Archive for February 25th, 2007


Ten of them this time, and great ones!

WOL was just me talking, and the blog started that way. But unlike Mommy Professor, and unlike most old men, Bob has been evolving steadily. We went into seminar mode. Now most of my entries are titled with the name of the commenter who got me going.

Hopefully you think this shows humility on my part. Actually it shows PRIDE on my part. My BUSINESS, the BUSINESS I got paid for, is knowing people. I AM a people, gang! I know very well the rut that a person my age gets into. The old guy becomes the Authority: “Children should be seen, not heard,” and every year the old guy’s idea of the age at which one ceases to be a child goes up.

Not Ole Bob. I have completely lost track of the ages of commenters.

I got a kick out of Basso Profundo’s reply to my saying I had stomped on him, which amounted to “You stomped WHO, Whitaker?”

Pain, with whom I have spoken a few times so I know he was born when I was middle aged, jumped on me saying that the Soviet Empire was the greatest tyranny ever known. Good point, Pain, but I did think about that before I wrote it. The one that you are referring to is not KNOWN. If it were, much of OUR job would already be DONE. The Soviet Empire was a part of it, and I am still proud of having done some surgery to cut THAT piece of its anatomy off.

I understand Mark’s frustration. He has been boycotting me, and I don’t like it at all, which is one reason he is doing it. Mark, I was in the same mood many, many times. If I could get people out there FIGHTING, we could rip the antis to pieces. But this is all I HAVE, Mark, this is more energy than the doctor tells me I should be expending. Give me a BREAK, man!

I NEED Sarge and I’m not too proud to say so.
