Archive for March 5th, 2007
The Sarge Leads Again
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 03/05/2007
Mark says:
Here’s an update on where we can post the Mantra. A few months ago Yahoo discontinued it’s discussion forum below each news item. They have recently replaced it with something called the “Hot Zone” and commentors are welcomed. All you need is s Yahoo ID. The news articles include many, many political items which are manufactured to capture online news seeker’s attentions. This makes the sight, in my opinion, a GREAT place to post the Mantra.
The address:
I urge everyone here to post the Mantra at least once a day. These news articles gets readerhsip and the discussion forum is there for a reason. Please give us your feedback on what you encounter, and if you find any other good places to post the Mantra, please tell that as well!
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 03/05/2007
The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies:
My definition of RACE pulls from “Imperium,” and in particular the section on Cultural Vitalism. The knowledge of genetics that we have before us if far beyond his understanding, further, the idea of genetics as one component of human evolution has gained greater credence in recent years, and not one iota of this research minimizes the role of genetics.
It remains beyond refutation that only ONE race, the WHITE Race, can carry Civilization forward, back to the Stars from which we came.
I have just finished rereading the inspiration beginning of “Imperium,” and, while many can accuse me of elaborate ex post facto rationalizations, I think it is irrefutable that the social systems created by Civilization – WESTERN Civilization, to be sure – all combined, not in a Virtuous Circle, but in a Virtuous Spiral, as if we have been led – GUIDED – from the dust, to the stars.
It is almost as if Somewhere, we answered a Call:
“If YOU will be my people, then I will be your God.”
“Alright. How about those people over there?”
“They will not be My people. They worship another God.”
“Alright! The Hell with them!”
“My Plan Exactly.”
All we have to do is our part, which can be seen as our duty to our RACE – nothing more, and certainly nothing less
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, Comment Responses on 03/05/2007
I’m not sure how to pen this as it’s been a long day and my gray cells are tired, but here goes.
During the time before and during the Reformation, including the printing press and the “education” of the new middle class, what did the opposition (i.e.: the Catholic Church) do to counter the growing anti-Catholic sentiment, and in what order? If we can form a basic timeline of actions taken, perhaps we can learn from history what will happen to our new reformation and how to speed things along better and with the desired results WE need to comet to fruition.
Also, I’m heartened by the fact that while our “printing press” is causing the “word” to be spread to more and more people, it seems the powers that be are in a mad dash to force the dark races into historically white lands. It’s almost as if they fear our “Thesis” and are hell-bent to force their desired outcome onto us before we get a chance to scotch the wheels of their damnable actions.
Mark, that last paragraph explains exactly what is going on. But it also demonstrates how everything they do blows up in their face.
1) The Mantra would not have been such a bomb in their faces if they had stayed with the old gradual integration and propaganda approach. No one believed me when I said it in the 1960s, but everybody can see it now that we are being overrun.
2) Why “WE?” Because everybody else on our side looks at the other side as a giant, Hypergenius Conspiracy that makes no mistakes. I am a professional looking for the mistakes other professionals make.
I see a bunch of idiots who are so blinded by hate that they are filling Europe up with people who hate them more than Hitler did. I see a bunch of imbeciles writing laws that puts doubts about the Holocaust in a way none of our meager powers of persuasion could have done.
In a real war, overestimating your enemy is every bit a fatal as underestimating him.
3) A recent book called “Importing Revolution” goes into the fact that the 60s radicals, who never met any working Americans, were repeating all that crap from Marx — who also never did a day’s work in his life — about “working class revolution” in America.
Meanwhile the Communist World magazine was raising hell about how MY tiny group was “part of a heavily financed right-wing conspiracy” because we routinely became spokesmen for grassroots workers’ protests that would LYNCH a Commie who showed up.
Our heavily financed little Populist Forum never even had a back account. There were three of us and we paid our own way.
We got out n the streets and we were part of making working people into Reagan Democrats. Respectable conservatives didn’t know any working people either, which is why William Rusher, publisher of National Review, came to ME after I proved we not only knew working people, they let us speak for them.
I can talk with a hardhat for hours, but an “intellectual” bores my tail off in five minutes.
4) Their strategy is, as you say, desperate. It rests in two assumptions:
a) That if they get enough of their Faithful Colored Companions in here, they will be VOTED into power;
b) A country into which they get enough of their Faithful Colored Companions will remain a DEMOCRACY. Every Communist country used to brag that over 99.5% of their population voted in every election.
Only North Korea ever declared that one hundred percent, every last one of its people, voted in one election.
Well, hell, if dead people can vote in Chicago, why can’t North Koreans who are in a hospital with a coma vote there?
c) Another problem with this strategy is the old joke about the Original Faithful Colored Companion, the Lone Ranger’s Indian Tonto. The Lone Ranger says, “Well, Tonto, those Indians have us surrounded. It looks like we’re doomed.”
And Tonto replies, “What you mean ‘We,’ Paleface?
When America breaks up into racial divisions, each representing its OWN interests, we’ll make them an offer they won’t refuse. Those who DO refuse will be left out in the cold, like the white traitors who will have no one to turn to.
This is a war. If the other side NEVER does anything stupid, you might as well start drawing up the best Unconditional Surrender document you can thinkof.