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Posted by Bob on February 5th, 2007 under General

I begged you folks to look at basics. I thought you MIGHT think of costumes, aka, uniforms.

OK, damn it, I’ll do it for you.

No one explains why General Patton wore those two silver-plated revolvers. I don’t remember this exciting episode in his life mentioned in the movie Patton.

Before World War I, Patton was the last man to have a real, old-fashioned gun fight. In fact, it was larger than life. He was along when the Mexican raiders came in, back in the Pancho Villa days, and there were – REALLY – a lot of them and one of him. He had his guns on and he faced them on foot as they came in on horseback.

He killed them. Their leader, a famous bandit, dropped his gun and Patton waited while he picked it up and fired wildly at Patton.

They are still trying desperately to show that the men at the Alamo acted just like a bunch of panicky New York Jews would have acted. But Patton’s gun fight, which would have made a hell of part of the movie, had to be just ignored completely.

That’s why Patton wore two six-guns to the end of his days. He EARNED them. Hollywood likes to make it look like he was just an overaged cowboy. In the real world, an overaged cowboy is anybody who is above the rank of colonel and wears a costume, a.k.a., “uniform.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower never heard a hostile shot fired in his life. But, as General Douglas MacArthur, not one of Ike’s worshippers, said, “He was the best staff man I ever had.” Eisenhower was an EXCELLENT staff man. He was one of the finest bureaucratic decision-makers of his time.

But why did he have on a costume?

In “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes,” the President is conferring with the uniformed services. One guy has on an army uniform, another a Navy uniform, another an Air Force outfit, and then one has on a Boy Scouts uniform. It actually took me a full minute to catch onto the joke here. That is how accustomed even I am to costumes being called “uniforms.”

But, as I keep pointing out what seems an endless number of times, I am trying to get you to QUESTION the most basic assumptions. This does NOT mean that I am able to catch them instantly myself. Which is why I am looking for intellectual partners, not disciples.

Why SHOULDN’T the head of the Boy Scouts be there?

One of the mainstays of every tyranny is the worship of a costume. When the President swears to uphold and defend the Constitution, he never says what he means: “I will uphold and defend the latest decision of the United States Supreme Court.” But if you study Constitutional Law, at public expense, you will find it consists entirely of Federal Court decisions.

And what do ALL of these federal judges have that sets them apart from the mere mortals who are presidents and senators and congressmen. They ALL wear DRESSES.

Why can’t you defend yourself with a gun? Because it is generally accepted in America, and ABSOLUTELY accepted in almost all of Europe, including Canada, that no one should be allowed to have a gun but someone who is wearing a government-sanctioned costume.

Policemen have a consistently low IQ (two were rejected for the job because their IQs were too high), a suicide rate that is out of sight, and a rate of alcoholism in the same range, while they are armed to the teeth all the time. But they got COSTUMES.

The pro-gun crowd WORSHIPS law enforcement, so they are the first to drop on their face in front of those uniforms.

Before the bitching starts that this is too long, let me cut it off.

  1. #1 by joe rorke on 02/05/2007 - 7:13 pm

    I wish a lot more people would understand what you are talking about here, Bob. I have had the same attitude for many years but it took life experience for me to understand it.

    I’m thinking of judges. Supreme Court judges or any kind of judges. Those black robes they wear. As if those robes made them holy. I always make a point to see them in their skivvies. OK, panties too if that will work. I know that they are only human beings. When I was a kid I got ripped off by the idea that judges and their black robes were gods in human form. That’s what they teach you on Long Island. As the years rolled along and Old Shep he grew old I realized that the average judge is nothing more than a criminal of one sort or another. They’ve stolen from somebody, they’ve hurt somebody somewhere along the line and they are no better than the poor saps that get ripped off in their presence and in their jurisdiction.

    Uniforms. Costumes. That’s a good word for it. Underneath the costume there is nothing but a human being of one kind or another. Just another sinner like you and me. But probably worse than us.

    joe rorke

  2. #2 by Bob on 02/05/2007 - 7:17 pm

    Hey, Joe, where the hell you been?

  3. #3 by Peter on 02/07/2007 - 2:14 pm

    Why can’t you defend yourself with a gun? Because it is generally accepted in America, and ABSOLUTELY accepted in almost all of Europe, including Canada, that no one should be allowed to have a gun but someone who is wearing a government-sanctioned costume.

    Policemen have a consistently low IQ (two were rejected for the job because their IQs were too high), a suicide rate that is out of sight, and a rate of alcoholism in the same range, while they are armed to the teeth all the time. But they got COSTUMES.

    The pro-gun crowd WORSHIPS law enforcement, so they are the first to drop on their face in front of those uniforms.

    You may find this article, Are Cops Constitutional? (, to be interesting. It’s from Gun Owners of America, who are a lot better than the NRA (I assume you are talking in part about the NRA above).


  4. #4 by Peter on 02/07/2007 - 2:15 pm


    Why can’t you defend yourself with a gun? Because it is generally accepted in America, and ABSOLUTELY accepted in almost all of Europe, including Canada, that no one should be allowed to have a gun but someone who is wearing a government-sanctioned costume.

    Policemen have a consistently low IQ (two were rejected for the job because their IQs were too high), a suicide rate that is out of sight, and a rate of alcoholism in the same range, while they are armed to the teeth all the time. But they got COSTUMES.

    The pro-gun crowd WORSHIPS law enforcement, so they are the first to drop on their face in front of those uniforms.

    You may find this article, Are Cops Constitutional? (, to be interesting. It’s from Gun Owners of America, who are a lot better than the NRA (I assume you are talking in part about the NRA above).


  5. #5 by joe rorke on 02/07/2007 - 7:46 pm

    Well, I can tell you this. We used to have some seriously good cops on Long Island in Suffolk County in the 1960s and 70s. Last I heard they wouldn’t hire anyone with anything over a second grade education. That may not be entirely true but I read something like that on the internet. Hey, would I kid you? This was an area that had really good cops at one time. I don’t live there anymore. I am under the impression that it would be a step up for them if they had Keystone Cops up there now. Seriously. That’s what the internet is telling me. If there is even the slightest bit of truth in this then you might as well fugettaboudit. They’ve lost it all on Long Island. Yes, this the land where they busted the princes of the city. Go ahead. Look it up. Who do you think brought the prince of the city down? From what part of the country did that hammer come from?

    But this is the Brave New World. So that makes all the difference in the world, doesn’t it? Nothing is as it once was, is it?

  6. #6 by joe rorke on 02/07/2007 - 7:55 pm

    Well, I can tell you this. We used to have some seriously good cops on Long Island in Suffolk County in the 1960s and 70s. Last I heard they wouldn’t hire anyone with anything over a second grade education. That may not be entirely true but I read something like that on the internet. Hey, would I kid you? This was an area that had really good cops at one time. I don’t live there anymore. I am under the impression that it would be a step up for them if they had Keystone Cops up there now. Seriously. That’s what the internet is telling me. If there is even the slightest bit of truth in this then you might as well fugettaboudit. They’ve lost it all on Long Island. Yes, this the land where they busted the princes of the city. Go ahead. Look it up. Who do you think brought the prince of the city down? From what part of the country did that hammer come from?

    joe rorke
    But this is the Brave New World. So that makes all the difference in the world, doesn’t it? Nothing is as it once was, is it?

  7. #7 by AFKAN on 02/08/2007 - 3:11 am


    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies:

    There is a larger issue in the analysis of costumes than many realize.

    The Mind is a Symbol Processor.

    We have been, essentially, indoctrinated through the goddamn JEW-controlled Propasphere to accept certain memes as inherently valid, and certain Symbols of being inherently valid.

    Costumes keep everyeone pretty much in their place, on a virtually subconscious level.

    This is of more importance than people realize.

    When I was corporate, the Uniforms were, well, uniform – the Finance guys wore shirts with French cuffs, the Elite worse shirts with no pocket whatsoever, Plant Managers wore khaki colored shirts with two pockets, Plant Maintenance wore shirts with four pockets – you get the idea.

    It has been no less true that people respond to these Symbols almost slavishly; that is their power, and it WORKS.

    The goddamn JEWS play this to the hilt; I saw a piece on elementary school students being taught about “THE Holocaust,” and he was wearing a dark blue satin shirt with light blue satin trim, and a red yamulka – slightly darker than the one the Pope wears! – ALL part of the nonverbal symbols of the Kind Magician…

    I have discovered three things about the Awakening that I was not aware of:

    One, you become much more sensitive to the control systems used in the JEW-controlled Propashere, and ALL use of Symbols that are used to short-circuit the possibility of independent thought, and …

    Two, you become MUCH less tolerant of it, and…

    Three, you become MUCH more Aware of the importance of RACE as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture, and you understand with much greater clarity, and much greater certainty, that the JEWS are in a total RACIAL war against us, and we have no idea that it is even happening, much less what how to counter it.

    My response is simply to focus calmly, quietly, and with ever greater certainty, on bettering myself, and those close to me – who are few in number, indeed.

    One psychological trick the goddamn JEWS use with extraordinary skill is found deriving directly from their cultural foundations.

    They are entirely a RACE-based thinker, making all decisions in light of their Prime RACIAL Directive, “Is It Good For JEWS?” There is, literally, nothing resembling even warmth, much less love, for ANYTHING outside of their RACE, and their RACIAL interests.

    They are, literally, ALWAYS, collectively in competition with us, and we refuse to see that.

    And, they view the enmity their deeds inspire as validation of their superiority; when we hate them, they simply do not lose two minutes sleep over it, seeing it as proof of their superior cleverness, and skills at duplicity – and manipulation of our Minds, our Symbol Processors, through the words he hear, and the pictures we see.

    They use our anger as a source of validation, and energy.

    We should learn from that.

  8. #8 by shari on 02/08/2007 - 2:28 pm


    The costumes are looking more and more like characatures as they are worn by the diverse. They like to talk of being the FIRST negro the FIRST woman etc. but they haven’t arrived as there is no REAL moral authority there. You should see a picture of the Episcopalian bishopess in her regalia. Absolutely hysterical, but she thinks she has arrived.

    When my grandpa was the undersheriff in the early 60’s his costume was more like Andy Griffith’s. Shirt, pants, a badge, not the military getup. When a woman tried a scam at the horse races, he just walked over and opened her purse and took the money back out with a stern warning not to ever try that again in our county. No handcuffs, haul her in, and fill out six pages of paper work. But she took him seriously, she knew she had been spotted, and it wouldn’t go well if she tried it again. But then everybody where I lived was white.

  9. #9 by cl on 02/08/2007 - 8:41 pm

    When I mentioned to someone that the “astronaut criminal” (who, in her mugshot, looked just like Atlanta’s crazy-eyed “runaway bride”) wasn’t very smart, the response was “She graduated Annapolis, didn’t she?” {rhetorical question)

    I mean, you just want to beat your head (or, preferably, their’s) against a brick wall.

    Symbolism–and the slavish devotion to symbols in their myriad forms–isn’t going away. It’s a part of all of us. Indeed, symbolism in society is almost certainly a tremendous net positive, without which it would be well nigh impossible to get the majority moving in any direction half-way together–us included. But like any good and natural phenomenon, it can be manipulated for ill in ways more sinister then product advertising.

    It seems to me that the manipulation of symbols (and the body politic generally) is what Bob is about–not some undefinable WN utopia. The right push or pull in the right spot at the right time can do wonders, as we all saw of late. You don’t have to have 100 billion dollars lined up to buy an anachronistic media company to influence events materially. So there’s no need to bitch “Woe is me (I).” On a positive note, you might even recognize that all of our enemies have tens of billions of dollars–PLUS a trillion dollar infrastructure (colleges)–supporting “institutions” that are dying on the vine as we speak.

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