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Posted by Bob on February 25th, 2007 under Bob, Coaching Session, Comment Responses

Ten of them this time, and great ones!

WOL was just me talking, and the blog started that way. But unlike Mommy Professor, and unlike most old men, Bob has been evolving steadily. We went into seminar mode. Now most of my entries are titled with the name of the commenter who got me going.

Hopefully you think this shows humility on my part. Actually it shows PRIDE on my part. My BUSINESS, the BUSINESS I got paid for, is knowing people. I AM a people, gang! I know very well the rut that a person my age gets into. The old guy becomes the Authority: “Children should be seen, not heard,” and every year the old guy’s idea of the age at which one ceases to be a child goes up.

Not Ole Bob. I have completely lost track of the ages of commenters.

I got a kick out of Basso Profundo’s reply to my saying I had stomped on him, which amounted to “You stomped WHO, Whitaker?”

Pain, with whom I have spoken a few times so I know he was born when I was middle aged, jumped on me saying that the Soviet Empire was the greatest tyranny ever known. Good point, Pain, but I did think about that before I wrote it. The one that you are referring to is not KNOWN. If it were, much of OUR job would already be DONE. The Soviet Empire was a part of it, and I am still proud of having done some surgery to cut THAT piece of its anatomy off.

I understand Mark’s frustration. He has been boycotting me, and I don’t like it at all, which is one reason he is doing it. Mark, I was in the same mood many, many times. If I could get people out there FIGHTING, we could rip the antis to pieces. But this is all I HAVE, Mark, this is more energy than the doctor tells me I should be expending. Give me a BREAK, man!

I NEED Sarge and I’m not too proud to say so.

  1. #1 by shari on 02/25/2007 - 3:34 pm


    Pains comment sounds Biblical,even. Politically correct anti-racism has sounded right to so many, but the end is the way of death. Prov.16:25

  2. #2 by Basso Profundo on 02/25/2007 - 3:48 pm

    Everybody please give Bob a break. I always have. Even before he named me Basso Profundo I always gave him a break. I understand Bob. Everybody please try to understand Bob. Never let Bob piss you off. Anger is a choice. Don’t surrender to anger. I used to mess with Bob under the name I had before he named me Basso Profundo (which I humbly and obediently accepted) just to see if I could get him to surrender to anger. He did. A few times. I was just trying to assess the level of his spiritual development. In his business one should have a high level of spiritual development. It is necessary to come out of the other end of the tunnel with your sanity.

    Please learn to be patient with Bob and give Bob a break.

    Basso Profundo

  3. #3 by Peter on 02/25/2007 - 5:18 pm


    “Pain, with whom I have spoken a few times so I know he was born when I was middle aged, jumped on me saying that the Soviet Empire was the greatest tyranny ever known.”

    Actually I haven’t commented in a few days. Did you mean Basso’s comment?:

    “There is only one Basso Profundo. The rest are wannabees.

    “By the way, the finger that you were giving was not to the most powerful despotism the world has ever known. There is a despotism more powerful than that. Or hadn’t you noticed?

    “Basso Indeed”

  4. #4 by Pain on 02/25/2007 - 5:24 pm


    That comment about Basso’s comment being his was from me. (I forgot to log in.)

  5. #5 by Alan on 02/26/2007 - 2:03 am



    Bob, your insight and knowledge has touched each and every one of us who are regulars here. Your time has not been wasted and we all carry on your message, our message, to others. If this is all you have left that keeps you going, then you can rest assured that you are not in this fight alone or expected to led the pack by yourself at all times. Sometimes you need to be tough on us and we take it the wrong way, you do this because you care about us,its who you are. You always accept us back and treat us with respect, we are like a family, this is how I view our race. I can only hope that a few others can show this same respect for you, you are human.

  6. #6 by Mark on 02/26/2007 - 9:03 am


    “I NEED Sarge and I’m not too proud to say so.”

    Okay, fine I’m back if you really need me. But I would like to hear how people are actually USING the Mantra instead of debating every period or question mark. Virginia just passed a non binding resolution “apologizing” for taking advantage of the American Indians. This and immigration and the ADL hate crime legislations are pushing us into a castrated Europe mode and eventually none of us will be able to speak the Mantra in public let alone ONLINE so my basic question is:

    “Why aren’t you posting it, people???”

  7. #7 by Bob on 02/27/2007 - 11:53 am

    It looks like Shari had it right: Basso Profundo is Joe Rorke.

    I like it when Pain and Basso and The Artist Formerly Known as Nobody decide to take my
    labels and adopt them. As we have discussed before, almost every group shows it has
    come of age by proudly adopting the label other groups tried to insult them with. The
    list is endless:

    Mormon, Tory, Whig, Methodist, Rebel, Yankee, macarelsnapper, Pollack, black, capitalist,
    Baptist, and I have an especially hard time thinking of examples of anything off the top
    of my head. ROMAN Catholic used to be an insult. Irish usually call themselves “Micks.”

    I only dislike it when someone calls me what I’m NOT, like Yankee.

    I appreciate Basso’s advice and concern.

    But Profundo, I don’t buy the AA idea that never losing your temper is a sign of spiritual
    immaturity. In treatment they told me that I wouldn’t miss women if I worked my program

    Like everything else, the program can become Wordism and then it gets absurd.

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