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Posted by Bob on March 26th, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

I left off answering Mr. Webb because I didn’t think it was necessary. Then, when I did, Papillon said that she was tearfully glad I did.

I am not doing a very good job here.

When someone comes on with nothing but defeatism and personal insults and you take it seriously, I have failed. Some of my commenters did defend me, which is what one does for a friend when he is insulted, but the fact that this crap impressed someone disappoints me to the extreme.

AFKAN just came up with a list of the great power Jews have, and says that proves they are THE Enemy on whom we must concentrate. Mr. Webb kept talking abut how powerful the media were, and how hopeless it is to come up against them.

I seem to be the only person here who lived through the 1980s. The power that AFKAN ascribes to the Jews in the United States was paltry compared to the power the Soviet Empire had inside its borders. ALL criticism of government was banned, and the name of the tiny publications put out by starving Russians were called samizdat — “self-publications” — which were by definition illegal.

Now here is the important point: EVERY SINGLE professional Sovietologist absolutely agreed with AFKAN and Mr. Webb on this. NOT ONE of the people we paid even hinted that the Soviet Empire would collapse in the last century. Even Science Fiction books by anti-Communists, like The Mote in God’s Eye, predicted a permanent USSR.

PLEASE don’t tell about that college professor you heard abut who predicted that collapse. He doesn’t EXIST. If you discussed any internal collapse, every single expert would do what AFKAN and Webb do; they would just point at the power of Moscow and shout you off the stage.

That happened within my lifetime. That happened LESS than twenty years ago. In 1992, if Perot had not been a nutcase, the polls showed that he was out front and gaining. That was less than fifteen years ago.
So here we are again. The Knowledgeable Ones are explaining to me, AGAIN, that one group is very, very powerful, so “Resistance is Useless!”

And some bloggers STILL listen to them!

I’ve fought alone a long time. At least I now have SOME people with me.

  1. #1 by shari on 03/26/2007 - 2:40 pm


    I’m glad not to listen to that anymore too. I’ve been getting some funny replies to my own correspodense as well. When I explained to the ladies prayer group that I wasn’t in sync, that I didn’t see racism as the big problem but rather anti-racism and yes, gave them the mantra, ons said, well if we couldn’t pray together that the terrorists have won. E.Michael Jones replied to my letter to the editor, which he ignored, that he believes that the “Mexicans will be to the American empire what the Goths were to the Roman empire. Ha! I don’t think so. I’m sure that Russian dissidents were told all kinds of silly things as well.

  2. #2 by AFKAN on 03/26/2007 - 3:16 pm


    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies to Bob:


    AFKAN just came up with a list of the great power Jews have, and says that proves they are THE Enemy on whom we must concentrate. Mr. Webb kept talking abut how powerful the media were, and how hopeless it is to come up against them.

    in reply:
    I can’t speak for Mr. Webb.

    I can speak for me, and you got it wrong.

    We must concentrate on our duties, to our RACE; I focus on the demonic Jews because they have succeeded spectacularly – less than THREE PERCENT of the population controls the commanding heights of our political, financial, and education/indoctrination systems.

    They have accomplished this SOLELY by focusing on RACE – First, Foremost, Forever.

    To think otherwise is to make the mistake the CONservatives seem to have knowingly made, and you will simply chase their False Flag of the Week, like a puppy chasing its tail.

    Until we IDENTIFY this as happening, by using the examples they have placed before us of their own behavior, we shall be like Charlie Brown, always missing the football Lucy pulls away, or, say, Sam Francis, who died alone, and lonely, at the mercies of his RACIAL enemoies, because he corssed the line, saw a vague outline of the Truth about the demonic Jews, spoke it, and was exiled…

    I use Sam Francis as a microcosm of how the True Believer CONservatives are treated when they see and speak the Truth about RACE, and use the perfect example which is right to hand, the demonic Jews.

    Why we choose this willful blindness is beyond me; the perfect example of how a small, focused RACE can literally occupy and control a host population, by focusing solely on their RACIAL SUPREMACY, is close to hand, and we persist in saying they do not exist.

    The irony – it is OUR power that they have, and a very slight Change in Mind, Can Save Our Kind.

    Think RACIAL, Act Local.

    The demonic Jews do, with remarkable effectiveness.

    Let’s emulate their effective example; at the very least, let’s be AWARE of their remarkably effective example.

    Sam Francis certainly was…

    you wrote:
    I seem to be the only person here who lived through the 1980s. The power that AFKAN ascribes to the Jews in the United States was paltry compared to the power the Soviet Empire had inside its borders. ALL criticism of government was banned, and the name of the tiny publications put out by starving Russians were called samizdat — “self-publications” — which were by definition illegal.

    in reply:
    One, the demonic Jews CREATED and RULED the Soviet Union; why do you suppose SIX of the SEVEN Oligarchs are JEWISH?

    Why do you suppose that the Bolshevik Revolution destroyed all churches except one, but not a single synagogue was touched?

    How many of the Russian people died in the Gulag Archipelago, which was run by demonic Jews?

    How many of the Russian people died in World War II, SOLELY in the pursuit of the JUDEO-Marxist Dream of World Domination through an international “socialist” order?

    They may have “lost,” for a season, but damn, it wasn’t from lack of trying, including the ruthless methodical murder and torture of anyone who might conceivably pose a threat to them…

    you wrote:
    Now here is the important point: EVERY SINGLE professional Sovietologist absolutely agreed with AFKAN and Mr. Webb on this. NOT ONE of the people we paid even hinted that the Soviet Empire would collapse in the last century. Even Science Fiction books by anti-Communists, like The Mote in God’s Eye, predicted a permanent USSR.

    in rely:
    One, Spengler predicted the collapse and transformation of Soviet Russia with awesome prescience; I think he was cited by Yockey in this, as well (“The Enemy of Europoe,” if memory serves.

    Two, you are wrong about the professional Sovietologists; the CIA’s own internal analysts looked at the necessity of importing food (which WE sold our “Enemy,” staving off the foundation of all revolutions), and all manner of modern technology. They CIA’s own internal assessment predicted the collapse of the Soviet union.

    Their analysis was “massaged” under the Reagan leadership.

    After all, without the Soviet Bogeyman, how could the American people be kept in line in a country where the military/industrial/financial/political complex was concentrating more power, into fewer hands?

    Remember, we BUILT the (demonic Jew-controlled) “Soviet” Union.

    Anthony Sutton wrote an entire series of books laying this out in great detail.

    And the CIA’s Internal Sovietologists KNEW it.

    The EXTERNAL Sovietologists would see the end of a lucrative profession, if their bread and butter was soon to recognize what it really was – “Russia,” on the European side of the Urals, and most ice, desert, and “Muslims,” for the rest.

    you wrote:
    PLEASE don’t tell about that college professor you heard abut who predicted that collapse. He doesn’t EXIST.

    in reply:
    My History mentor, who opened my eyes to Spengler, went to great efforts to get me to see Spengler’s reasoning; after all, all Empires turn back to sand…

    I gave you the example of the CIA’s INTERNAL Sovietologists above.

    They had no axe to grind; just come to the truth, and tell it.

    you wrote:
    If you discussed any internal collapse, every single expert would do what AFKAN and Webb do; they would just point at the power of Moscow and shout you off the stage.

    in reply:
    That’s what happened to the CIA’s INTERNAL Sovietologists; the truth was simply bad for the business of the military/industrial complex.

    As well, the Reagan/Bush (mostly Bush) administration NEEDED an external Enemy to keep people’s minds off their INTERNAL structural enemies; remember 21% prime rates, and the collapse of the real estate markets?

    Incidentally, I met one of the CIA’s Soviet Russia analysts at a conference concerning long term energy prices, and the net energy costs of extracting oil; he used the example of Siberian oil, and how it made little sense from an energy perspective. Man, though, what it did to the forex reserves in Moscow…

    I think today, Moscow had no foreign debt, to speak of…

    Would that we could say the same.

    you wrote:
    That happened within my lifetime. That happened LESS than twenty years ago. In 1992, if Perot had not been a nutcase, the polls showed that he was out front and gaining. That was less than fifteen years ago.

    in reply:
    And all of the election laws were rewritten AFTER Perot to make damn sure it didn’t happen again.

    Why do you think Buchanan did so poorly in the elections?

    He had the platform, he had the ideas, and he was systematically undermined from within at the State level…

    His platform even called for the abolition of the Federal Reserve System.

    What happened?

    you wrote:
    So here we are again. The Knowledgeable Ones are explaining to me, AGAIN, that one group is very, very powerful, so “Resistance is Useless!”

    in reply:
    That ONE group, the demonic Jews, ARE very powerful; soon, their “Hate Speech” legislation will pass, Bush will sign it, and WHY would they want to remove the First Amendment?

    For that ALONE, we should think, “DAMN! The Enemy is no VISIBLE! NOW we can Do SOMETHING about this!”

    you wrote:
    And some bloggers STILL listen to them!

    I’ve fought alone a long time. At least I now have SOME people with me.

    in reply:
    We have ALL fought alone, for far too long.

    Why can’t David Duke get something going politically?

    Why is it that Channon Christian and Chris Newsom are kidnapped, raped, tortured by their RACIAL enemies, and this – and so many events like it – do NOT make the news?

    JEWISH control of the Mainstream Media – horrific RACE crimes ,committed against WHITE people by our RACIAL enemies, become HUSH CRIMES.

    Alex Linder is forming some sort of memorial service, and a possible rally, for Christian and Newson, and against their – and our – RACIAL enemies.

    I have no doubt you are a brilliant student of politics, and human nature.

    Yet, Sam Francis was destroyed years before he died, Pat Buchanan couldn’t get traction in the elections, and David Duke is neutralized at all points.

    See a Pattern here?

    We can START by supporting Linder’s “feet in the street/boots on the grond” memorial, and I am sure he would welcome your suggestions.

    I am NOT a “defeatist.”

    I ALWAYS say it is OUR Power the demonic Jews are using against us.

    All we have to do it recognize this, and reclaim our power, a day at a time.

    While we can…

  3. #3 by Bob on 03/26/2007 - 3:23 pm

    I have heard that one about the Sovietologist who predicted the fall of the USSR. It never checked out. I certainly never met anyone in the CIA before 1985 who thought the Soviet Empire was going down. Even as it collapsed, they didn’t even guess the USSR would break up into nationalities.

    I reaminopen to anything except a side statement about who predicted the fall of hte USSR. I don’t even remember it in Yockeybut it’s been a along time since I read Imperium. But the last thing Yockey could be called called would be a self-styled “Realist.”

  4. #4 by Dave on 03/26/2007 - 6:29 pm


    AFKAN is a very interesting participant in this seminar.

    AFKAN, you imagine yourself fully out of fashion. But you are not. I’m a West Coast person and I run with affluent professionals.

    It is quite the fashion among them to openly condemn both Israel and Jews. I was at a cocktail party when a Palestinian woman was formally introduced to a crowd containing a smattering of judges, city officials, professors, and legislators. This Palestinian woman made a few comments about the plight of “her country”. This crowd of dyed in the wool liberals wildly cheered her.

    If I were a Jew in that crowd, I would have tried to sneak out of the door. I had to pinch myself for assurance that I had not been transported by a time machine to the 1930s.

    It is obvious in my liberal City of Seattle that Jews are increasingly not being invited. For example, the odd Jew lawyer in the boutique law firm is being dropped from the marketing brochure, subtly being told to join a “Jew firm”. Jews just aren’t showing up on the invite lists at yuppie shindigs.

    And it is almost hilarious watching prominent Jews performing acrobatic maneuvers in transparent attempts to resign from being Jews. They’re Jews “but not Jews” simultaneously.

    This is becoming standard. It is almost like they are sensing a coming pogrom, but what they are really afraid of is being out of fashion.

    My point is that your dislike of Jews is becoming mainstream, but as always with intellectuals you are pretending to be the rebel.

    However, your analysis is well worth reading and far beyond the usual stuff that comes fashion trend followers like the fashionable pro-Palestinian lefties.

    Keep contributing to this seminar.

  5. #5 by MrWebb on 03/26/2007 - 8:14 pm

    not spam
    not spam

    What a damned shame Bob W. won’t have the intelligence to understand what the artist formerly known as Nobody is saying. Bob is a student, no doubt, but if he is even close to being honest then I don’t think he comes close to being brilliant. In addition to that his falsely inflated ego could never admit the truth of what Nobody is saying. Not to fear. The heelclickers will still click their heels whenever Bob utters a sentence and they won’t check into it to see if there is any truth to it. Bob needs heelclickers. He doesn’t like to get wrapped upside the head with the truth. He squirms around and twists what people say into utter nonsense and then waits for an applause from the knuckledraggers. And with this array of heelclickers he expects to turn the world around and even claims to be doing so.

    Nobody gave Bob what for and there is no way Bob will say thank you.

    I don’t even know Nobody but I know he is light years ahead of Bob W. Bob W. can’t shine Nobody’s shoes and by now he probably knows it but he won’t admit it. Bob puts out slop for the heelclickers day in and day out. Nobody gets to the truth in short order. Bob can’t handle the truth. In my opinion. Just like Jack Nicholson said. Same basic scenario.


  6. #6 by Peter on 03/26/2007 - 8:15 pm


    That a collapse can come suddenly has been proven. Are there cracks in the jew brick wall around America? Maybe. At least I notice one.

    Dinesh D’Souza recently came out with a book on the Islamic threat that did not toe the line. The neocons panned it and unleashed venomous personal attacks on him. He was puerile. Didn;t have a doctorate. Was outside his field on exxpertise. Didn’t understand America. Not very bright. Just about the whole gamut. It took me back as he was one of them, a neocon. Why the hatred?

    Then the WSJ reprinted an article from New Criterion and it fell into place in a most curious fashion. Buried in the long piece was the following:

    Mr. D’Souza’s reference to alleged “state-sponsored terror” by Israelis desperately seeking to defend themselves is of a piece with the blind eye he turns to the anti-Semitism that is ubiquitous in the Muslim world. Muslim anti-Semitism has turned “Mein Kampf” into a bestselling book, as Victor Davis Hanson has pointed out, under the title “Jihadi.”

    What is interesting is that in none of the several denunciations of D’Souza was he called an antisemite. Until this article I was unaware that he referred to Israel as a staate sponsor of terror. This is an important development. After the barrage hurled at Carter for far less, have they decided that an antisemitism accusation is losing its effectiveness? That too many Americans have caught on to the con? That to charge someone with being a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews is akin to pinning a medal on that person’s chest?

    This is a big turnabout.

    Just a suggestion that there may be a few rays of sunshine. All is not gloom. It may be morning in America again

    Back Bay Grouch


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