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Banned at Last!

Posted by Bob on March 22nd, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

Lord Nelson says:

You may like to know coach, that British libraries have banned access to your website on their computers. (Congratulations)


Congratulations, indeed!

I think I am good at this, or I wouldn’t be up here in the pulpit. One result is that we look smaller than we are. I have spent a lifetime getting around censors, saying just what is undeniable. No one gives me credit for the fact that for over a quarter of a century, I have the only mainline book that attacked intermarriage as genocide against whites.

Buchanan FINALLY wrote his, as I had been urging him to do for a long time, and it was a best-seller. But if I understand its conclusions, everything will be all right if we all become little brown Traditional Values Catholics.

But the Canadians only seized my last book because Eric Fromm had it on him, and they held it for two months and couldn’t find anything in it they could actually ban. All this makes us look like small potatoes compared to Stormfront and Duke’s books. In other words, the very reason I don’t get credit for my ideas, the very reason we don’t get publicity, is the same strategy that makes us so much more effective than anyone else.

My ideas slide through into the mainstream media.

Though I don’t own them.

  1. #1 by Anonymous on 03/22/2007 - 5:01 pm

    no spam
    no spam

    “No one gives me credit for the fact that for over a quarter of a century, I have the only mainline book that attacked intermarriage as genocide against whites.” That is what Mr. Whitaker has said. Well. If every citizen in the USA was to become privy to that fact it is my assertion that this would have to occur as a result of the action of the mainstream media/corporate media which Mr. Whitaker and his camp followers say is of no consequence. What perfect nonsense! Mr. Whitaker knows he has never had that kind of exposure that would lead to the cessation of the movement to commit genocide upon the White Race. Did you ever see Mr. Whitaker on the Larry King Show where millions of people might hear his message? I didn’t think so. It’s better, I suppose, that 7 people hear Mr. Whitaker’s message than millions of people in the USA hearing the same message and deciding what they think should be done about it. Have you noticed that it doesn’t make any sense that Mr. Whitaker would minimize the importance of the power of the mainstream media/corporate media?The only sense it makes to me is that Mr. Whitaker is not sincere in his efforts to bring about a cessation of the genocide movement against the White Race. Either that or serious combat causes him to run the other way.

    If Mr. Whitaker’s ideas “slide through” into the mainstream media you can rest assured they won’t have the power and the truth of the ideas of David Duke. I have never seen Mr. Whitaker’s ideas enunciated in any part of the mainstream media/corporate media. CNN had someone on today addressing the topic of race. What a joke! Not a word of truth in the entire interview. Just the same old tired pablum. All the people that Mr. Whitaker says he would like to see in his column are being sucked into the CNN column. THEIR column. Through the efforts of the mainstream media/corporate media his “people” wind up in THEIR column.

  2. #2 by Alan on 03/22/2007 - 10:30 pm



    You know you are successfull when they ban the blog. Lets turn up the heat since these sicko’s fear words. This is so damn funny, they treat the citizens of England like children, what an insulting these cowards are to the meaning of democracy and freedom.

  3. #3 by shari on 03/23/2007 - 8:37 am


    Your ideas are having a leavening effect over at v-dare. Very good article this morning by a Kevin Carter.

  4. #4 by Alan on 03/25/2007 - 12:19 pm



    Webb is fixated on the belief that real power resides within the media, hell the mainstream media is on it’s death bed. Today the internet rules, millions turn to it for truth and they seek out the Whitakers and others who have a message based on truth and reality. Webb is into instant self gradification, some things require work and time to take root, hang in there our message is getting through.

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