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Posted by Bob on February 9th, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses



New England’s culture is muti-faceted, a hodpodge of various flavors all lumped together, they process nothing unique that can define who they are as a group. PC and other radical and destructive social trends flourish is a land made up of people of nothing. In New England the intellectuals point out how modern and sophisticated they are, we are evolve, we change they say. Those who do not share in this enlightenment are labeled rednecks, hillbillies, inbreds, etc, intellectuals worship words anything of substance is feared by the wordiest cults.
Southern culture is attacked and ridiculed because it is real, its is “Homogenous”, Southern Culture is, “UNIQUE”. Southern culture developed in a geographic region that was harsh in climate and not adaptive to traditional farming techniques, the people who toughed it out in the South were those who believed in individual freedom, hard work, creativity and perseverance. In the South, cotton became king and it was worth a kings ransom, towns became cities and trade was strong, they made something out of an area that many seen as worthless. Southerners rich and poor share what they have, it’s the esscience of who they are, it is truly theirs, it is “Kinship”, felt by those who exist in a real culture, no wordiest intellectual nit wit would understand something of substance, that’s to be feared.

Comment by Alan

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