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The Brave but Anonymous Mr. Webb

Posted by Bob on March 27th, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

Mr. Webb may be a guy I worked with for many, many years.

Finally he became a complete Jewish Supremacist, shouting, “Resistance is useless!”

Then he came up with a newspaper scheme that would make him some money. He tried to sell it to us. He would start with how hopeless everything was with the same story of a card shark, and how the Jews were geniuses and cheated, too, so all was lost.

It was the same spiel, over and over.

BUT, he said, if someone would pay for him to start a local newspaper, all could be won. It was a good scheme, as all such schemes sound, but he had no newspaper experience, and, as I say, I have been through my share of world-saving schemes that also make money.

His first theme, like Mr. Webb’s, was that all is lost unless we buy him a newspaper. If you don’t accept his scheme he is a fanatical defeatist, a fighting, insulting, total defeatist like Webb.

Most people go through that stage early and outgrow it. I had the Only True Way disease a few times myself. But I didn’t try to discourage my whole side to get them to go along. This guy’s second childhood seems permanent.

  1. #1 by cl on 03/27/2007 - 5:49 pm

    This is sorta like when the Hebrews sent the 12 spies into Canaan, but only Caleb and Joshua returned declaring the possibility of victory. The other ten–one named Asher ben-Webb, no doubt–all reported the typical doom&gloom, etc.

  2. #2 by Alan on 03/27/2007 - 9:38 pm



    Bob has opened up a window here. Who can argue with the facts, all established organizations use the “All Is Lost”, the future is bleak as THEIR main crutch. Mommy Professor, Mongrelculturialist, Religions, Tax hungry goverment and others feed us fear and loathing and they demand we submit or “All WILL BE LOST”. The only thing that will be lost IS, the mony and power racket these crack pot outfits operate if our race through off the shackels of pessimism they chain us by. Freedom, hope and properity for the future would kindle the human sprit of our race and forever sentense these bastards to the askbin of history and they know it.

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