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Posted by Bob on February 7th, 2007 under Comment Responses


That is a good point. But typographical errors aside, true spelling errors tell me the person does not read or write much to know how to spell words. Some are forgivable like writing “per say” instead of “per se” — but some of the misspelled words are not uncommon — they just don’t SEE the words written to know how they are spelled. For example, someone who writes “I would of” instead of “I would have.” Though, granted, I suppose someone can be educated just as well verbally.

Spell checkers – like the one now built into Firefox, which I use on Bob’s blog – can catch most ugly spelling errors, but not grammatical errors.

Comment by Peter

Why should they read or write much? I want them to THINK. I spent thirty years watching the William Buckley talk about “Dialectic Materialism versus the Apologetics of Saint Thomas Aquinas” while I could not get them to MENTION the Berlin Wall and the fact that EVERY Communist country HAD one. That was for us peasants.

I side the peasants. The peasants elected Reagan in the end. The peasants brought down the USSR in the end, because they didn’t get lost in books and saw The Evil Empire for what it was.
You see literate people. I see Mommy Professor’s products.

  1. #1 by Peter on 02/07/2007 - 6:35 pm



    No, this is Al.

    Well, prior to college, I’ve gone through the worst politically correct education one can experience — ie: “Social Studies” classes every term where I heard about Martin Luther King, civil rights, the evil of slavery and so on, so when I have trouble “thinking outside the box,” it is usually because I am not well grounded in the “real history” and cannot formulate a compatible world view with Bob’s blog. With K-12 education, they catch you while you are young. I remember I recently had the great displeasure of flipping through one of these sixth-grade text books on American History. I think every page had something about women’s inequality, the poor Indians, the evil of slavery, and so on.

    College is probably a little bit better, as the education is supposed to be what you make of it. It is not supposed to be spoon fed, as most profs will admit. They should be able to handle criticism and alternative points of view raised in class or argued in papers. Unfortunately, this becomes very difficult when the class is an enormous lecture hall. Still, most students don’t seem to be interested in much more than getting a good grade. In this case, they should be required to think to get their credit – not regurgitate.

    I have a feeling technology will make the need for spelling obsolete — especially with improving voice recognition capability. The time that kids learn spelling in English class just to have enough time for “Social studies” may be reduced.

    And William F. Buckley? I don’t know much about him other than he is a very respectable conservative. I know he once got really mad at being called a “crypto nazi” so it should tell you he stands with anti-racism and philo-Semitism. I think he actually responded with, “I fought in a war!!” If he is in fact a theocratic nut, he obviously doesn’t care about what Bob cares about — and it is very likely that we only even know who he is because of what he thinks — or doesn’t think, for that matter.

    That’s another thing that makes me less than confident about the views expressed on Bob’s blog — it’s hard to find many intellectuals backing them up. Contrast that with Noam Chomsky’s meretricious citations. We are then forced to argue that our institutions are under almost complete politically-correct control and defend our thinkers against charges their non-PC work is “pseudo-intellectual rubbish.”

    OK, got to keep this short.

    –al parker

  2. #2 by joe rorke on 02/07/2007 - 7:34 pm

    I was just talking to my friend the trial lawyer the other day. I said to him flatout that there is something that he needs to understand. As soon as I said it to him he knew exactly what I was talking about. We are in the land of the hillbilly here. That’s the way it is. Please understand that. Here’s what I told him.

    I said there’s a lot of people around this neck of the woods that have third grade and eighth grade educations. Don’t let that fool you. They know exactly what’s happening when they are getting screwed here in north central West Virginia by the judicial system. They can’t enunciate it. They can’t articulate it. But they know that they have been f****d. They know that criminals are running the judicial system. They know that they have been ripped off.

    My trial lawyer friend know right at the moment I spoke the words that I was right on the money. That’s my job. To be right on the money. And it worked out just fine. I was right on the money.

    You don’t have to have a so-called degree in “higher education” to know that you have been f****s
    d. You may not be able to put into words what has happened to you but you know that justice has not been served. You know, in fact, that justice has been taken for a ride.

    My friend agreed completely. He knew. He had been there and done that.

    joe rorke

  3. #3 by Alan on 02/08/2007 - 6:38 am



    One illiterate man with common sinse is worth more to society than 1,000 educated fools. The average Joe is proud of his race, the elites who own show dogs would never breed their precious dog to a mutt, but go goo goo over the thought of muticultrialism.

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