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Posted by Bob on January 2nd, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses


Bob, is your ego in check? You just got finished telling Alan B not to have an ego in this fight and now you’re taking credit for Iran like a junior high freshman who scored the winning touchdown. You’re coming down off my pedestal I’m afraid.

Comment by Mark


Anything that gets me off a pedestal is great.

The whole point of this blog is that you can have a lot of power if you put the right idea in the right place.

I expected more statis from what I wrote. I was faced with either giving this example of putting the right idea in the right place or being modest. I am trying to win a war, not get on your right side.

  1. #1 by Pain on 01/02/2007 - 11:35 pm


    Mark’s comment teaches and so does Bob’s posting it.

    One of the tough things is knowing just when and how to toot one’s horn. Even in job interviews, one has to be careful lest he intimidate the interviewer.

    Often getting attention is very useful; sometimes it isn’t.

    As for tooting somebody else’s horn: I notice that Kelso’s old organization seems to be fading from the picture again. It was taking strides and making waves when he was there. Kelso is looking better to me everyday.

  2. #2 by Dave on 01/03/2007 - 2:54 pm


    Years ago it dawned upon me that most nonfiction writings required you to play the game of seek (the real source of influence) in a game of hide and seek where the rabbit is clothed in plagiary.

    This was because I refused to be ripped off by the plethora of books that are nothing more than clever plagiaristic repackagings.

    I want the works of real creators, discoverers, and original thinkers, and I have developed good quality skills in tracing and finding them.

    Do not dismiss BW as an influencer. He is one of the best historians and thinkers we have and his large influence is real.

    There are very few original thinkers in the world; knowing that is essential to developing the skills necessary to finding and detecting who they are.

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