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Posted by Bob on March 6th, 2007 under General



A couple days ago I started a thread explaining I was working on a project for you, Bob, and asked the membership if they could help find your lost “untrained eye” webcasts.

Adelheim deserves a round of applause. He was the only one who responded and he saved ALL the missing files from being memory holed.

I’d also like to thank Alan and Adelheim for putting up with me and alpha testing my buggy incomplete code.


Back to what Pain said, “Is it too obvious to say that the internet is like the printing press, we are like the reformers, and it only takes a few reformers to do the job? “

Not only is it not too obvious, you have to tell yourself that endlessly. Sarge went charging onto the attack, and nobody backed him up. Adelheim has MY book cover as his avatar, and he started an SF thread, but he sent me rep points and thanked ME for bothering to get in there and fighting on his side.

I know EXACTLY how Sarge felt. I’ve been there a hundred times, minimum.

It STILL hurts. When I was doing those broadcasts, I got ZERO encouragement except from Kelso. Even I had to quit after thirty-something broadcasts with no support. I decided to spend that time HERE because I could feel results coming.

Sure it’s been tough, but no violins, please. This is the fight I picked and I could have opted out of it decades ago. As a matter of fact, I have a giant, actually unfair advantage over you and The Sarge. I have done this for decades and I have SEEN the results. You are battling on faith alone.

The original Doubting Thomas is called SAINT Thomas. He would not accept Christ’s Resurrection until he could put his hand into Jesus’ wounds. He was not rejected for that, but Jesus how much more blessed, more blessed than a SAINT, are those who can believe without proof. My point is not theological. It is practical, and it applies to you right now. God or man, Jesus knew us very well.

Sorry for myself? No friggin’ way! Out of the thousands on Stormfront, the pair that hopped in to back you were MY bloggers. I worked my butt off and spent my money to get the best, and I GOT ‘em!

This process is VERY had on Sarge and us. I would play the violin for Sarge, but he would break the damned thing over my head.

No, Pain, you cannot say that to yourself and to us too many times:
“it only takes a few reformers to do the job. “

ALWAYS back up another blogger. We are a SOCIAL animal. I will be happy when someone starts saying , “Oh, God, here comes Bob’s crowd again.” They will find out who Bob’s crowd IS, and a LOT of them will want to join.

Then you will get that torchlight parade the SFers keep talking about. You know, the victory march when everybody tells you they were on your side all the time.

  1. #1 by Al Parker on 03/06/2007 - 11:26 pm



    I would like to know if those lost episodes of the Untrained Eye should become available for download again.

    On another note, I was thinking of conducting a poll on SF to find out how many people are only closet racialists — that is, they don’t want to be exposed. I would guess if EVERYBODY voted honestly, it would be a majority of in-the-closet types.

    One guy said that his wife would leave him if he let it be known he is a racist. Many brought up professional and financial concerns. Some brought up concerns about safety. Others suggest to me they are concerned with bourgeois respectability.

    I think this shows that humans are indeed social animals. Understandably, people don’t want to be ostracized. However, by the position they take they make it very clear that this racial stuff is not THAT important to them.

    Not so with Bob. He is, for better or worse, a lifer. He proudly puts his name and his face behind his views. But many others do not, so Bob is encouraging “internet activism” to try to get them to play ball.

    Is this really to change world views using the Internet, or is it more to turn people into white activists so that they are prepared for the real world? I can’t say for sure but I suspect the latter. As I see it, The internet, while it seems to be a world in itself, is actually more of a reflection of the world. People don’t take seriously stuff they read on the Internet, admist the pornography and flashing banner advertisements — unless it comes from trusted sources. It seems to me they believe what comes through the major media outlets, to a great extent, and also what they hear in person from other people, you know, in the flesh.

    Comes back around again to humans being social animals. There is a “pack” mentality, as we can see with the posting of Bob’s mantra I read on some forum. The poster was vilified in the harshest of terms. They wouldn’t even bother reading something “racist” and engaged their instinctive behavior in condemning it.

    As Bob said earlier, we are looking for the sub-1% who will actually read and think and conclude the mantra is correct.

    –Al Parker

  2. #2 by Pain on 03/07/2007 - 12:45 am



    I have been banned from SF since 2004 by JJT for being to pro-white. I have asked you many times to see about reactivating my account but you have done nothing. Why is that?

  3. #3 by Mark on 03/07/2007 - 8:54 am


    Off topic (again)but I’ve noticed something here:

    When we ask the inmates here on WOL to start using the Mantra and report back what’s hapening, three things occur. 1.) One or two (literally ONE or TWO) daring souls say they posted it, mailed it, used in a chat room, etc. followed by “I don’t know if my efforts did any good but I tried.” 2.) After a few quiet days, the “intellectuals” (who don’t post the Mantra) mask their inaction with some sort of debate on how best to use the Mantra 3.) Followed by a change in conversation, usually drifting off to more intellectual discussion.

    I’m beginning to feel like a castaway on a desert island. I wonder if the white nationalists here actually have balls enough to get out of bed in the morning, let alone use the Mantra.

  4. #4 by Bob on 03/07/2007 - 12:24 pm

    To 3.

    I can’t unban anybody. One person called Kelso to help out the blog and, incidentally, got unbanned that way. But when I try it directly all I ever get are explanations as to why said person is banned.

    Give me yur SF name, and I can try JJT directly, if you like, but that hasn’t worked yet. They just feel that another moderatoris interfering with their work, which I can understand.

    He will probably remind me I tried it before and get pissed, but if you are po’d at me, you have to stand in line, so I don’t mind.

  5. #5 by Adelheim_ on 03/07/2007 - 4:35 pm


    Al Parker, some thoughts I have.

    As I see it, when we use the mantra we are going from being defensive to get on the offensive. To break the big lie we have to START SOMEWHERE and Bob has identified where. It is on the internett but real people read it and real people think about it.

    We have to repete it so it gets boiled down. So that people start to talk about it.

    What David Duke, BNP og NPD is talking about makes a lot more sense when you understand that the white race is dying out. Instead of being looked at as the evil racist who want to keep poor blacks out, you are looked upon as someone who wants to save your race, or something of the sort. As far as I am concerned that is a HUGE improvment.

    We most talk about RACE, if not we may end up as Le Pen who now say he wants to ASSIMILATE!!! Then we have moved NO futher. And we have BNP who also play the anti-islam card, although the BNP do not want to assimilate I hope and think. But they are moving from race to religion. This may also have to do with anti-free speach laws. Therfore it is important that we use the mantra before such hate-laws comes to our countries. (We already have a small, but expanding racism-law in Norway.)

    I will oppose everything that threatens my race. Wheter it be muslims, jews, anti-racist or some Le Pen-assimilator.

    The mantra talks about RACE, it makes race easier to talk about and you can, I think, use it as your main argument.

    “I belive every race has a right to exist, including the white race.” Now the antis have to justify why we shouldn’t include the white race.

  6. #6 by Bob on 03/08/2007 - 11:45 am

    “the inmates here on WOL!”

    How DARE you refer to our people as inmates!?

    That means three days in The Hole for you, boy!

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