Archive for February 9th, 2007
Do It! USE My Stuff!
If anyone wants to use any or ALL of my writings in zip or any other form, all you have to do is ask my permission, an e-mail will get a quick response, since I am anxious for you to do this. You can get my permission by a note, even for ALL of my stuff.
There is a reason I must be contacted, and it is not to ask HOW you plan to use it. One must legally maintain control for practical reasons or I would issue blanket permission irght now. But our enemies could use THAT.
If you can make money on it, bless your little heart and go to it. I’m fixed for life, I don’t need it.
“I’m fixed for life.” I know how hard many of you are working just to keep food on the table, so I LOVE to rub that in.
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, Comment Responses on 02/09/2007
Name: Dave
“Investors form a crowd whose collective action reflects a key aspect of man’s nature as a social animal: He is strongly induced to adopt the feelings and convictions of the group.”
“As a result, market decisions are steered not by the rational decisions of individual minds, but by the peculiar collective sensibilities of the herd. The pervasive dependence among its members produces an emotional interpersonal dynamic that, like all feedback mechanisms, has form.”
Comment by Robert Prechter
I urge our readers to consider Prechter’s statement very carefully, as it should be generalized beyond the investment arena to the political culture as a whole.
It explains WHY “regimes” such as Political Correctness are able to gain such astonishing ascendancy in the face of all reason.
But it also explains WHY people like BW have huge influence.
Aldous Huxley was fond of repeating: “Want to solve your problems? Learn a new way of seeing.”
But Huxley omitted Prechter’s insight which explains the REAL REASON “the multitudes” are so sheepish: Their ignorance compels them to imitate others in the hopes that those they imitate know more than they.
Accordingly, a singular “seer” such as BW, can transform an entire culture.
These things move fast for entire eras have a habit of dying suddenly.
New worlds get born overnight.
Don’t underestimate the insights posted to this blog. They are more important than you imagine.
Real War and the Masturbation Generation
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, History, How Things Work on 02/09/2007
Our entire concept of war comes from the group that calls itself The Greatest Generation. They were tossed into a conflict smarter people had long since predetermined, and as kids they didn’t actually get caught running away when the guns went off. That is, the third of them who ever HEARD a hostile shot fired.
They have therefore spent sixty yeras marveling at their own bravery. Theya re in love with themselves to an extent that one can honestly say that a whole generation of Americans has spent sixty years in masturbation mode. And THAT, boys and girls, is where we get the idea of what WAR is. So it seemed odd that I said below that whites lose large numbers to miscengenation, as happens in any all-out war.
Clauseewitz said that diplomacy was war by other means. He was a military man, so he looked at shooting war as the basic. Actually World War II was decided by people in coats and ties long before the first Greatest Generation type ever put on the costume he touches himself over. By the time he got to the point he worships, the WAR was already decided.
WAR is the life-and-death struggle. It doesn’t matter HOW you are destroyed. The fact that blacks feel their inferiority to an incurable extent is seen in how they demand black guys get blond girls. That is their bottom-line demand. That is the Jews’ bottom-line demand. That is what integration was all about. WAR has nothing to do with costumes or gunfire. Even in the case of the costumes and rifles, war is seldom a matter of racial survival, in any sense of that term.
Get off the gunfire crap. Forget the Masturbation Generation. We are in a far more serious war than any of those that were declared throughout history.
The Lesson of the Death of the Yankee Nation
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 02/09/2007
On principle, New England opposed the admission of every state after the first thirteen. They only favored the admission of slaveless status when they were overthrowing the Southern slavocracy. But in the end it was New England’s alliance with the West in the anti-South coalition and the Republicans Party that destroyed the only competitor for ruling America that the Northeast ever had.
It paid off handsomely. Right up to the 1930s the Lodges and other New England top dogs ruled Republican politics, which meant they ruled the country. The payoff in power was handsome, and the payoff in money was stupendous. All industry was confined to the Northeast by railroad rates that made it impossible to ship manufactured goods north AND EAST.
But the Yankee Nation got paid LONG before it actually took the country over completely. It is often mentioned that the US Government had a SURPLUS and no debt in Jackson’s day. No one will EVER tell you WHY.
At the very beginning of Our Glorious and Beneficial Union the Yankee Nation made a deal that no Jewish pawnbroker could ever hope to find a goy dumb enough to swallow. Until World War I the Federal Government was financed almost entirely from tariffs. You might say, “Lord! Those Southerners were DUMB! The Yankees got the Federal Government and even patronage jobs FREE!”
And people who finally get THIS through their heads will NEVER realize that that was the LEAST of the deal. The Yankee Nation did not ONLY get exempted from Federal taxation, but they got even MORE than the entire Federal budgets by means of those tariffs. You see, in order to avoid tariffs Southerners had to pay whatever price Northern industry decided to sell its products at. Every extra percentage point tariffs went up paid New England many millions of dollars.
Can you imagine anybody dumb enough to allow that? That was Our Glorious Union from the word “Go!” It’s a wonder that, stupid as we were, we lasted as long as we did.
When the Glorious Union was Saved, all restraint went off of tariffs. And all industry was in the Northeast due to discriminatory rail rates. So Republicans jacked up the tariffs and Northeastern monopolies jacked up their prices.
With what Jews would call, “such a DEAL! Why did the Yankee Nation die off? It dies off by doing exactly what America is doing today. Wealthy families produced New England school marms and Emily Dickinsons and other sterile females. Meanwhile, as the profits of industry skyrocketed, they needed cheap labor, Irish, Polish, Italian and so forth.
The last representative of the Yankee Nation, Henry Cabot Lodge, lost his Senate seat to a guy name Kennedy in 1952. When he ran for vice president in 1960 they lost to the same John Kennedy.
You will play hell finding any sign of The Yankee Nation in New England. They made SUCH A DEAL that they forgot about controlling their OWN territory. The Jews are so desperate to destroy whites that they have doomed themselves, too. But it always bothers me that anti-Semites are unteachable about REAL American history. They are right about Jews, but they are blind to the fact that the Jews are NOT new. The Yankee Nation hated the white race and other Americans with a blindness that destroyed them before most Jews got here.
As Alan points out, Southerners are the only nation left in America. As the country becomes swamped with minorities, only we will be able to deal with them. The Yankee-Jew approach only works as long as no one tosses their power-group out. As long as Yankees kept their image as The Only True Patriots, they survived. But they could only live off others, and when they could not, the nation died. They got so tied up in ruling that they lost track of their own existence, just as Jews have.
Once again, the example of Sauron comes to mind. He put most of his power in The One Ring to rule others. When the Ring was destroyed, he fell. There was time when the South needed 65-IQ labor from Africa.
Now the mulattoes are not the same and they are not needed. But ALL the work we needed African slaves for is now done by machines. In short, our nation does not have to dominate to survive. Try to imagine Israel living on its own resources and with no cheap Arab labor.
Every part of the white race will lose huge numbers to miscegenation. Such is the nature of all-out war. But we are the ONLY group of whites who can lead the way to survival.
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, Comment Responses on 02/09/2007
Somebody wrote:
Not Spam
Christ against christianity. Now that has a nice ring to it.
ALMOST perfect, and you made me think of the perfect one:
Christ versus ianity
PS: Since I wrote that, I’ve been thinking about it. Christ versus Christianity has its own message, and may be better in some cases.