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Northern and Southern Europeans

Posted by Bob on March 28th, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses, How Things Work


So Bob, are you saying that Greeks and other southern Euros aren’t white?

Comment by richard


This is a line that is always used to break us up. It is time to deal with it.

If I were to find I was part black tomorrow I would STILL believe exactly what I believe now. In fact, it would give me an extra weapon to work with. So let’s take THAT fact into account before we go on to take this divisive line apart.

First of all, it is a fact of life that most southern Europeans are not AS white as middle and Northern Europeans. The day I deny reality to make someone feel good is the day my name appears in the obituaries.

NOBODY is “white enough.” In the very near future we will be able to make our children into “paint jobs,” who LOOK white or into Aryans, who are truly white to the core. We have all the DNA we need a thousand-fold for that.

We are facing an enemy who wants to destroy ALL of us, Northern Europeans, middle Europeans, southern Europeans. But southern Europeans will sometimes join the ENEMY on that snipe line.

Anybody with the slightest knowledge of Italy knows where the color line was there. There was the rich white north and the poor brown south.

NOBODY is “white enough.” India has advertisements on television for products to make one whiter, and I have great hopes that in this very century there will be a boom in REAL ARYAN children in India. The competition will make them prove they are REAL.

Instead of devoting 1864 words to the virtues of defeatist, AFKAN could be thinking of things like THAT.
If you like beng grim because it is your Realism, let me get frim here. Let me make a life and death point here. The man who shot George Lincoln Rockwell was a Greek who had worked with him and done excellent cartoons for him for years. He was Greek, and he told the police he had taken offense at Rockwell’s reference to Greeks.

The guy who shot Hendrik Verwoerd was also a Greek who claimed much the same thing. I don’t believe either one of them, but Offended Minority is a defense in court, even though the attempt to make “black rage” a defense, which would have given every black in America a hunting license for whites (including Greeks), was turned down.

But if someone is more concerned about my pointing out an obvious reality than in fighting those who want to destroy us ALL, he is not only insane, he is DANGEROUS.

Darker people are not as white as whiter people are. If you can’t live with THAT, you need medical help.

And stay away from me until you get it.

  1. #1 by LibAnon on 03/28/2007 - 4:16 pm


    If this post can’t clear a few heads, then nothing can. Bravo!

    This post would also get you banned on Stormfront. AThink about THAT fact a little, gang, and yet another lesson about institutions will be learned.

  2. #2 by LibAnon on 03/28/2007 - 4:19 pm


    If this post can’t clear a few heads, then nothing can. Bravo!

    This post would also get you banned on Stormfront. Yet another lesson about institutions learned.

  3. #3 by shari on 03/28/2007 - 5:31 pm


    I think that this is right. Next, we’ll worry if those with brown eyes are white if we give in to this.

  4. #4 by Twin Ruler on 03/28/2007 - 7:09 pm

    Only two groups of people are ever vilified by the US Media anymore. They are, of course, the Germans and the White Southernors. Hollywood churns out movies about the Second World War and the Civil War, all the time. Notice how the US Media ignores the crimes of the Han Chinese against other Ethnic Groups in China. It is amazing!

  5. #5 by Alan on 03/28/2007 - 8:32 pm

    This is a waste of effort, why debate the obvious when the evidense can be found around the word that clearly reflects how race and skin color can determine the level of developement of the peoples that occupy these areas. The white race lives and prospers in lands with moderate climate and a wealth of resources. Mongoloids the cold harsh lands and the tropical insect infested wet climates and the Blacks the simi arid savanas. So, is it any wonder that even in Europe the areas that are least sucessful and productive you will find the least aryan of society occuping them. Now look at the white nations the race traitors have flooded with non white immigration. Starting at the bottom you have the Blacks living in the worst squalor, followed by Arab and then the Indo European races and the Asians. Finally, we have the Whites who are at the top of the heap they own and create the real prosperity, it is a no brainer. Even when one looks to the past we can find evidence of aryan influence amoung the ruins of ancient Egypt and Asia, when the aryans left it went to hell. Like it has been said, Whites create, Asians immitate and blacks stagnate, just open your eyes.

  6. #6 by Anonymous on 03/29/2007 - 6:05 am


    Principle. The perfect is the enemy of the possible.

    Worked on a campaign once. Good candidate. Was assigned making up a pamphlet. Wanted to highlight the fact that our horse had blown through Harvard in three years. An older wiser head cut it. His reasoning, do not divide the electorate between those who did Hahvahd in three years and the rest of the voters. You can only lose on that split. We did anyway, but that’s another story.

  7. #7 by Mark on 03/29/2007 - 8:53 am


    “…but Offended Minority is a defense in court, even though the attempt to make “black rage” a defense, which would have given every black in America a hunting license for whites…”

    We have this in America, only it’s institutionalized hunting. It’s called Hate Crime Laws.


  8. #8 by richard on 03/29/2007 - 9:47 am


    I wasn’t criticising you or trying to stir up divisions, I just wanted clarification. It’s a fact that southern Europeans have a large admixture of non-white DNA. The standard Stormfront definition of white is ‘a descendent of European christendom”. This obviously includes southern Europeans, and I’ve always thought it was as good a definition as any to avoid divisive arguments.

  9. #9 by mderpelding on 03/30/2007 - 8:35 pm



    I allways thought that “darker people” such as southern Europeans were somewhat to blame for the
    so-called perversions of the traditional “Anglo-Saxon” republican property rights and freedom
    “libertarian” utopia as set out in the U.S. Constituition.

    You know, all those Southern Europeans imported anti-Republican values and
    ruined the whole English “natural rights” wet dream.

    I hate Socialism.
    Francis Parker Yockey loved Socialism.

    In fact, just about every nut case idea that we are fighting as a people has it’s roots
    in Germany. Not Italy or Greece or Macedonia or Serbia or Turkey.

    Non whites lack the cognitive ability to think up political systems.
    Politics is the art of utilising power for certain ends.
    That is predicated on the belief that one can master ones environment to harness power
    for one’s benefit.

    Only white people have “politics.”

  10. #10 by Pain on 04/02/2007 - 1:07 pm


    I know two teenagers, a boy and a girl, who are tow-headed, freckled, and have blue eyes. Their last name is Teutonic so I had no reason to believe they were anything but.

    But actually their mother is pure Greek and she looks it. She may not look pure Turkish as a few Greeks do, but she is short and dark. Yet her children are as pure Nordics as anyone can be.

    This tells me that Greeks are much more Aryan than I had thought and that places that I thought were lost are not lost at all.

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