I cannot say that I’m totally on board your theory of the services as queer fraternity
PLEASE don’t do this to me! This is the kind of mindless reaction our enemies will have to what I say.
I DID NOT say the armed services were a queer fraternity. I did not say the Catholic priesthood was a queer fraternity. A queer fraternity would be morally superior to what they ARE.
The only people punished in the Catholic Church were the pedophilic priests. What about the heterosexual priest who simply ignored the little boy — obviously to the first he had seen — who was being raped. Above all, what about the BISHOPS? Every single bishop in America knew this was going on. Compared t the bishops who were godfathering these rapes for decades, sending pedophiles to new locations for new victims, the pedophile priest himself was a saint.
IT is NOT, NOT, *******NOT***** the perverts I am condemning here. Having been a drunk in treatment myself I have less power to condemn other weaknesses than you do.
I condemn the judge who put a drunk driver back on the highways until he kills a family. I am outraged that not one single bishop even got MENTIONES in the church scandal. I am outraged at the heterosexual members of the Masturbation Generation who, I cannot doubt, world NEVER have reported ANY abuse of young boys in basic training by the Sarge or anybody else.
They carried that SAME silence into the destruction of my race. This has NOTHING TO DO with perversion itself.
I do not LIKE homosexuality. I also do not like the idea that I spent a major portion of my life, “Knee-walking, commode-hugging, shit-kicking, nigger-kissing drunk.” I was not cursed with homosexuality, but that is an accident, not my moral superiority.
addicts and queers need to be harshly controlled. But people who ABET addicts and child molesters should be executed, slowly and painfully and in public.
#1 by Pain on 02/17/2007 - 2:48 pm
There were some excellent comments in the last post on this about the backlash. Back Bay Grouch basically tore apart the knee-jerk lynch-mob mentality.
At this point anyone can charge any person in authority with molestation without evidence or even a story that makes sense. Any person in authority may automatically lose their job with such charges and could well wind up in jail. This can happen to anyone who works or lives near people under the age of 18. This puts all persons in authority at the mercy of youth with mental conditions or a desire for a cash settlement.
Because of the lynch-mob mentality, statutes of limitations have been rescinded in many states for these cases, so that any authority or counselor of alcoholic youths could face charges into their old age, long after any defense witnesses are gone. South Carolina, for example, has no statute of limitations.
The media at once encourages youth sex, homosexuality, and attacks on authority. This is a dangerous mix. Has anyone encountered love spurned? What if a “hot” but decent young man walked away from advances by a hormonal girl or boy?
As Bob says, we live in an age when decisions are made by fear of media. Most persons in authority do not have special political connections. So it is easy for a state bureaucracy to dismiss an employee who is the victim of malicious accusations or mere gossip. That’ll keep the matter out of the media, lessen malicious law-suits, and save the bureaucracy money.
#2 by Alan on 02/17/2007 - 7:49 pm
The creation of modern corporate and state institutions has reduced the individual being to a mere commodity or object in today’s world. In this world the names and identities of the individuals who make up the group have been replaced by titles. Labels such as, president, general, white collar, blue collar or non-com and grunt dehumanize and corrupt citizens in today’s societies. These titles establish ranking order, loyalty and respect is determined by ones rank in the group, absent are the human qualities, values, morality, trust and integrity. The loyalty these modern day groups demand is similar to how a sociopath mimics natural human emotions, its all acting and copying those around you. Group worship is the anti thesis of the racial group; the manufactured group has nothing of substance to give it real identity. When this sort of group is viewed as today’s in thing it leds to racial indifference, immorality and cultural decline. When a straight priest walks in on another molesting a child and fails to act, he is loyal to the group, the human aspect is overshadowed by the overall harm to the group this incident would create.
#3 by Pain on 02/17/2007 - 11:05 pm
Bob, all what you say seems to relate to everything else.
Saw a documentary tonight from Blockbuster that fits right in called Grizzly Man.
The film had a great footage of a fight between two massive blond grizzlies. It’s funny all animals seem to face off the same way, whether people, birds, or grizzlies: all start with these stiff, swaying motions that are best summed up as spooky. Bears seem to fight with this goal: lock your teeth in and and try to rip the other’s face off. In the fight, on grizzly was bigger than other. The bigger was having his way with the smaller for several long minutes. Suddenly, in the middle of a tight hold, the bigger grizzly shat! The fight turned and the smaller ran the bigger off. As they separated, you could see the winner was HALF THE SIZE of the bigger bear.
Thew reason this relates to your comments here is that all through the documentary I was saying to myself that the guy in the film was a fairy. He was a big blond guy from Long Island who was totally mixed up about life and who he was. He was also into the worst fairy stuff with the “environmentalist” movement. Now this guy from New York who acted like a fairy and danced with the grizzlies in Alaska changed in the last footage he shot a few hours before he died. For once he looked and sounded like a man, and not like some fairy Thoreau on Walden Pond.
It was great. Not only did the fairy become a man before he turned fifty, but his hot blonde girlfriend chose to die with him!
Then the bears ate him, and National Park employees had to cut him and his girlfriend out of the bear’s belly and send him back to his family in Hefty bags.
Excellent documentary!
#4 by Simmons on 02/18/2007 - 11:32 am
Yes I missed badly, I was wrong. But what we ought to ask is what turned our country into a cult overnight? Its like Roosevelt became the precursor to Jim Jones or some other kook. And what gets me I am old enough to remember the “dumbest generation’s” parents and they were a feisty lot, but not feisty enough I guess. It all reminds me of the intellectual work about the “Madness of crowds” and the salvation to reason one individual at a time.
#5 by mderpelding on 02/18/2007 - 7:11 pm
I’ve allways felt that positions of control over others naturally tend to draw individuals who are corrupt in some way. That does not mean that all leaders are corrupt. It does mean that deviant behaviours, as defined by white western norms, will exist in greater numbers amongst the elite than in the general population. Lord Acton, like most Liberals, got it all wrong. Power attracts corrupt people. It doesn’t create them.
Why do you think the powerful in this country sanction all these various deviant victims groups?
Keep the herd focused on the powerless homosexual down the block. Worrying about Gay marriage and the like. Hey, who’s the father of Anna-Nicole Smith’s baby?
There was a time when our people understood implicitly that the desire for power was the worst form of perversion. Go ahead and try to tell a twelfth century serf that his leaders had his best interests at heart. He would have laughed you out of his hut. But us modern progressive people know better, don’t we? We’ve forgotten that the desire for power is the ultimate perversion.
So, the simple Parish Priest or Presbyterian minister is probably less amoral than the Bishop or church Elder. But they are all DEVIANT. In some way at least.
I think the real issue lies in whether a deviant person acts upon their desires.
I also think that most of us have the potential for some form of deviance within us. But we choose not to act in certain ways. Probably because we possess enough empathy.
Of course, True Great Leaders can’t afford empathy. They gotta do the “hard thing”.
Perhaps some posters here should go through Bob’s archives. Lots of insights there on this subject.
Remember the movie called “Spartacus”? At the end, the Romans crucified all these slaves.
The crosses lined the Appian Way for countless miles.
I-95 would work great.
#6 by Pain on 02/22/2007 - 3:37 pm
Bob, you make important points on this topic and brilliantly.
From the comments here, I think there are a few of us who have watched fine people ruined by malicious gossip. Tale-bearers quickly discover that they can destroy whomever they are jealous of as long as the tales are sensational and nasty enough.
I have known people who have gotten away with exactly what you are talking about. And I know far more who did nothing but a good job but who were ruined by malicious tales.
It seems to me that insiders with the right connections can get away with anything, just as you suggest.
And yet, outsiders and new people with few connections are routinely ruined by jealous people.
This is the price we pay for living in a society where almost everyone is an employee. There are too many of us fighting over the same jobs, perks, promotions, boss’s praise, or corner office. We all are begging for a dollar on the same street.
The routine response to sensational gossip is: “We take these charges seriously.”
The boss may know that the gossip is a habitual liar and that the victim HAD an excellent reputation; but if he were to investigate the matter and question people about it, the sensational nature of the gossip could quickly become impossible to keep awat from the public. So if the victim is new or has few connections, the easiest thing is to fire him.
Gossips know whom to attack.
I know you don’t like the Bible much, but Paul (in Romans 1:28-32) makes a good point that these gossips deserve death: they destroy people’s lives.
My comment here is an extension of what you say, and I also must stick up for the people who have been ruined by false charges of perversion.
Here’s the formula:
The better you do your job –> the better your reputation –> the more jealousy over you –> the more gossip about you –> the more damage to your career.
Everyone wants to be popular; but popularity is costly.
Can you see the clear thinking you have inspired, Bob?