Archive for March 28th, 2007

Northern and Southern Europeans


So Bob, are you saying that Greeks and other southern Euros aren’t white?

Comment by richard


This is a line that is always used to break us up. It is time to deal with it.

If I were to find I was part black tomorrow I would STILL believe exactly what I believe now. In fact, it would give me an extra weapon to work with. So let’s take THAT fact into account before we go on to take this divisive line apart.

First of all, it is a fact of life that most southern Europeans are not AS white as middle and Northern Europeans. The day I deny reality to make someone feel good is the day my name appears in the obituaries.

NOBODY is “white enough.” In the very near future we will be able to make our children into “paint jobs,” who LOOK white or into Aryans, who are truly white to the core. We have all the DNA we need a thousand-fold for that.

We are facing an enemy who wants to destroy ALL of us, Northern Europeans, middle Europeans, southern Europeans. But southern Europeans will sometimes join the ENEMY on that snipe line.

Anybody with the slightest knowledge of Italy knows where the color line was there. There was the rich white north and the poor brown south.

NOBODY is “white enough.” India has advertisements on television for products to make one whiter, and I have great hopes that in this very century there will be a boom in REAL ARYAN children in India. The competition will make them prove they are REAL.

Instead of devoting 1864 words to the virtues of defeatist, AFKAN could be thinking of things like THAT.
If you like beng grim because it is your Realism, let me get frim here. Let me make a life and death point here. The man who shot George Lincoln Rockwell was a Greek who had worked with him and done excellent cartoons for him for years. He was Greek, and he told the police he had taken offense at Rockwell’s reference to Greeks.

The guy who shot Hendrik Verwoerd was also a Greek who claimed much the same thing. I don’t believe either one of them, but Offended Minority is a defense in court, even though the attempt to make “black rage” a defense, which would have given every black in America a hunting license for whites (including Greeks), was turned down.

But if someone is more concerned about my pointing out an obvious reality than in fighting those who want to destroy us ALL, he is not only insane, he is DANGEROUS.

Darker people are not as white as whiter people are. If you can’t live with THAT, you need medical help.

And stay away from me until you get it.




AFKAN just wrote an 1864 word long defense of defeatism as Wisdom. The Mantra is 230 words long.

He gives examples of failures in history. He quotes Charlie Brown and points out that Charlie Brown kept gong after that football. He talks about AMWAY rallies.

What gets me is the sheer amount of WORK he put into this. I can’t positive commenters to put their delicate hands on copy and pasting 230 words, but a defeatist will fight like a fiend, on and on and on.

I mentioned the fellow I thought Mr. Webb might be. He would fight tirelessly for defeatism.

And AFKAN WROTE half of this. The less-than-half was quoting my entire article against defeatism, contradicting it line for line.

He also concluded that no realist COULD have a smile on his face.

Actually, any realistic doctor in 1850, 1900 1950 or 2000 would have had a smile on his face if he had known the real future of his field. In every area I mentioned, I would have had a smile on my face if I had know the USSR would fall or the hereditarian view on race would get to the point that, as noted in LIBERAL publications, no one even bothers to try to refute it anymore. They may say it shouldn’t be mentioned, but the argument against it is over.

I would have had a smile on my face in the 1950s had I known that the old method of choosing children was doomed. That is the area on which anti-whites have put ALL their cards.

I smile when I know that I can NOW talk about what the world OWES the white race. It used to be all abut individuals, but the black reparations movement has opened a fatal gap in their ranks. It will be fatal when we stop writing thousand-word treatises on defeatism and take a look at the REAL world.

The argument over the wisdom and usefulness of defeatists used to be covered by the military law imposed on someone who was spreading defeatism in the ranks.

They were shot.

One should carefully examine all previous defeats. One should look at all possible scenarios of defeat in the future. But no force ever won any war, political or military, by calling defeatism “realism.”

AFKAN is wasting a huge talent and the work WE need in a very pointless way.

I wish I could be inspiring enough to channel a FRACTION of the dedication people put into defeatism for OUR cause.


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