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Posted by Bob on March 19th, 2007 under General

I was sitting in a bar in Moscow with a Syrian who was explaining the differences between Sunnis and Shiites. In the midst of his discussion, he mentioned the different Holy Texts, and then explained that each of them also have tens of millions of commentaries on them that are also part of each major segment of the Faith.

I laughed, and it embarrassed me and infuriated him. I did manage to explain why I laughed, but it wasn’t easy. It was a BAD mistake.

I certainly was not laughing at him or his faith. But telling ME a religion has commentaries hit me sideways. It is like someone saying, “I can’t find my shows. That is, I cannot find my LEFT shoe and my RIGHT shoe.” If someone said that to you, and you had just been drinking, you would naturally take it as a joke.

A big-time defense lawyer was addressing law students and a student asked him if what he had been talking abut represented justice. The reply was, “Don’t be CHILDISH. Law has nothing to do with JUSTICE.”

If you quote the Commandment, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” and point out that not only does it state flatly that ARE other gods, but that you can worship them, you will be considered childish. That is what JHWH SAID, but if you are learned in the commentaries, you should realize that that is not what he MEANT.

In order to transform an institution into a form of Wordism, commentaries are indispensable. Commentaries use the old “We COVERED that” argument. So conservatives no longer use the “old argument” that “If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.”

Actually it is absolutely true. I have had a LOT of contact with felons on several continents. I have not met one single criminal in the most fanatically gun-controlled environment on earth who had the slightest problem getting hold of a gun. You do not keep weapons from people whose whole busy is to do illegal things by making guns illegal. This is a matter of logic, but it is also a matter of PRACTICE.

So how do liberals keep all respectable conservatives from using the statement, “If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns?”

Very simply: They call it “the OLD argument that ‘If guns are outlawed, outlaws will have guns.'” This means it is a childish argument, something that has already been covered.”

Yes, it is childish. “Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” This does not sound like the words of someone who thinks all salvation lies within the pages of Scripture known only to the priesthood.

But that is a childish way of looking at it.

So when that Syrian told me about all those commentaries, and how so many of them are regarded as overriding something that the Koran got wrong, I would be willing to bet that Mohammed himself would not be let into either a Shiite or a Sunni mosque, any more than Christ would be welcome in any church today.
Theologians often say that it is amazing how much alike the Great Religions are. It certainly doesn’t amaze ME. As institutions get older, they follow institutional imperatives. All institutions have to survive in the same environment. This is a common phenomenon in biology called “parallel evolution.” The marsupial saber-toothed cat looked amazingly like the saber toothed tiger, but the saber toothed tiger is far more kind to a field mouse than to that marsupial look-alike.

In the end, if you don’t listen to me, your institution will look like every other institution. No matter how different Jesus and Buddha and Mohammed were, the institutions built on their names will eventually be run by commentary.

But I shouldn’t have laughed.

  1. #1 by Peter on 03/19/2007 - 4:59 pm



    I just schooled ‘Asian guy’ at

    –Al Parker

  2. #2 by Pain on 03/19/2007 - 8:27 pm


    Unseemly love of institutions is like keeping frozen food in a freezer that no longer turns on just because your wife’s grandmother owned used it in her kitchen.

    Institutions serve a purpose. When they no longer serve that purpose, it is time for a new one.

  3. #3 by Twin Ruler on 03/19/2007 - 9:18 pm

    Well, the Communists were remarkably like the Nazis. Only, the former killed people because of their Class rather than their Race. The difference, seems trivial. Besides, Communism is like any other religion, esp. in its intolerence towards other religions. Communism, of course, is a good example of something which was contaminated by wordism. There are many commentaries about Communism!

  4. #4 by Twin Ruler on 03/19/2007 - 9:36 pm

    A modern version of Commentaries is “Deconstruction.” You know longer need to go out and watch movies or television anymore. Collegians interperet, or at any rate, “Deconstruct”, them for you. Just so that you interperet them the way they want you to. I am sure every Phd needs a new idea, and that is how they become professors in the first place. Besides, every regime has its official euphemisms. Political Correctness and speech codes, come down to euphemisms. That way, the Colleges can control thought. Most “Social Science” deals with things that people cannot help but have emotional prejudices about, anyhow. Whether Sociology, antrhopology, or criminology– all the social sciences deal with things that people get heated up about, one way or another. I wonder if they really are Sciences at all. Perhaps, they are part of a religion. PC exists to make sure that people adhere to doctrine, and do not stray into heresy.

  5. #5 by Bob on 03/20/2007 - 10:12 am

    It is the comment at the last. Good job, especially putting in our web site, but you
    could have stuck in the Mantra.

    What really matters here is that you REPORTED something we can all LOOK at. Saying
    “I posted” is no comparison to it in terms of morale.

  6. #6 by Mark on 03/20/2007 - 10:59 pm


    Well done Al Parker! I have repeated over and over that it doesn’t matter WHERE you post the Mantra as you long as you POST it. If I could get a thousand more people using the Mantra, posting it just once a day, this revolution of ours would catch on like wildfire. Why do I say this? Well, one thousand raving lunatics each preaching the same dogma (Moonies, Jehovah’s Wintnesses, Mormons, etc.) end up being viewed by the populace as having something “relevant” to say. If those one thousand lunatics were substituted with thinking, decent, normal people (you and me a
    and Bob and Peter and…) think what could be accomplished!

    Hats off to everyone using the Mantra!


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