Archive for January, 2007



OK, so when you say “choosing the race of their children,” do you mean the children will be white only in appearance, i.e. they will be impostors, so to speak — or will they be “fully” white?
Al Parker


From my first article on this I emphasized that the ads in India would say “genuine ARYAN children.” That is why I had more faith in India than in the West.

But this is precisely the kind of question WE need to be concerned with. Outside of Bob’s Seminar, they can talk about relative birth rates, immigration, and the assimilation crap you were talking before, but we are the ONLY ones who realize that the future will not be like today.

Let me mention that mere cosmetics is not as easy in real genetic as we are led to believe. According to all we have been led to believe, not only is it very simple to assimilate and educated non-whites to be white, but we are all the same genetically except skin color.

As always, we have to get rid of ALL of our PC concepts. A paint job totally separate from all other characteristics will not be as easy as you, with your assimilationist ideas, would naturally believe.

Politically Correct types are always saying that less than .0000000000000000000000000001% or whatever they choose to make up of genes are racial. Now they will fight to get those specific genes into children who are bred to look white. As usual, their own argument is a problem.

While others in the movement are arguing over whether a particular name from 1888 is Jewish or not, they will laugh at us for concerning ourselves with the two percent or so of gene makeup we are concerned about. What’s THAT got to do with Iraq?

But your question and my answer shows how completely divergent this seminar makes our thinking from the usual stuff. The further we diverge from the old failures the better off we are.

We want the “genuine Aryan children.” One generation ago, all the Yuppies HATED whites. Today that attitude, hard as it is for younger folks to believe, is far less prevalent.

The Greatest Generation is DYING, Lord be praised! The offspring they raised to be anti-white is old. We live in a world which is overwhelmed by non-whites and nobody knows what to do about it. This is a VERY important difference as we come to a time when race will be a CHOICE.

Merely convincing people our race needs saving, plus the simple reality that everybody actually prefers white children – which is why they spend such stupendous resources proving that mixed blood looks just as good – is what the next generation needs.

Running out with a machine and taking over the world is not the point now.

REAL white children, not just paints, a word I just made up, is what we are after. In a really competitive environment, I think “genuine” will sell.

All the so-called racial loyalty of non-whites is based entirely on a hatred of whites. Vanishingly few black men would have brown kids if they could help it.

That is the reality that counts in the twenty-first century.



405 Spam, 25 Comments!!!

Quite a day. If you didn’t put in NO SPAM twice, without hte cute game of small letters to show you ain’t skeert of me, you probably got passed pver. Somebdy told me, NOT KELSO, what should be done about it. I don’t know if Ill even bother to answer that one. Just how many times do I have to repeat somethingbecore I need no longer repeat it to an old blogger?

It was worth plodding through the over 400 because I think this was a record number of real comments.




My sweet little notes to Pain below reminded me that, I BELIEVE, he said that he, too, had attention deficit. As I have told you, my ADHD is so bad it is actually crippling, the Feds pay me disability partly because of it.

It used to be thought that attention deficit was a strictly childhood thing. Lately they found it is not, many people keep it into adulthood. And then it was assumed AD was a bother, but could not be crippling. I my case, it is officially a disability, and I got nine years BACK disability for it. That is NOT easy to do.

The movie “Memento” is about a man who has attention deficit that makes mine look minor. Since the time he got a head injury when his wife was murdered, he forgets EVERYTHING in half an hour or so, and he is looking for the guy who murdered his wife. The plot interests me relatively little, because I can identify with his situation so well.

How do you write yourself notes if you can’t remember where your notes go? He tattoos them on himself. Think about it: where else would he see them if they weren’t tattooed on his skin. And THIS is what is so hard to remember about AD, as I think Pain, if he is not too pissed off at me by now, will testify.

It seems so easy: write yourself notes. But remembering to check those notes is a discipline a normal person cannot understand. And remembering to write those notes in the right place is an almost insurmountable problem.

Anyway, the movie was fascinating to me, because there was so much autobiography in it. Using your mind to deal with a problem is the advantage we humans have always used. But what if it’s not your legs that are crippled, but a piece of your brain? People give advice to people with things like AD that they would be ASHAMED to give to a person who had an obvious physical handicap: “It’s all a matter of will power. My legs get tired too, but you don’t see me just sitting there in a wheelchair.”

One thing I learned in counseling people in drug recovery. A lot of people have problems like this. I am lucky I get paid for mine, and that mine was found out before I died. I feel better about a lot of things now that I understand what I was dealing with.

One of the best things I ever heard was when the forensic psychologist, who has to testify under oath, said to me, “Bob, if I didn’t have your Federal record here, I would have sworn on the stand that you couldn’t have done what you did.”

Being the modest guy I am, I replied, “And half of it hasn’t been declassified yet.” I didn’t add that ninety percent of THAT has been wiped.

Besides telling you what a great man I am, the point of this piece is to make a point that is very easy to miss. Everybody I know has something in his head that doesn’t work right. But when they come to you to talk to you about it, it is not like a physical problem. You have to work around what is in their brain to use that same brain to deal with it.

This sounds easy, doesn’t it? In practice, this is simple, but it is not easy. When we speak to another mind, we always project our own mind into it. We assume we are talking to someone like us. If that were true, the person could just talk to himself.



Not A Pun: Pain Really Hurt Me!

One of the main themes of this blog is that powerful people are wimps and morons, not a highly organized group of Evil Geniuses. One example I gave was the reason that CBS lost a billion bucks or so in the 1960s, and those were 1960s dollars.

CBS had The Beverley Hillbillies, Green Acres and such, and they were number one and that set of programs showed no sign whatever of losing any popularity. They were raking in hundreds of millions of 1060’s dollars and their number one position as a network was never stronger.

Then Hollywood friends began to make fun of CBS execs for running “The Country Network.” The whole list of top ten shows was dropped, and ENTIRELT for that reason. Respectable conservatives sell out every conceivable principle on a liberal joke. This is the way the WORLD works.

So when I said the announcement about aspirin saving half the lives lost in heart attacks if taken immediately sounded like a dirge on every news source, I explained it by what they said: now nobody would take their health advice. Everybody would get fat and not exercise and the media would no longer be the source of wisdom and authority they had been. They pretty well SAID that.

Now Pain pops up with the “They are too Wise and Powerful for Such Trivia” Crap.

There was a “typed memo,” says Pain, presumably from Conspiracy HQ, telling them to say that.

Good God, Pain, where did you get THAT one? But it was a good way to get make my point worthless.

“Johnson who wrote the first English dictionary said the proper term was to “GET money.” That was a solid European concept. One could not produce or MAKE money. Money was distributed according to one’s class.”
But even the few self-employed people left today make most of their money for someone else and most all of us are employees.
If we do nothing about our money system when we get our chance, we will be worse off after our regime change than the Russians are today.


Now that you have made the comment you would have made if I had never been born, relating to some money system bit, you might try reading the article.

There is not a word about small businessmen who own their own businesses in it. In fact, most of the laborer I am talking about work for the biggest corporations there are. They MAKE money. Some of it goes to them, some of it goes to the businesses.

Not that it matters to you, but the point of the article was to explain one thing that has made the left concentrate so much on open borders. That was the point relative to our overwhelming concern here, which is race. As a professional economist, I don’t take economics all that seriously.

But I did make one point about LIFE in general: “When you make a deal, worry about what YOU get out of it, not what the OTHER GUY gets out of it.”

So you wrote a “comment,” it isn’t really a comment unless you read the article. I mean READ it, not scan it with your own preconceptions in mind. Your comment concerned what the other guy gets out of it.




Importing Revolution

There is a book of that name which points out that the drive for massive third world immigration is a direct result of the fact that American workers rejected revolution. In order for leftists to get what they want they must import third worlders.

I will add some points to this. First of all, as I keep pointing out, there is a REASON cheap labor EXISTS out there. Libertarians insist that borders are just an evil plot by racists. Libertarians point out that, by magic, when a third world laborer crosses a magic line called a border, his productivity, for no reason whatsoever, magically increases ten or twenty times.

The REASON cheap labor exists outside the United States is because the kind of people we are importing MAKE the country they are leaving poor. They are, among other things, political imbeciles. So in the third world you find two kinds of voters:

1) The passive kind who is totally enslaved mentally by a Church or other institutions who keep him FOR people who really exploit him and keep al the land for themselves, or

2) Followers of intellectuals who tell them that, in the New Communist Society, they will get their share of all that they think is out there. No one PRODUCES it. It’s just THERE, and the only reason they aren’t living the Good Life is because Mean People are keeping the Intellectuals from taking over.

Jews never get over this kind of thinking. They believe from the cradle that everything is a plot against them. When the Irish first came here, the ones who deserted the conservative Church took that side. The old Wobblies and other revolutionaries came from the Irish. But the Irish moved away both from their slavish dedication to the Church and their slavish dedication to the Intellectuals.

The Irish became CONSERVATIVE Democrats. EXACTLY the same thing happened to Italian immigrants. There was Saccho and Vanzetti back in the Good Old Days, but the Italians Americanized and cut the crap.

EXACTLY the same thing happened to the Polish immigrants.

So, just when the 1960s hippies were screaming for violent revolution by “The Workers,” the worst enemies they had were the actual living and breathing workers. The working people I was with had a MUCH clearer conception of what Communism really was than the coat-and-tie Buckley conservatives did.

As George Meany, president of the AFL-CIO said when the United States granted the USSR Most Favored Nation status, “It’s sure as hell not OUR most favored nation.”

Communists caged in workers and shot them if they tried to escape. No respectable conservative ever mentioned that and no ethnic white hardhat ever forgot it.

In 1980 coat and tie conservatives finally accepted those dirty old working people, “Wallace Democrats,” into a coalition and Reagan won everything. That was to a huge extent my doing. I had been repeating this since a letter to Goldwater in 1959.

Leftism’s appeal is based on hate and envy. Europeans take envy for granted, Jews had to be told “Thou shalt not covet.”

In Germany the word is Schadenfreude, “Joy of Pain.” It describes the exhilaration an envious person feels when something awful happens to a person they envy. To a European and in the third world it is as important to HURT someone one hates for being prettier or richer as it is to get something for oneself.

Schadenfreude is hard to translate into the American language. A ruined celebrity is more likely to be pitied than celebrated about. But Schadenfreude is the ENTIRE basis of leftist appeal. From the leftist point of view, something awful happened to the Irish and the Pollacks after they got here. They became AMERICANS. The American attitude is that we want MORE. But we do not LIKE to get more at other people’s expense, even rich people. The idea that one “MAKES money” is at the basis of our thought. We want money that WE make.

Johnson who wrote the first English dictionary said the proper term was to “GET money.” That was a solid European concept. One could not produce or MAKE money. Money was distributed according to one’s class.

The only difference between Marx and Johnson was that Johnson was conservative, he LIKED distribution by class. Marx believed what Johnson believed, that one GOT money, and he wanted himself and the other “intellectuals” to hand it out rather than class distinctions.

None of this makes any sense to an American outside of the liberals and some respectable conservatives. If somebody is rich, it is no skin off my nose. I am worried about ME. As the best advice goes:

“When you are making a deal, don’t worry about what the other guy gets, worry about what YOU get.”

Before WWII Europeans were lousy businessmen precisely because they could not understand this American point of view. They set up legal cartels which choked competition and progress to death. They said the cartels were needed because there was only so much and they needed to get their share of it. Workers were socialists because they wanted the intellectuals to give them a bigger share of the fixed pie.

In fact, the revolutionary attitude is exactly the same as the one Screwtape said that Hell was based on. He said that God could not love humans and wants to give them things because “What is mine is mine and what is yours is yours. If I want more, I must TAKE it.”

But this nonsense does not sell over here except in New England and among Americans with European attitudes, the blue states.

White American workers have very American common sense that has not been pounded out in college. So revolution will have to be imported.

BLACK workers, no matter how long they have been in America, will NEVER catch onto this common sense, and neither will the brown ones.
