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An Intellectual Spring Cleaning

Posted by Bob on February 11th, 2007 under Coaching Session

In recent piece, I explained to you how hard it was to argue our side on campus back when Ex Oriente Lux was in power and anybody was laughed at who didn’t know that “Modern anthropology had proven all races are equal in innate abilities.”

As that began to collapse, partly due to our efforts, all debate on racial issues on campus began to be suppressed by violence and firing of tenured professors. It is IMPORTANT to realize a rule that, if we saw it in any other society, would be obvious to us:

Our ruling religion is like any other religion. When the argument goes against it, it resorts to any means at its disposal.

ANY means.

PLEASE NOTE I have just made two very important points that are relevant to our future. I do NOT need comments about how mean they are or some other things you would have said had I never been born. The reason I am being so crotchety about this is that every times someone goes off on his taped line I have to go back and repeat the whole thing from the bottom. I am BUILDING here, and if you throw in the wrong material it knocks down the structure.

SO …. having established WHY they use these means not only tells us we are winning, but it also makes it critical that we STOP regarding THEM as all-powerful. If they were all-powerful, then they would not hesitate to have squashed us. And every time somebody goes into the “They are just going to …” crap I get TIREDER. This is fifty years of tired talking, gang.


Back to “their” power:

Who ARE “they?” “They” are the people who are stuck in the 60s. They are the Jews, mostly REFORMED Jews, not the ones in the curls and funny hats we love to have pictures of, whose only aim is destruction.

THOSE are our enemies. Most of them are OLD. On the other side of any issue, you will find that there is more and more restlessness with them. “Conservatives” today have gone back to their pre-1960 stand of being nothing but liberals forty years out of date.

It would be funny if it weren’t real: Just as 60s liberalism is being repudiated on the left, it is becoming the Gospel of the right. That is why you don’t fit in with the conservatives any more. They’re back to being conservatives, which means they are back to being the champions of the last wave of radicalism.

It is frustrating that I still have to use the word “liberal” to be understood. But if you are not off on some bellyache that you would be on if I had never been born, you would see WHY. As I have ALSO said here until I almost throw up having to say it again, language is USAGE. “Conservative” is a generic term for anyone who opposes the latest Political Correctness. And the latest PC is libservatism, the MELDING of Fox and CNN, the standard liberal-“respectable conservative” debate.

So what usage calls “conservative” is opposition to ANY PC fad. What paid commentators call conservatism is Bush. What the MEDIA calls conservatives are half of the “they.” Media “conservatives” are what keeps PC ALIVE.

Understanding what I have just said requires a LOT of rethinking. There is simply no room in the same mind for twentieth century thinking and Bob’s thinking. Medicine only got rid of bleeding for pneumonia when it REJECTED Galen and the Latin and Greek and started thinking in terms of what WORKS.


It’s time for a mental spring cleaning.

  1. #1 by cl on 02/11/2007 - 9:07 pm


    I was reading the local 15 page-ish “business newspaper” this past week, and on the front page was a cute article about a speech given by an ostensible Jew to the local Rotary/Chamber of Commerce. I doubt there were more than 25 people there–including the speaker and “journalist.” The address was given in the form of a “state of the city,” given to the newly elected mestiza mayor of Savannah, Ga in 2032. In the speaker’s mind–25 years hence–Savannah will be transmogrified into an eastern version of San Jose, complete with a million residents and the political offices filled by former onion pickers. Also, there will be “infrastructure” to support something like 100,000 college students. Talk about your professor-priesthood!

    So basically this guy looks and sounds like an old, squinty-eyed dopehead. But you don’t see *any* young people (of any ethnicity) saying anything so bizarre. These guys have outlived their bullshit, but they seem not to notice how ridiculous they look to everyone else–like the Energizer bunny in liberal la-la land.

    And I wished I owned the local (real) paper, so I could nail this idiot’s nuts to a log since he was saying by inference that he wanted the local (gigantic population of) Blacks put in the back of the bus in one generation. The past few mayors have been (typically incompetent) Africans. It’s even “Black History Month.” It would have been perfect. Alas. . .

  2. #2 by Peter on 02/13/2007 - 12:58 pm



    In Norway we have a blasphemy paragraph. I think it is long since somebody was convicted for blasphemy. But the idea was that you should not criticize Christianity.

    But now when Christianity is no longer the established religion and has been replaced with the religion political correctness/multiculturalism, we have got another paragraph. A racism paragraph! And that is the same thing as a blasphemy paragraph. It just aims to stop criticism towards another religion.

    Political correctness/multiculturalism has now ended up where communism and christianity ended up. Before it tried to prove itself right. Now it is trying to punish critics.


  3. #3 by Elizabeth on 02/15/2007 - 4:40 pm


    If you are in academia trying to get into the system to change it, you _must_ use the establishment’s language in accomplishing your objectives. Affirmative action premium
    ancestry can help, whether it’s documented or not.

    Find out what areas your family was in, get out the family pictures (or beg copies from relatives), and start doing some internet research.

    Remember, it’s not a picnic or some card party. It’s a long struggle.

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