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Is The Peter Problem Solved?

Posted by Bob on March 31st, 2007 under Bob

Today I saw not more “Pete” at the end of every piece, or even once! Maybe Kelso has gotten to us and solved the problem! Kelso always has my gratitude, but like all busy people, those who kept calling him get a major hunk of thanks. If, indeed, Lindbergh has dealt with this.

No one reported tome, but that’s all right. It could be a fluke, but when Peter does not appear in almost 600 pieces of spam and the 8 comments, it is unlikely to be a fluke.

I almost wiped out Trager Smith’s comments, because e was doing the usual thing. Leaving out NO SPAM out to show who is boss. Mr. Webb would put small letters, no spam, no spam, to show he wasn’t skeert of me.

It is not attacks on ME that make me tired. What takes the morale out of me is SMALLNESS. Mr. Webb, of whom we seem to have rid ourselves since I identified him in a way only he and I know, was small and nasty, It was not the insults alone, it was not the “I ain’t askeert” small letters alone, it was not the defeatism alone, it was not the total lack of any points alone, but the combination of smallness, nastiness, defeatism, and mental sterility did wear me down, which is what defeatism is for.

My dedication is endless, but my energy is a limited, and, if you consider me useful, a precious commodity. I am now going through 500 to 700 spams a day to get your handful of comments. I get about as many comments as a small local, but DAILY, newspaper, and from people who will spread ideas, so we are doing VERY well, actually.

I spent thousands of dollars putting in program after program over the years to do my broadcasts, print the book, and so forth. With attention deficit, as some here will testify, that “It only takes a couple of hours” becomes an unfunny joke. You forget EVERYTHING regularly, so a program is a nightmare.

I need for whoever collected all our stuff to put the download information in one place, now that it seems they’ve got it. Once I am sure that it is collected, and I do NOT mean the graphics but the writings and ideas, we are in business no matter what happens to the blog.

I remember in The Godfather II Michael said, “He’s been dying of the same heart attack for thirty years.” After something like this Mr. Webb bit I WANT to quit. Webb is one of those who must destroy all hopes but his own project, like Jews want to destroy all loyalties but their own. But Webb was a fanatical defeatist before he got his money idea.

A fanatical defeatist! Isn’t it time we brought that disease out in the open?

It took a long, long time, but we may have The Peter problem solved But another thing that exhausts me is saying a thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and then someone acting like they just didn’t hear me. I KEEP saying Kelso must be called if there is to be a spam program here, NOT ME. In response I get comment after comment abut how it would just take me a little while to do so and so.

One win on the Peter thing makes me hungry for more.

Help, gang!

  1. #1 by Tom on 03/31/2007 - 9:53 pm



    If this is the case Mr. Kelso deserves a round of applause. I sent him the missing audio about a week ago, so grab your torches and pitchforks on that.

    Graphics? HA! That was the easy part. Bob, what I was after was functionality. I failed to see the point of having a collection of your works if you can only see the front page with out having to open the folder and correctly identify the numbered file that you want. It’s all fixed, updated, and works well. Nothing can take us down now! (Oh mighty internet vandalizer, spare us your wrath)

  2. #2 by Alan on 03/31/2007 - 11:39 pm



    Peter is still around in my case, I have not updated wordpress so if anybody has the current version your input is welcomed.

  3. #3 by Stevenp on 04/01/2007 - 12:27 am


    “I am now going through 500 to 700 spams a day to get your handful of comments. ”

    Hey Bob, have you considered moving onto a generic bloghost like They let you use your domain ( so you won’t lose control of your traffic if you ever decide to change host again. The benefit would be that the comments have the “type the word shown in picture” anti-spambot protection plus you can delegate moderating rights to other people who can then weed out any remaining spam. Next you inform your closest friends of a new, secret email address and junk the current one. Voila! Welcome to a spam-free life.

    Stevenp (how the hell I got “logged in as Peter” is beyond me)

  4. #4 by Elizabeth on 04/01/2007 - 10:50 am


    Thanks for fixing things. I stopped comments for most of a couple of months partly because I was mostly operating on someone else’s network and partly because I was having trouble with keeping up with my password.

    I have ADD, too, and have had to be off my medication since I moved in January. I haven’t found a local doctor yet. I’m also looking for a job: it’s absolute hell having to do that without medication.

  5. #5 by Anonymous on 04/01/2007 - 11:49 am



    I fear that Bob may bite your head off, I suggest that you call Kelso at 561-351-4424 right away.

  6. #6 by Mark on 04/01/2007 - 6:01 pm


    Let’s see if this thing really works. I’m from Missouri, btw.


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