Archive for February 15th, 2007

Basso Profundo

An unknown voice speaking as Peter delivers the following comment:

“It would be more to the point to suggest that you were ATTEMPTING to deprogram a cult.”

This was in response to Simmons’s comment that we are deprogramming a cult when we deal with Political Correctness. Now whoever said this would have said the same thing if neither Simmons nor I had never been born. There is always somebody who wants to sound profound by saying, “Ah, but the forces against us are POWERFUL!”

This is supposed to be the profound and MASCULINE voice in our conversation, “Boy, what you don’t realize is that it’s a hard, hard world out there.” It is the surrender motto perfected by the Masturbation Generation. Their sergeant taught them you can’t fight City Hall. So a real, tough experienced man shows his manhood by giving up.

Oddly enough, I have some nodding acquaintance with the world outside this room. I will even go so far as to suggest that everyone in this blog is aware that the forces against us are pretty substantial, though this ten millionth reminder of it cannot be anything but impressive.

I am deeply impressed. I am so deeply impressed I think I’ll go puke before I finish this piece.

Not denying the enormity of Wisdom behind all the thousands of Basso Profundos I’ve heard, I might suggest that it comes at a cost to the heroic masculine experience and wisdom soaked being who utters it. That cost is that he hasn’t listened to anything anybody outside PC has said since 1945.

If Mister Masculine Experience had read this blog, he would have seen example after example after example of the steady deprogramming going on. He may even have heard that it took decades for this deprogramming at the top to filer down. The lag time in this day of the internet is down considerably, but Basso Profundo is not aware there IS a lag time, so this is a note to others.

All of the icons of my youth are falling at the top levels. Equal innate racial IQ was at the top of the list as unquestionable. It’s gone now. Ex Oriente Lux, the absolute basis of History 101 in my youth, is gone now. The Holocaust is more and more seen as questionable history with teeth. The idea that the program of “anti-racism” is simply anti-white genocide sells like hotcakes because it’s true. It always was, but it seemed too far-fetched in the segregation days.

I just did a piece on whites’ right to discriminate. In my youth, this could not be sold. But by opening up reparations at their peak of power, minorities have opened up the question of who is owed what, which is one they would not DARE have discussed in my youth, even with Ex Oriente Lux in power, which gave all the white man’s credit to the Middle East. But TODAY the logic of reparations takes us back to logic, that a white skin is a far more just ticket to privilege than the name Kennedy or Rockefeller.

But Basso Profundo noted none of this. Basso Profundo was one of those waiting to say what he would have said had I never been born.
