tolerated, the official line is what stands for the truth as this taboo goes. Now Irving a professional historian, one of the few who spends months researching archives as any true professional would, is instantaneously transformed into Irving the Jew hater, its their way of saying watch your lip. From that day forward he will be harassed, sued in court and nearly bankrupted but he never gives up and manages to keep chugging along, he bypasses the bullied book publishers and uses the Internet as an outlet for his research. So now after decades of harassment by those haters of the white race, mean old Irving is arrested in Austria for saying something in effect that less than 6 million Jews died in the holocaust, yawn, yawn, is that lame of what. Truth is no defense, your guilty as charged and he receives 3 years for a few measly words that nobody really gives a shit about, the barbaric and hate filled outbursts from his tormenters who felt 3 years was to lenient, hatred and vengeance drove these sicos, it was obvious to all. Here was the Nation of Austria a democracy imprisoning a man for seeking the truth, Stalin would be proud of these bastards. The negative exposer and cruel nature of this law, and the hypocrisy it reveals led to his release and many apologies for the injustice he endured., the haters of the white race still froth at the mouth, they sure went to extremes to hang this 3rd rate historian as they like to call him, funny isn’t it.

  2. #2 by Tim on 01/02/2007 - 12:10 pm

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    Vdare has opened up war on it’s blog against some Anti- blogs. I am trying to post some comments and it is NOT allowing me to do so. I need help here. Vdare’s blog has from time to time opened warfare with other blogs (especially of late). The following below is the Anti’s link. I need some help here until I figure out WHY it is not allowing me to respond (it may be because I am on a work computer and changes have been made recently to the system).

    Just wanted to make you guys aware. If we are not posting already (some of you may be there already….John seems to be knowledgeable about the mantra. But until I figure out WHY I cannot post there. I need some help…….SO COPY AND PASTE)

    Oh and happy New Year


  3. #3 by Shari on 01/02/2007 - 4:32 pm

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    Not Spam

    Hurrah!!! Your back. I wanted to say that I had something of a red letter morning. I e-mailed the mantra to three people, two of which I felt like I was smacking in the mouth. There are a lot of people I’d LIKE to smack when they least expect it. I think that I will keep finding times to smack this year!!

  4. #4 by Shari on 01/02/2007 - 5:47 pm

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    Not Spam

    Tim, I got though on that one this morning. They are probably mad!!

  5. #5 by Mark on 01/02/2007 - 9:39 pm


    Bob, is your ego in check? You just got finished telling Alan B not to have an ego in this fight and now you’re taking credit for Iran like a junior high freshman who scored the winning touchdown. You’re coming down off my pedestal I’m afraid.

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