Archive for February 4th, 2007
The Feminine Generation?
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, History on 02/04/2007
We are well aware that homosexual priests had a field day, no, a field decade, no, field CENTURIES. No one was allowed to say that the Catholic Church would not only allow such perversion, but SUPPORT them. There was not a single bishop in the entire Catholic hierarchy who was not fully aware that he or his fellows were taking child molesters and sending them to practice in other parishes.
These days the Navy, past and present, is endlessly subject to jokes about the captain and his cabin boy. English private schools are routinely shown as the perversion palaces they were. The only giant 100% all-male preserve that no one has allowed a hint of homosexuality to penetrate is the US Army.
So let me make a few points. Aleksander Solzhenitsyn in The Gulag Archipelago talked about the different reaction of male and female prisoners to being interrogated in the Lubyanka. Solzhenitsyn is a great observer of personalities, and he noted that while both male and female prisoners were terrified, there was a different quality to the female terror:
“Here was this MAN, this interrogator, who would have her helpless in a chair …” The women would actually use any makeup they could find, not to seduce the KGB man, but to ENJOY their submissiveness.
Thinking about that, I thought about how uneasy I was when I would be arguing with young men on the Internet about race, and hear them talk about their black sergeant. Here was a guy who had them in submission, who screamed at them.
And they LOVED him.
These are people who go ballistic at the idea of antimiscegenation laws, because their black sergeants naturally got white women whenever they could. “And,” I can hear them saying, “My sweet sergeant had a RIGHT to them!”
Sorry, I mean, “My sergeant, a black American who was a comrade in arms, had a RIGHT to them!”
I got paid to be an expert in what people were REALLY saying, and sometimes it slips out.
I wonder why World War II movies are so DESPERATELY heterosexual. In many of them you have a lovely blond woman show up at the all-male preserve and some old guy who has spent his life in that preserve says, “Now, boys, you see what you are fighting FOR.”
But the one thing that EVERY World War II vet has agreed to, actively or in his usual femininely passive way, is that he was fighting AGAINST blond beauty. As Pat Buchanan said thirty years ago, when I hated him for it, “Our men died at Normandy so that Europe would be open to third world immigration.”
But in movie after movie, the old “bachelor” says that they were fighting FOR blond Nordic beauty.
If you are to be a reasonably intelligent adult, you have to move WAY beyond Shakespeare’s “Methinks he doth protest too much.”
Sitting in a committee hearing, I once asked a fellow staffer, “Do you think he knew about it?”
His reply was, “He denied it four times before anybody asked him about it.”
Crawling Back Into the White Race
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, History, How Things Work on 02/04/2007
The whole Soviet system is actually hilarious now. And we are free to laugh at it. Granted tens of millions of people died under that regime, but Alan Colmes has pointed out that comparing the agony and death in Ukraine or the Gulag to Hitler’s killing of JEWS “trivializes the Holocaust. Billy Graham, Jr. agreed with him.
So we can just laugh at the Soviet stuff because the massacre and agony was trivial.
Here were a bunch of eggheads, none of whom had ever held a job, much less met a payroll, who took over the entire Russian economy. When I was a professional economist we constantly had to use UN figures on “The Centrally Planned Economies” that showed the USSR rapidly overtaking the United States. When the USSR fell, we had a look at the naked economy of the USSR, and the entire economy, not just of Russia but of the whole USSR was less than half as large as that of the Netherlands alone.
But the Reds WERE good at their Ponzi scheme. They always got a great review from the “intellectuals,” especially those in Europe and New England. They knew how to subvert. In short, they were good at POWER.
The cast I want to talk about now is how Stalin handled planning for the German surrender. At Potsdam in 1945 the Allies were startled to find that some of the proposal documents from Russia were dated 1941, when the LAST thing on Stalin’s mind was how to handle a crushed Germany.
In June of 1941 Stalin was in total withdrawal at the shock of the German invasion. Every bit of Soviet force collapsed. But within a couple of months, while the Germans were running through the USSR and being greeted with wild joy by Soviets, he set up a group to study how to deal with the other Allies when the Soviet Army entered Berlin. No such planning group existed in the West.
But Stalin practiced political as well as military strategy. Much of the day-to-day work of the Pentagon is planning for unlikely battles, such as if Denmark’s Navy suddenly struck at the US Fleet. But, though he named himself Commander in Chief, Stalin knew he was the POLITICAL warrior who had unseated Lenin and Trotsky. Hitler fancied himself, with some justification, as a military genius. Stalin knew his talent was political, power warfare, which, in the long run, is FAR more important than military strategy.
So Stalin set up a group to study German defeat when his great concern was survival, just as professional military planners routinely spend most of their time on unlikely scenarios. And, more to the point here, just the way professional POLITICAL planners spend THEIR time dealing with questions that are of no interest whatsoever to the headline hounds.
Stalin figured he could 1) Lost, 2) fight an endless war of the type he would have had to fight if Churchill hadn’t become fanatically pro-Communist with Roosevelt, or 3) He would be part of a complete Allied victory. So he had sections dedicated to each contingency. The Soviets came to Yalta and Potsdam completely prepared. The Allies, who had been sporting “V for Victory” signs for six years, had done NO planning for these conferences.
I am a POLITICAL warrior. My military experience is largely limited to discovering that if there is enough incoming, I can dig my nose into solid rock.
As I have explained many times, the probably future of Western countries is based on the idea that a massive influx of non-whites will end the status of non-whites as nothing but the liberals’ Faithful Colored Companions. When leftists were importing Moslems, they thought they were bringing in automatic leftist votes and nothing else. Now they are making Europe make Hitler look like a Jew Lover.
The future is not leftist revolution, the future is RACIAL. All of our political dialogue has relegated the old economic issues to such a low level that we cannot believe that the budget used to be about all there was to politics.
Where will anti-whites whites, those whose whole interest is in Praise the Lord or socialism, be in the future? Right now they are leading their black and tan minorities, a la Ted Kennedy, but the new natives are getting restless. Bill Cosby runs into criticism that he is not black enough. Hispanics are getting restless, big-time.
And you ain’t seen nothing yet.
My prediction is that political bargaining will, probably without being openly recognized as such, more and more racial. There will no place for a legion of non-whites for whom white liberals speak. In a social animal, it is critical to be part of some group. Right now Mommy Professors white kids, including the white-headed ones who still belong to the 1960s, have a group.
But think about the 60s. Go down Haight-Ashbury where the legions of The Children of the Future hung out. Go there and try to be a hippie today and you will see the future of the Mommy Professorites, the antis, who are so numerous today. I saw thousands of the millions of uniformed (beads, headband) hippies then who said they represented Youth and the Future. Go to their nests today and you can hear the wind and see the tumbleweed go by.
Tomorrow the antis, the race traitors, will have to crawl back in. Nobody else will want them. It is time to do some planning for that right now. And we can learn from respectable conservatives what NOT to do.
Neoconservatives are liberals who saw the philosophy they had gotten fat on melting down. They were almost all Jews, but liberalism was largely Jewish. But the Jews knew when to get off a sinking ship. Respectable conservatives were ecstatic to have such Recognized Intellectuals joining them. Respectable conservatives knew that no rightists were considered intellectuals in New York and New England because these same neoconservatives had destroyed them when they were liberals.
But respectable conservatives were so delighted to have Official Intellectuals deign to speak to them they fell into a love feast: “Anything we have,” They told the neos, “Is yours.” And when the antis who suppressed us come in from the cold, many of us are going to say, “These are our racial brethren, especially the non-Jews. Bless their little hearts, they have seen the Light. Let them in.”
I don’t think I have to tell anybody who can read without moving his lips what neoconservatives DID to conservatives. So I don’t have to tell you what letting in the antis in any way but on their knees and on lifetime probation will do to US.
The Arithmetic of Treason
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, History, How Things Work on 02/04/2007
In the 1950s, liberals and “Christians” told me that we had to give everything to black people because most of the world is colored. Since I was a teenager and at least twice their mental age this fact made me a more determined segregationist. But back the group t hat calls itself The Greatest Generation was beginning to dominate, and their line was always, “Go with the flow.”
“Go with the flow” always means treason because of the ARITHMETIC of treason. That arithmetic says, “Half of us plus ALL of them makes traitors overwhelming odds.” Simple arithmetic always favors treason.
If you want to see that arithmetic in action, look at Protestant England. Every organized country in Europe was Catholic, the mass of the English middle and upper classes had Catholic sympathies, while the mass of the people really just put the church in with their general pagan outlook, as one more god, like the Japanese do today.
Protestants were a minority in England, a TINY minority in Europe, and they were each others’ worst enemies. If Charles I had actually secretly gone over to the Catholics, he could probably have won the Civil War. But, despite h is devoutly Catholic French wife, Charles I was as devotedly Church of England as Cromwell was Calvinist.
The arithmetic of treason never made anything more clearly inevitable than the recatholicizing of England. But England remained Europe’s anti-Catholic bulwark once the Glorious Revolution of 1688 was over.
What happened in 1688 is instructive. As one historian whose name I will insert here when I remember it proved, England was still half Catholic when the Catholic James II took the throne. He built up an army the size of the one Cromwell crushed England with. But Cromwell’s army had will, not just pay.
James’s army to enforce Catholicism was just as strong — in arithmetic — as Cromwell’s had been. James had the powers of Europe with him. He even tried to get the dissenting sects, including the powerful Puritans, to join Catholics in a common front against the Church of England. As I say, the arithmetic of treason, in this case of a Catholic tyranny modeled on Louis XIV, made James’s victory inevitable.
In 1688 that arithmetic simply collapsed. Army and all, James had to flee when William and Mary came. Why? Because James had all the numbers on his side, but none of the will. I am not speaking of The Will in the abstract Hitler and Gordon Liddy sense. I am speaking of something as obvious as a dollar bill.
We just saw half a century of what will, in the lower case, means. Almost everybody in the group that calls itself The Greatest Generation opposed interracial marriage and open borders and they overwhelmingly condemned practically everything liberals did. But the whole history of post-WWII America is their MORAL spinelessness. They lost EVERYTHING, not because they lacked numbers, but because when some WWII vets said they fought a WAR to open the borders, they fought a WAR to end racism, they fought a WAR to create Israel, not one of the other WWII vets EVER objected OPENLY.
James II had a paid army. Like The Greatest Generation, they REALLY fought a war for their benefits, as they said. Those with political will could HAVE the rest. They would agree to anything if they got their money and decades of praise for giving at third of mankind to the Communists that would have embarrassed Jehovah. They even got a book written that called them The Greatest Generation. They also crammed all the Founding Fathers, plus Lincoln, into a single Presidents’ Day.
But the problem with this arithmetic, matching get-along-go-alongs with a tiny minority of people with real will and real moral courage is that they don’t match. You can see that in how long James II lasted. You can see that in how long the Czar lasted. You can see that in how long the Soviet Empire lasted.
Today’s minority-dominated society has every kind of arithmetic going for it. It has the army. It has the neoconservatives and the liberal Jewish money power. It has the “Christians,” both modern and fundamentalist.
And it is dead on its feet.
Alan and TAFKAN
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 02/04/2007
When I think about how best to view the PC left what comes to mind is a soap opera, the ones that have been on the air for decades. The Cast of characters are older and the kids are grown up and they have grand kids, the next generation is taking of the character profiles of the originally cast. You see, the basic out line and theme never changes, the good folks verses the bad folks, the evil twin who comes out of the wood work the kidnapped spouse the wayward child, its just the same old crap, only the faces have changed. I would be willing to bet that the most loyal fans of these shows are similar to the hive folks who just go with the flow. They find each new episode as exciting and unpredictable as the 1,000 other identical versions they have seen in the past, it feels like my head will explode at any minute.
Comment by Alan
The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody Replies to Alan:
This is a great insight: “They find each new episode as exciting and unpredictable as the 1,000 other identical versions they have seen in the past, it feels like my head will explode at any minute.”
Children live in a virtually timeless state of Mind; in fact, the less developed their Consciousness is, the less aware they are of Time. Time, remember, is an abstract concept.
The Infantilization of America has been well under way since, certainly, the early Sixties.
I truly see it this way – with HALF of the “Adult” population in America on prescription tranquilizers – HALF! – then, literally, HALF of the “Adult” population can not face the stunning dichotomy between what television shows and tells them, and what their own senses try desperately to show them. They are literally telling their Mind to “Shut Up!” They are LITERALLY telling the “small, still Voice within” to “Shut Up!”
They identify with the Mindset given them by their RACIAL Enemies to such a degree that, to them, WE are the Enemies, WE are the Evil Ones, WE are to blame for their pathetic plight, and their fallen state.
It’s not unlike “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers” – the body is the same, but our RACIAL kinsman is simply not there. They are existing, like walking plants, and hardly living. Like plants, they have no concept of “time” as an abstract concept. The identical plots occur, week in and week out, and yet they watch, mindlessly. This is because the simplistic plots are resolved in a manner that reinforces their few ideas about how the world works – and thus, they remain happily in place with their intellectual blinders.
And there is nothing we can do about this, for pain is the best teacher – and the drugs kill the pain.
So, write off 50% of our RACIAL Brethren.
What’s left?
All we can do is Lead By Example, and share ideas delivered as simple comments, to an audience that has the beginnings of an almost childish awareness that Santa has left town, and isn’t coming back.
Their expectations are diminishing, and the Ideas that get through are these:
One, a newspaper article on the Iraq War – “This is a great thing for Halliburton, and the Jews. We’re doing all the fighting for them.” That’s all, said casually, as I walk away.
Two, a newspaper article on the economy/illegal immigration – “What kind of a world are we leaving for our kids? How on Earth will they get ahead with all the jobs going overseas, and all the other jobs going to the illegals?”
Even accepting the idea of RACE as a valid intellectual construct is far beyond them, for now.
But, if we start where we are, and start very small, indeed, we can make headway with those few who are ready. As they become effective, their families will follow, tomorrow, one way or another.
That’s our only key, as all true POWER comes from the proper acceptance of RESPONSIBILITY, knowing we can not change anyone else, or live their lives for them. We can only Lead By Example, and Be What We Want The World To Become.
I literally ignore the people who aren’t READY – I’m polite, courteous, and friendly, but I literally do not waste any time on people who are so trapped in the Jewtrix that they FIGHT leaving it.
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