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Posted by Bob on March 27th, 2007 under Coaching Session


AFKAN is a very interesting participant in this seminar.

AFKAN, you imagine yourself fully out of fashion. But you are not. I’m a West Coast person and I run with affluent professionals.

It is quite the fashion among them to openly condemn both Israel and Jews. I was at a cocktail party when a Palestinian woman was formally introduced to a crowd containing a smattering of judges, city officials, professors, and legislators. This Palestinian woman made a few comments about the plight of “her country”. This crowd of dyed in the wool liberals wildly cheered her.

If I were a Jew in that crowd, I would have tried to sneak out of the door. I had to pinch myself for assurance that I had not been transported by a time machine to the 1930s.

It is obvious in my liberal City of Seattle that Jews are increasingly not being invited. For example, the odd Jew lawyer in the boutique law firm is being dropped from the marketing brochure, subtly being told to join a “Jew firm”. Jews just aren’t showing up on the invite lists at yuppie shindigs.

And it is almost hilarious watching prominent Jews performing acrobatic maneuvers in transparent attempts to resign from being Jews. They’re Jews “but not Jews” simultaneously.

This is becoming standard. It is almost like they are sensing a coming pogrom, but what they are really afraid of is being out of fashion.

My point is that your dislike of Jews is becoming mainstream, but as always with intellectuals you are pretending to be the rebel.

However, your analysis is well worth reading and far beyond the usual stuff that comes fashion trend followers like the fashionable pro-Palestinian lefties.

Keep contributing to this seminar.

Comment by Dave —


Yes, and who among the defeatists just a little while back would not have lauhed at the idea that the LEFT is where anti-Semitism would be growing while the Right would totally discredited itself by its drooling love of Israel?

Defeatists don’t THINK. So it never occurs to them that there is NO SUCH THING as a Prophet in this world. They think that because they claim to be prophets of Doom, they are somehow practical, not like tea leaf readers. But a Prophet of Doom still claims to be a prophet, and he AIN’T!

You know all those idiots who end up on a hill waiting for Doom’s Day every time some twit claims he has had a Revelation From the Lord? That is EXACTLY the way I look at defeatists. They are just more harmful.

  1. #1 by AFKAN on 03/27/2007 - 11:40 am


    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies to Dave:

    Thanks for the kind words.

    One observation: the demonic Satanists known as Jews tie in with the points of both Bob, and Mr. Webb, for they prove both perspectives, and provide a wonderful opportunity for us.

    Their great strength has been their invisibility, and their invisible hands controlling the commanding heights of the institutions of this society.

    The demonic Jew are trying, with all of their power, to turn America into Soviet America, complete with internal passports, and a unitary executive.

    They simply believe that they MUST attack, geld, and destroy the White RACE, by any means necessary.

    If that means that horrific attacks by their subhuman Colored Companions on innocent White children – kill off the future, a demographic war – then what VNN’s Alex Linder call “Hush Crimes” become an approved procedure.

    Go to Googe and type in “Channon Christian.”

    She and her boyfriend are the tip of an iceberg of institutional assaults on White people, and Western Civilization.

    Defeatists are beaten before they come to bat; there’s an old Norse saying, “You must bring courage, as the God will then, and only then, grant victory.”

    We have been Hegelian salami-sliced to constructive impotence, and this learned helplessness is indoctrinated into our children at the public education/indoctrination system.

    We have been internally neutralized from going on the offense, nda our only method of defense has been to run up to the next exit on the Interstate. The demonic Jews, of course, arrange for public housing for their attack animals to be built in our new neighborhoods – literally ,importing the predators to walk among us, destroying the very fabric of our Civilization.

    Bob bitches out Perot, and he bitches out Buchanan.

    The demonic Jews lived in total fear of what their campaigns symbolized, and – literally – transformed the election laws to assure that “democracy” was here in name only. Indeed, if The People choose wrong, a Federal Judge will simply annul their expressed will.

    That people – educated people! – are seeing the demonic Jews and are naming them is due SOLELY to the Internet, and the demons are trying to put fprward a “Hate Speech” bill that will silence the Internet.

    What then?

    The demonic Jews imported Africa into America, and told it it was “equal,” today, and made it superior, in fact, the day after. Affirmative Action, so strongly supported by the “Republican” leadership, has led to RACIAL betrayal by the party whose sole constituency, at the level of elections, is White people.

    The original sin was to allow the Asiatic Hive Consciousness known as Judaism into the West, in general, and America, in particular.

    The question is, “What do we DO about it?”

    Alex Linder is organizing a memorial service for Channon Christian and Chris Newsom, hardly a defeatist act. Bob’s Advice might be useful to him.

    Within “the System,” we are pretty much constructively nullfied at the RACIAL level, and a demonic Jewish control of the commanding heights pretty much guarantees it will be that way for the forseeable future, all things being equal.

    The demonic Jews are literally flooding America with Third Worlders, the “people” who turned a country rich in natural resources into Mexico, and will turn our country into Mexico, with snow.

    This is nothing less than a full-press RACIAL attack, and is done with an intensity and ferocity that most would not imagine, unless they saw it first-hand.

    It is the same think the demonic Jews did with their Colored Attack Animals, but on a much larger scale, with the same goal – “DISPLACE the White Man, and REPLACE the White Man, with their beasts of the field.”

    Our range of solutions seems to be narrowing, with possibly dramatic consequences.

    David Duke is reduced to trying to build a BNP-like Party in America.

    Pat Buchanan saw the velvet glove, while Sam Francis saw the mailed fist; both paid a price.

    At a certain point, we can not retreat – you NEVER won a game on defense.

    Options that were heretofore inconceivable are developing before our eyes, from Linder’s memorial to the victims of the RACE WAR the demonic Jews have drafted us into, to a truly Creative solution.

    The Unthinkable is developing, before our eyes.

    Look at Harold Covington’s Northwest Trilogy series of novel, particularly “A Distant Thunder.”

    Covington articulates the logical extension of what WE must at least actively consider – literally, forming our own country within the American framework.

    Covington is laying out how an explicitly – and I mean EXPLICITLY – RACE-based country can form for White people in the American Northwest.

    The Mantra has its place, but you must ask the question, “THEN what?”

    “America” has had many different Forms over the centuries; from Jamestown to the present multinational/multicultural/multiracial Empire, and this flexibility might lend itself to useful consideration, at LEAST as a way to encourage EXPLICITLY RACE-BASED AWARENESS on the part of our People.

    The Mantra is words, and they are the only tool we have, for now.

    We should begin to consider the actions that those words will inspire, whether it is Linder’s Memorial Service, or Duke’s BNP-type political party, or Covington’s Northwest Republic.

    I am not defeatist about the demonic Jews, at all.

    I think we should LEARN from their explicitly RACE-BASED CONSCIOUSNESS, and reclaim the power that we have given the demonic parasites. We then shift, slowly, from playing pure defense, where the demonic Jew makes the rules to THEIR satisfaction, to true offense, where WE make the rules, to our RACIAL satisfaction.

    And what’s the First Rule of RACE?

    “Survive, and grow – on your RACE’S terms.”

    HOW we choose to do that, and WHAT we do to fulfill that RACIAL purpose, is up to US.

    For a change.

  2. #2 by richard on 03/27/2007 - 1:37 pm


    I used to find it difficult to reconcile the two pro-white writers I admire most – Revilo Oliver and Bob Whitaker – in their attitudes toward jews.

    Oliver was the ivory tower academic who lived in a world of books, and believed the white race is doomed to extinction because of the power of jews. Whitaker is the strategist of realpolitik, who doesn’t think we should worry too much about jews because they aren’t as powerful as we think, and anyway they’ll end up destroying themselves.

    Who is right and who is wrong? I found the answer in a post of Whitaker’s and an essay of Oliver’s.

    Whitaker said that the jews have replaced loyalty to their people with hatred of our people, and in trying destroy us they are actually destroying themselves. He gave examples like the promotion of zero population growth which led to fewer jewish babies being born than white babies, and the non-white immigration into Israel.

    Oliver quoted the account of an old Roman writer who reported the orgy of destruction that the jews wreaked on a town in the Roman empire. The jewish mob was in such a frenzy that they burned down and ransacked their own homes as well as everyone elese’s. Oliver said that this episode holds the key for white preservation.

    If you let a fat kid loose in a candy store, he’ll make himself sick.

  3. #3 by AFKAN on 03/27/2007 - 5:33 pm


    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies to richard:

    I think you have just nailed part of what has bothered me about Bob’ analysis of the situation concerning our RACE and the demons in shoe leather known as Jews. That’s why my focus is on what can be done, on a daily basis, to define a RACIAL Solution, no matter how far fetched it may seem.

    Note that I support anyone who is doing anything good for our RACE, no matter how they might seem to be. This runs the gamut from David Duke’s books, speeches, and organizations, to Alex Linder’s VNN, Goyfire broadcasts, Bill White’s plans for a National Socialist state in America, and Harold Covington’s idea of a RACIAL Homeland in the Pacific Northwest.

    Peter Shank made an very important comment a few months back; “Suppose you got rid of the Jews. Then what? We would still have to deal with the rest of our RACIAL enemies. If you got rid of them, we would still have to deal with ourselves.”

    If I can define the demonic JEWISH Culture, I would use a handful of phrases to describe it – Magian in Nature, from the Spenglerian View, and xenophobic paranoids, from a Tribal view.

    Under both Whitaker’s and Oliver’s analysis above, the demonic Jew ends up destroying himself.

    The demonic Jew also takes down everything around him FIRST, including us, our Families, our RACE, and our Civilization.

    They have the advantage of a supremely self-confident TRIBAL mindset – the Asiatic Hive Consciousness. “If even ONE of us survives, we can start over, and THIS TIME, we will win.”

    By accepting their definitions, we have allowed ourselves to be stripped of the certain confidence that we are working in the fulfillment of a RACIAL Destiny, in all of our deeds, no matter how trivial they may seem.

    THIS Mindset is what is being recovered, slowly, a step at a time, by the likes of White, Duke, Linder, and Whitaker; we are slowly sloughing off the blinders the demonic parasitic Jews have placed over our Minds, and are using the Light that is shining through to build Creative Solutions in OUR RACIAL IMAGE.

    When the most isolated of Thirteenth Century Jewish rag sellers bought and sold anything, no matter how trivial, he did it with the certain knowledge that the end result of his efforts would be to SUSTAIN the NATION of Israel. In THIS Framework, the STATE of Israel became remotely possible, then probable, and then a Reality, with boots on the ground to back it up.

    The demonic Jews TOOK THE WAR TO US on all possible levels.

    Our RACIAL duty is to do the same, to our RACIAL enemies, by not defining ourselves in terms of what we are AGAINST – the demonic Jews are master shape-shifters – but, more importantly, in terms of what we are FOR.

    For the purposes of discussion and analysis, I will defend the proposition that all of the RACIAL Initiatives our Leaders have taken – Whitaker’s political analysis and memes, Duke’s political activities, Linder’s memes and broadcasts, White’s uniquely American version of National Socialism, and, above all, the one matter of Substance that combines all of these Forms, Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic as our RACIAL Homeland.

    Whatever we have done, it’s not working.

    Buckley’s treatment of Sobran, the Washington Times’ treatment of Sam Francis, the Bircher’s treatment of Dr. Oliver, Duke’s treatment by the Republican Party – ALL of these suggest that the game is rigged.

    We know WHO rigged the game – the demonic Jews – and HOW they did it – and the question remains, “What do we DO about it?”

    Bob is right, that the demonic Jews eventually overplay their hand and fail; they have also come BACK, and this is due solely – SOLELY – to their explicitly RACIALLY BASED thinking, and their gift for organizing as an Asiatic Hive Consciousness, ALL in the fulfillment of their ONE RACIAL COMMANDMENT – “Is it good for JEWS?”

    Playing by THEIR Rules simply insures that THEY win.

    We need to functional equivalent of this for US, and developing the analytical framework required for Covington’s Northwest Republic might be broad enough for all of us, and correct enough for the best of us.

    I’m open to better ideas, but if you aren’t explicitly defining the issue in terms of our RACIAL survival, and growth, then…they aren’t BETTER ideas, are they?


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