Archive for August, 2007

Pain, I Don’t KNOW!

Pain wants me to be more specific about the future. My point is that I don’t KNOW the future.

If you want to just make static here, you can declare that things like my suggestion that Indians MIGHT want Aryan babies is nonsense. You could argue that the Soviet Empire would have collapsed, Reagan or not. I call them as I SEE them, and when I don’t think I SEE them, I don’t call them.

As I KEEP pointing out, a Prophet of Doom is as silly as any other self-declared Prophet, but while everybody laughs at ever OTHER self-declared Prophet, the Prophet of Doom is NEVER laughed at. It may come from the same place that our absolute worship of stone-faced Chinese and American Indians who babble crap and do nothing comes from.

If you have a frown on your face, people take you seriously. Since Prophets of Doom have no better track record than any other prophets — take a look at the famous predictions of 1900 of what couldn’t be done by top people — the only explanation is the Chinese one.

The East Indian/Aryan thing was simply a random example trying to get your head out of the latest newspaper. I don’t argue it because it isn’t my POINT. My POINT is that things will make up the future that sound absurd right now.

No Sovietologist lost a penny by being dead wrong about the future of the USSR. Nobody in intelligence lost anything by 9/11. I am alone in that I CARE about what will happen, not just about my next paycheck and a reputation.

NO ONE ELSE has talked about the GENERAL conflict between science and social science. You are a specialist in one or the other. But the simple fact is that you can’t predict the future I you are a specialist. Specialists ALWAYS get blindsided. But it also never costs them anything, so that is not going to change.

One commenter put it perfectly: We are going to have to learn to THINK.

Someone asked me about general guidelines from me about comments I wouldn’t bitch about. I can’t think of any. Mark is bitching at me right now. I have no idea what he is getting at. I will bitch at you from time to time. If you have a point to make, you just have to live with it.

The points I just made strike me as important. Mark will ignore them and continue whatever jag he is on. Others will concentrate on what Mark is saying.

I’ll just go ahead and make my points.



Describing the Past and Predicting the Future

I might as well keep talking to myself here.

As I discussed in an ignored article below, our previous problem was that we had to settle for organizing the masses, since the top of the idea chain was carefully protected at Harvard and in New York. Now the top of the idea chain is literally at our finger tips.

This changes EVERYTHING.

Someone dealt with my article Pro-White Collaborators on Stormfront with the reasonable suggestion that a real history of the pro-white movement be written. But that won’t do it PRECISELY because of what I just mentioned. All the sex appeal is in Torch Light Parades a la Hitler or the forty thousand Klansmen marching in DC in 1927.

Trying to describe the importance of the intra-conservative battle which led to the “Wallace” vote becoming the Reagan Democrats and therefore to the end of the Soviet Empire holds no place in history compared to “Mr. Gorbeczev, tear down this wall!”

In the American media, as I said an ignored article, the emphasis is on shouting enemy victories and minimizing our wins. All the Torchlight Parade stuff is THEIRS.

No, a history won’t do it, because a history of events has very little to do with a history of real power.

History and predicting the future have this same problem. In order for there to be a book on the future, somebody has to PAY for it. The whole field of Futurology has no connection to the future at all. Successful futurologists are people who get money and fame for predicting what people who have money and who buy books and who grant academic titles TODAY want to hear and deem reasonable.

The future is NEVER what people today deem reasonable. Least of all is the future ever what people in power and money TODAY deem reasonable.

Pain asks me to be more specific abut what I EXPECT. I can’t, precisely because I don’t KNOW what the future holds.

I do know that every Tough, Practical Man would have said I 1980, “So the whole Soviet Empire is just going to fold up and go away? Don’t be RIDICULOUS!”

In 1980, you would find out about the future of the Soviet Union by talking to a Sovietologist. Not one of them predicted anything like what happened. That is because Sovietologists concentrate on getting PAID, not on predicting the REAL future.

The end of the Soviet Union was being determined inside the minority party, getting them to go for the “Wallace” vote. How in Heaven’s name could a professional historian or Futurologist or Sovietologist, whose JOB depends on ignoring anything outside of Harvard and New York, POSSIBLY have a clue about THAT?

This is an example of how making a living predicting the future makes one absolutely helpless in the fact of the REAL future. The strategy Reagan used to bring down the Soviets had been publicly discussed among paleoconservatives for decades. Burnham talked about it for years in National Review.

Reagan found his Last Straw for the Soviet camel in the Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI. Senator Kennedy called it “Star Wars.” He never knew how close he was. SDI was invented by a SCIENCE FICTION WRITER, Larry Niven, in a conference Reagan had with science fiction writers.

Why would an incoming president have a conference with people no PAID “intellectual” would take seriously?

Because Reagan did not need someone to organize a torchlight parade. He needed people who could THINK. He did NOT need more people who knew how to say what they could get PAID for in the Fashionable Opinion market place.

In other words, a history of pro-white victories wouldn’t do the job because most pro-whites wouldn’t recognize a victory when they SAW one.



Upgrade to WordPress 2.2.2 Complete

WordPress 2.2.2 is a security update and fixes the following problems:

wpx can include invalid named entities in comment author name
Unfiltered post titles in Recent Comments widget
“WordPress requires at least 4.1” expression in wp-settings.php
Template: default broken
Restore comment editing fix that disabled rich text editing
deleted_link action is never called
category dropdown javascript wrong location after moved blog
Wordpress /edit-comments.php Database Error
add_option followed by update_option not always working
Wordpress uploads.php Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability




Bob, your point of view on eugenics is all wet.

Eugenics has never been attempted in large enough numbers to count. The rulers did the get the best women, but there were a million times more peasants who reproduced at a much higher rate, spreading their inferior genes. If eugencis was tried on a MASSIVE level we would see fantastic and wonderful results.


As I have pointed ut at least a dozen times here, eugenics is goig to become a PRACTICAL concern in the this century, not just a theoretical one, as we learn to pick genes in a practical way. But like everything else, it wil be used against whites.

As I pointed out, it already IS being used against whites.

And your current jag notwithstanding, RACE is the purpose of this blog.

The argument is that interracial marriage is fine becuse the best will sort themselves out, regardless of race. That is the history I was addressing. But as we begin to SELECT our genes, this non-racial eugencis stuff is going to become fanatical.

The argument that anyone who mentions genetics is anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews has gone out. Naturally, as usual, I am the one looking for what will replace it. In the next generation everybody will say they knew it, but at this moment, the idea that eugenics will be used AGAINST race sounds like us “Nazis” have gone NUTS.

You are going to have an uphill struggle explaining why eugenics,which is inevitable, has to be INTRAracial. But by then you will have powerful allies who control the future.

In a couple of decades everybody s going to say they knew what I wrote about in 1976, that there is going to be a collision between the science establishent and the old SOCIAL science establishment. I have talked about it half a dozen times here, but it doesn’t have the sex appeal of a big story on TV.

When the establishments really start to collide, we will need to concentrate on preventing them from destroying us in the name of “pure” eugenics. It will be easier than it now appears.

I have been talking abut eugenics endlessly here, but you don’t seem to have noticed.

You don’t have to advocate it. All the Bible-thumpers and social scientists together can’t STOP it.



Oops! BUGS Will NOT be Abolished!

I was obviously tired when I wrote the piece about closing up shop for a week and deciding whether this phase of MY life is over. They were two different things, and I said them wrong.

I will not close down BUGS, even though that is what I now see that I clearly said in that article. This is not a matter of interpretation. When I screw up, it is blatant.

As you can see from my quoting the wrong person, I didn’t realize this was all Mark’s stuff. Mark is off on a roll about white trash. But it looked to me, after I had written a thousand word essay I thought was important, that EVERYBODY was off on this rant, pro or con.

So closing things down a week seemed like an alternative.

As to “closing down” BUGS, my point SHOULD have been that my life has come in phases. When my book team dropped the book that had cost me thousands of hours of work and thousands of dollars, I went on to something else.

By the time I had spent all those years and all that danger making the coalition that brought down the Soviet Empire, I dropped out of the game in 1980 because there was now credit for finishing the job under Reagan. This is routine for me.

That is not normal behavior. As I said, the grassroots movements I championed were ruined by little people who, for the ONLY time in their lives, got big-time attention and began to sound like every other official “leader” in our society. They did not realize that this field is overcrowded already with PROFESSIONAL respectable conservatives, so they were promptly forgotten.

I am the opposite. I start things until what I try to get across to people gets across and they FINALLYY see the point. I have been working on Whitakeronline since 1998.

I am now no longer BUGS.

I thought I might spend a week closing things down until Mark’s tirade passed and attention refocused. There will come a time when I leave BUGS and turn it over to YOU.

When I do, Mark and others need to realize that the subject of this blog is RACE. I wet to school with white trash, and I love them not. But they are a distraction here.

And, yes, when this stops being BOB’S blog, founded and paid for by ME, others will have less room for wandering onto other more personal things than I did.

I will start my OWN blog, dedicated to MY meanderings, which are really weird, and just come back here from time to time. I have to hold myself back here because we have evolved a purpose beyond my idiosyncratic thoughts. If you read the first intro to the Blog you’ll see that was its original purpose, but a causist is a causist till he dies, and we developed our direction right here.

All this is speculation. I will not abolish BUGS is someone is here to take it over.

Dealing with the Masturbation Generation makes he idea of “Being a Real Man” repulsive to me. Just so, the memory of all those conservative and grassroots “leaders” makes the idea of a permanent place with MY name on it, as the ONLY spokesman, cause my skin to crawl.

An originator should originate. Once he gets it to the point where good people see the point, or as with Reagan where the credit-takers will take over from there, he moves on.

An originator can move mountains if 1) He figures out where to START and 2) He knows when to QUIT.

I keep saying it, but, as ALWAYS, nobody GETS it:

“You can have the credit, you can have the money, you can have the fame, and you can have the titles.”

“All I want to do is rule the world.”

In our titanically large society, EACH of the above, taking credit, getting money, becoming famous and getting titles, is a full-time life’s work. You cannot do ANY of them and have POWER, too. That, too is a full-time life’s work.
