Liberal was in fashion when civil rights was pushed along with busing, equality and immigration reform. Once these negative effects of this came forth then the heat was on the “Liberals”. This one label carried the stigma of all that went wrong with leftist idealism mentioned above. The “Liberals” became progressives or moderates etc, they figured nobody would notice. The proper conservative was used to save the cultural deviants, if Bob Dole was seen along side Ted Kennedy then he must not be all that bad so it goes. Every time these SOB’s are on the ropes it’s somebody on the other side that saves the “Liberals”, why not, the propers would have to behave like all the others who are never allowed on TV.
Comment by Alan
Anti-racists today are in EXACTLY the position liberals were in in the period you talk abut, when they got discredited. “There is no room for racism in American society” is phrase you hear less of today. People are EXPERIENCING what it means. It means suppression of all opposition, which is what liberalism came to mean in the 60s.
It took quite a while for people to even begin to attack the holy word “liberal.” It had been a mantra for a full generation. But it critically important that I now find that EVERYBODY laughs when I say “anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.” People would have seamed bloody murder if I had said that before 1980. I am attacking what WAS a Holy Mantra. Now it is laughing stock.
The trick is knowing WHEN that turning-point has come.
I did a piece recently on white’s right to discriminate. The brilliance of this argument IS NOT THE ARGUMENT. I will get people chiming in and saying I am RIGHT. But as I keep complaining, that precisely misses the point. We were RIGHT when we said the white man made life worth living in the 1920s. It does not matter that I’M RIGHT.
I have had to wait all these years for the antis to go too far. Now THEY are demanding reparations. Now THEY are saying whole races deserve things. Now the whole Ex Oriente Lux crap, where we all owed everything to Moses and Pharaohs, is collapsing. NOW we can attack and state flatly what WE have a right to.
War or politics, which is the same thing, is a matter of TIMING. When I was saying that integration was aimed at genocide in the 1950s, I was RIGHT, but Norman Rockwell was portraying people like me as an attack on little black girls being protected by troops as they entered white schools surrounded by Evil Rednecks. Now it is OBVIOUS genocide.
NOW is the TIME.
But every time I mention the WWII generation and the example of moral cowards just like them in the Catholic hierarchy who played the Godfather to priest who raped little boys, every reply I get is abut what people are used to talking about: homosexuality in the priesthood. That not only has nothing to do with my point, it TRIVIALIZES what I am telling you.
Which is why Mark is so pissed, thought he has a lot to learn from me, too. The simple fact was that in 1968 we cold have DESTRYED liberalism. Humphrey was down to 29% in the polls, and his working-class anti-liberals and Republicans anti-liberals were ready to stomp them into the dust. Mark, can you imagine that I spent TWELVE YEARS in rug-chewing fury while these dolts slowly, slowly got together against the common enemy?
First the enemy does what Alan said. His REAL motives become so clear nobody can miss them. But that is not enough. THEN the whole establishment which has been opposing them has to slowly, glacially, begin to realize it is time for ATTACK. All the subtlety and survival tactics they used before are out of date. It takes a LONG time to get this across.
But I have been this way before.
First the enemy makes his motives so clear nobody can miss them any more. THEN those who have led the moderate response, who are the spokesmen of the opposition, have to be replaced. Reagan lost the nomination fight in 1976.
I am STILL trying to get across to BLOGGERS what the FIRST step is. I am hitting on the second with “respectable conservatives.”
This really bothers me for a very good reason. If you NEVER get over the idea that my exposure of moral cowardice dealing with boy rapes in the Catholic Church and its relevance to the Greatest Generation — and THAT was a wild overstepping that generation gave us to hit them with – how am I EVER going to want you against Step Three?
All those clever people who kept control of the anti-liberals didn’t just get mad and go home, the way Mark sounds like he is doing. They invented Neoconservatism. Now the neoconservatives have us in Iraq in EXACTLY the same way that EXACTLY the same kind of people who got us into Vietnam.
I have made that point several times, but all I get is responses about how Jewish they are and other standard stuff.
Please LISTEN to me! This war will be won. I saw the same war before. But paleoconservatives won the war and lost the peace.
REPEAT: We won the war but we can lose the peace and right back where we were AGAIN. And conservatives did it by going back to the same old crap like a bitch to her vomit.
If you want to WIN, and STAY won, get off the old crap and GET MY POINTS!

#1 by Basso Profundo on 02/23/2007 - 7:51 pm
Not Spam.
Not Spam.
Just keep plugging everybody. Total victory is just around the corner. A week. A month. Maybe a year at the outside. Just keep plugging. Surely you can see the signs of victory all around you. Your check is in the mail.
Basso Profundo
#2 by AFKAN on 02/23/2007 - 11:11 pm
The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies:
Alan makes a much stronger point than many may realize.
For instance, I broke with Conservatism when I realized that, for SOME reason, the Godless Communists of the USSR were always facing massive crop failures, and yet, somehow, we kept bailing them out. At THAT point, I realized that Conservatism, in practice, was more of a CON game, than CONservatism.
I suspect that, at the end of the day, it all comes down to Peter Shank’s elegant formulation of FAMILY, RACE and CULTURE – especially RACE, which I see as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.
I also realize that we are degenerating into the Aristocratic Republic we grew from; twelve years of Bush, eight years of Clinton, eight years of Bush – and Hilary guaranteed to run in ’08. Further, it looks like The Game was rigged all along – BOB DOLE for President?
Thirty years ago, Robert Townsend, writing in “Up The Organization,” noted that the corporate form ws useful; even if the people who owned them were using them solely to keep the Game going, it was useful. Those corporate Forms were derived from the self-proclaimed “Greatest Generation’s” experience, and models of organizational behavior. You respected the uniform of a superior officer, and ignored the character of the man in it.
Those were the matters of Form that led us to where we are today.
We have been led down the path of folowing the matters of Form without question, and pretty much, ignoring the matters of Substance – Family, RACE and Culture – to our peril.
Our hereditary RACIAL enemies, the Satanic demons known as JEWS, have never lost their clear focus on just these issues; to them, RACE above all, and CULTURE exists solely to serve the RACE.
We have been like blind men playing baseball, with no idea what the game board looks like, or what the rules REALLY are, with the referee working hand-in-glove with our RACIAL enemies.
It’s really very simple – everything outside of Family, RACE and Culture – especially RACE – is really something of a sideshow, designed to keep the Drones amused, and busy, while remaining in their place, as cattle before Gods.
We have always been the ones who compromised, who HAD to compromise, as we accepted our RACIAL enemy’s terms and definition, in a social environment, a Culture, where we were encouraged to “go along to get along.”
No more.
Either we recognize that this is a life or death battle, and our children, our Posterity, and the world they will inhabit, are the stakes here, or we are doomed to always playing the Enemy’s gsmer, at the Enemy’s table, on the Enemy’s terms – and the Enemy gets to referee.
For the FIRST time, we have reduced the terms to what truly matters, and understand them.
Now, we must apply the same level of skilled ruthlessness to them, that they apply to us.
Above all, we must develop that skill, first and foremost, within our selves, by being focused and disciplined, and never allowing ourselves to forget the REAL issues at stake in every decision we make, no matter how small or trivial it may seem.
And what ARE those issues?
Family, RACE and Culture – simple as that.
Especially RACE.
#3 by Simmons on 02/24/2007 - 11:24 am
I tried to say that with my Peak Oil posts, that the timing for the death strike against white liberalism is very near, but you chewed my head off then beat me with the mantra. Even white liberals (and that is the only kind) realize that what they advocated in regards to racial equality is a failure, and so most of them are switching over to Global Warmiing and energy depletion as their choice of “dramatics.” If it weren’t for the propaganda efforts of the “respectables” and their quest for empire the whole charade would collapse, and it will once our economy seeks its natural level and the cult’s lies are no longer profitable to the average lumpen.