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Drug Free?

Posted by Bob on December 8th, 2007 under Bob, Coaching Session

I woke this morning to the realization that my comments about ME in yesterday’s articles contained the sound of chest-beating.

I also woke with a terrible cold.

The two are related.

My doctor brother explained to me decades ago that one symptom of a cold coming on is a lot like taking speed. Since he pointed this out, I started noticing it. So it was as if I had taken a small does of Dexedrine, which leads to chest-beating if you have been off speed for many, many years.

I have told you about the many times in college when I would actually laugh out loud at things like the Preamble to the Soviet Constitution of 1936, and realize that the class and the professor were all looking at me oddly. When I was in drug recovery many year later I suppressed this urge.

A guy was taking his year chip and said that he had been “chemical free for another year.” If I had laughed, I would have gotten that old sensation of everybody looking at me with those glazed eyes that I experienced in college.

What would I have laughed at? We all know that if he had been chemical free he would be dead. More to the point, the fact that he is able to speak shows that he is a mass of chemical reactions that an endocrinologist would require a library and a full day to describe, and those are just the reactions medicine knows about.

Arnold Schwarzenegger used to describe when, in his exercises, “The pain began.”

People who love heavy exercise are addicted to dopamine, which is the chemical a morphine addict is addicted to. It is secreted inside the body as a reaction to pain or a shot of morphine, which is why morphine is a pain suppresser.

When we say “drugs” we mean chemicals inserted into the body. But I was also addicted to adrenaline and to fatigue poisons that were secreted from inside my own body as I reached my sixteenth hour of frantic work.

This takes a little of the romance out of being an exercise fanatic or a workaholic, but it is the truth.

It is not only outside chemicals which are addictive or which make you unbalanced. That is one reason I leave The Divine Plan out of my religion. If the human body is the result of a Divine Plan, it has all the earmarks of a Soviet Five Year Plan. I am not about to go to Judgment saying that God is no smarter than Lenin!

I prefer to blame evolution. In the program, one if led to believe that the natural human glands are in some kind of Perfect Balance. It definitely is not. As in the case of my machismo yesterday, no human brain is or ever will be in that kind of balance.

I have had to literally sit on people who had stopped taking their lithium. They were drug-free, and this always seems to lead to a manic-depressive deciding he doesn’t need THAT chemical either.

You don’t have to be on drugs to have a drug problem. A person who needs lithium or a hundred other drugs is NOT “chemical free.” He is in fact being poisoned by the chemical imbalances INSIDE HIS BODY.

This effect of the drug program is unfortunate. If people in it realized this, they would get a permanent benefit from their former addiction: They would learn to LISTEN for chemical imbalances, which is more than the average person knows to do.

They should do as we do with the Mantra. You BEGIN with Mantra Logic, not just as cure for what ails society right now, but as a guide to the whole say of thinking which is what is wrong with our world.

Thank you, Dave! This is an extension of your insight.

  1. #1 by Lord Nelson on 12/08/2007 - 8:12 pm

    On the subject of chest beating:

    Its time we took on the mainstream ppl.

    We can still come here and touch base, but its been months since Adelheim wiped the floor with the Hannity forum single handed.

    We have seen all they have got, and its pathetic.
    Just decide which forums to target , post the mantra. Then post a link here, so the rest of us can join in the fun.

    The time is NOW!!

  2. #2 by Sys Op on 12/08/2007 - 9:16 pm

    A superior piece of writing, Bob. It is so refreshing (surprising) to see a MAN discussing chemical or endocrine imbalances! I never hear it except from Drs who are usually speaking to women audiences (with a few thoughtful husbands), who then go home and attempt make changes. Women are walking chemical imbalance factories (bet none of you men realized that…). They are in a natural, survival and reproduction dynamic flux state always until much later in life. Their wiring and biology work that way.

    The wise (unscathed) man understands this, learns it and adapts. I’ll venture that most women learn to “listen” for it and correct attitude and reaction “urges” better than others. Some won’t because it’s good manipulation force. Sometimes people who are prone to hyper fluctuation cannot “hear” it – their system is not capable of generating a correct response/reaction.

    Did you know that it is not just some people who need lithium? ALL people REQUIRE lithium – it is first in the chemical atomic group along with other essentials like sodium and potassium but has been lost from soils if it ever was there. Did you know they experimented on some Texas citizens and found it reduced the crime rate…. I’ll post the article – a Harvard/Michigan trained integrative M.D. wrote it up in his newsletter. He’s known about it for decades and recommends a minimum of 10-15mg+ per day per person (some people may be prescribed more if their uptake or some drug is interrupting its action) for optimal brain tissue health (but there can be side effects to high & toxic dosage levels). They have sprung older folks out of nursing homes with it – they really didn’t have irreversible dementia. Supposed Alzheimer’s folks were reversed with it. I hunted down a copy. You will see MUCH more in the experimentation than I’m willing to put in print. Your brother may know all about it.

    Lithium is good for you and had a positive effect on a population… flouride is a poison and doesn’t affect teeth, but causes bone cancer in young boys and a myriad of other toxic affects. I advocate them not ever putting ANYTHING into a water supply. But, why is flouride still there? We’re waiting for the federal unions lawsuits against it – they are medical people – which hopefully will put us along with the rest of Europe who outlawed it in anything but rat poisons decades ago.

    Pardon & forgive the long posts…. Just had to jump in on that post.

  3. #3 by Sys Op on 12/09/2007 - 1:02 am


    The misunderstood mineral, Part 2:
    Lithium fights crime and some of your most nagging health concerns
    By Jonathan V. Wright, M.D.
    Vol. 10 Issue 8 – September 2003
    [34 years in practice

    Turns out it’s not only the strict use of the death penalty lowering crime rates in some areas of Texas. And while I’m sure “Dubya” would be quick to take credit, it’s not stricter laws or changes in sentencing guidelines either. Using 10 years of data accumulated from 27 Texas counties, researchers found that the incidence of homicide, rape, burglary, and suicide, as well as other crimes and drug use, were significantly lower in counties whose drinking water supplies contained 70-170 micrograms of lithium per liter than those with little or no lithium in their water.

    The researchers wrote: “These results suggest that lithium at low dosage levels has a generally beneficial effect on human behavior…increasing the human lithium intakes by supplementation, or the lithiation [adding lithium] of drinking water is suggested as a possible means of crime, suicide, and drug dependency reduction at the individual and community level.”

    And that’s not to mention all of the lithium health benefits we went over last month: It may be useful in treating Alzheimer’s disease, senile dementia, and possibly Parkinson’s disease. Lithium not only protects brain cells against normal wear and tear, but also offers additional protection against a whole variety of toxic molecules, including patent medications. It can also promote brain cell regeneration and increase brain cell mass. In essence, the research suggests that lithium is a brain anti-aging nutrient.

    All of these results are every bit as good as (if not better than) the data that led to dumping toxic waste (fluoride) into so many public water supplies. So why haven’t public health and safety “authorities” been pushing for further intensive research on water-borne lithium and criminal behavior?

    I’m certainly not in favor of the government adding anything to pure drinking water. But if it insists on forcibly mass-medicating us through our water supply (a thoroughly un-American concept I’m 100 percent against no matter what the added substance is), why haven’t they considered adding something that might actually do some real good for people’s health and safety? Isn’t the possibility of reducing homicide, suicide, rape, robbery, burglary, theft, mental hospital admissions, and drug addiction related arrests just as important as the possibly of preventing tooth decay?

    Call me pessimistic, but I suspect lithium is still being ignored because no huge, politically connected industry has enormous quantities of lithium containing waste lying around. (In the 1940s, that’s exactly how water fluoridation began, by using up huge quantities of fluoride containing toxic waste generated by the politically connected aluminum industry.)

    Dr. Jonathan Wright’s
    All issues available in html or pdf to subscribers

  4. #4 by Bob on 12/09/2007 - 10:31 am

    SysOps said, “Some (women) won’t (control their biological chemical reactions) because it’s a good manipulation force.”

    This reminds me that, in the first episode of Married With Children, Peg was telling Marcy how to keep her new husband in line:

    Peg: “Do you have PMS?”

    Marcy: “No.”

    Peg: “Get it.”

  5. #5 by Pain on 12/10/2007 - 3:04 pm

    That is one reason I leave The Divine Plan out of my religion. If the human body is the result of a Divine Plan, it has all the earmarks of a Soviet Five Year Plan. I am not about to go to Judgment saying that God is no smarter than Lenin!
    I prefer to blame evolution.

    That’s because you believe in magic, Bob.

    This fundamental belief in the random limits your ability to see how things are interconnected. It curtails your creativity and reason.

    It also has taken away your ability to remember and understand simple things that you have heard since boyhood: that God originally designed nature as good, but that corruption came in, like rust on a once shiny nail.

    But a presupposition in randomness would say that the nail began as rusty flakes that magically become a shiny nail. Thus the nail is not connected to any laws in nature.

    So with the presupposition of randomness comes the strange belief that everything came from nothing and that chaos naturally leads to order.

    This is magic.

    It makes difficult a discussion of the essence of life in a way that makes sense.

    I see four practical consequences to the presupposition:

    • Southerners will not post here because they believe (rightly) that you betray the religion of the South;
    • By unconsciously believing to be a monad, you try to take the burden of the world on your shoulders, giving you unbearable pain;
    • You cannot find a “successor”, because you cannot well understand someone with insights other than yours;
    • No one will post the mantra who cannot believe in something outside himself.
  6. #6 by AFKAN on 12/12/2007 - 1:45 am

    in reply to Pain:

    you wrote:

    quoting Bob:

    That is one reason I leave The Divine Plan out of my religion. If the human body is the result of a Divine Plan, it has all the earmarks of a Soviet Five Year Plan. I am not about to go to Judgment saying that God is no smarter than Lenin!
    I prefer to blame evolution.

    you then commented:

    That’s because you believe in magic, Bob.

    This fundamental belief in the random limits your ability to see how things are interconnected. It curtails your creativity and reason.

    It also has taken away your ability to remember and understand simple things that you have heard since boyhood: that God originally designed nature as good, but that corruption came in, like rust on a once shiny nail.

    But a presupposition in randomness would say that the nail began as rusty flakes that magically become a shiny nail. Thus the nail is not connected to any laws in nature.

    So with the presupposition of randomness comes the strange belief that everything came from nothing and that chaos naturally leads to order.

    This is magic.

    It makes difficult a discussion of the essence of life in a way that makes sense.

    in reply:
    I don’t see it that way, at all.

    The Mind is so limited as a tool of cognition, the mere shifting of an infitesimally small quantity of certain chemicals effective transform the chemistry of Consciousness into the perception of a parallel universe, which doesn’t quite seem to map onto the physical Reality.

    I have a relative who is on doses of lithium that are so strong, he is just below the toxic limit, and must have his blood tested, monthly.

    Even then, he can barely function at all; he could never deal with the world past a Childish level of relationships.

    Do we blame God for this?

    You didn’t address the source of the “corruption” that entered the Created Universe.

    This is where the spiritual forbearer of Christianity, Zoroastrianism, solves the issue of Evil – defined as a Consciousness that directly and willfully opposed the Will of God – in the context of the spiritual evolution of Mankind.

    If we examine the Deed of Christ, we see that he did not resent Evil; rather, he accepted the challenge of the Adversary in both of the Adversary’s Aspects – material and spiritual – and transformed these forces into tools of energy, power and wisdom.

    “Ye meant it for Evil; God meant it for Good.”

    The problem develops when we begin to remake God in our image; that is the purpose and practice of Institutional Religion.

    Suddenly, in the extreme materialistic case of, say, Mormonism, “God is a man.”


    We follow idolatry – the Letter – at the expense of the Spirit.

    Thus, the Bible has become a tool of Idolatry, in which Christianity is reduced, in practice, to a facet of Judaism, and the Living Word is killed by the Letters written by dead men…

    Think of Christianity as the Light which is seen through the Lens of the Culture before it; in its beginning, it was limited to countervailing the materialistic, Babylonian religion of Judaism.

    Then, it hit Northern Europe, and the Priests offered the raw masculine power and energy of Northern Europe, and transformed the religion of Christianity into Forms more appropriate to Western Man – the Souls for which Christianity was developed.

    In short, the Christ was active, simply waiting for the appropriate vessel in which He could operate more fully…

    Nothing “random” about that.

    you wrote:

    I see three practical consequences to the presupposition:
    # Southerners will not post here because they believe (rightly) that you betray the religion of the South;
    # By unconsciously believing to be a monad, you try to take the burden of the world on your shoulders, giving you unbearable pain;
    # You cannot find a “successor”, because you cannot well understand someone with insights other than yours;
    # No one will post the mantra who cannot believe in something outside himself.

    in reply:
    One, Southerners that have not posted here are simply too comfortable in the hot pursuit of a past that never really was; our focus is on retaining the best of the South, and dispensing with the old bottles, that could not take the new wine of an intelligent formulation of the relationship between Family, Race, and Culture.

    The 101st Airborne in Little Rock sealed the fate of a Southern Way of Life that was, and remains, “Gone With The Wind.”

    The challenge for us is to at least match Miss Scarlett’s willingness to accept the tools and techniques of a new Way of Life.

    Let her father wander around the ruins of Tara, falling into senescence because he could not accept the obvious.

    Miss Scarlett fought back with her Vision – a new Tara, if you will, adapted to the new social circumstances.

    Her Mantra might well have been, “A New Tara, For A New South.”

    That was as close as she could come to an explicitly positive formulation of Race, given her place, and time.

    Today, she would address her Mantra in more explicit terms, but she would certainly start with the Insight that Bob’s Mantra kickstarts…

    “It’s all right, to be White, in a White America.”

    THAT is the first step in moving from the soft distancing of intellectualism, to a Positive Theory of Race, in a social framework that allows, and encourages, Activity.

    Two, no one believes in the monad.

    That is the isolation leading to ineffectiveness, to be nice, and impotence, to be “not nice,” which is part and parcel of the trap of the Cult of Libertarianism, a philosophy in which everything makes sense, and nothing works.

    Three, the search for a “successor” is the wish of the narrow, provincial person.

    At best, you would find another Revolutionary, one easily neutralized by the Spirit of the Age.

    You do not want a Revolutionary, or even a Revolution; you want a Reformation, a shift in the Consciousness that is spiritually inspired, and spiritually impelling.

    Jesus, the Revolutionary, died.

    Christ, the Reformer of Consciousness, lives.

    Four, people will post the Mantra if they can accept the theory of Positive Racism, as an extension of the development of Society from the Family, outward to the Nation, and upwards to the Culture.

    Then, even better, they will live better lives, and, by their example, will encourage others around them to follow their example.

    I have been trying this with my nephews.

    As they are accepting the fact that they have nothing, and nothing to lose, they accept my small discussions on Race, AND WORK WITH THEM to give these Ideas Life.

  7. #7 by shari on 12/12/2007 - 10:18 am

    I would hope that Southerners would post the mantra whether they post here or not. If something is true it stands on it’s own. If Pain sees problems that Bob Whitaker has, as a friend, he should say it, but why refuse to post the mantra? If that’s what they do?

  8. #8 by AFKAN on 12/12/2007 - 6:02 pm

    in reply to Shari:

    you wrote:

    I would hope that Southerners would post the mantra whether they post here or not. If something is true it stands on it’s own. If Pain sees problems that Bob Whitaker has, as a friend, he should say it, but why refuse to post the mantra? If that’s what they do?

    in reply:
    Good point.

    Most of the “Southerners,” in my experience, are people who enjoy living in the best of the past as they project it in their Minds, and are not willing to move forward in any substantial manner.

    Moving forward would require looking at unpleasant realities, and having to deal with them.

    Slavery, for instance, did more to keep the South economically backward than they dared admit; they won’t address economic ideas in this larger context.

    They profess to admire Lee, and Jackson; rightly so, but What Would Robert E. Lee do today?

    What Would the great Constitutionalist, Jefferson Davis, do today?

    What would Stonewall Jackson do – TODAY?

    Note that Lincoln had an extraordinarily able economist, Henry Carey, to advise him on the importance of implementing, in effect, the Prussian economic model, and able financiers who could develop a new currency – the greenback – to break out of the bottle of eternal debt that is the hallmark of the wars of the Twentieth Century.

    In contrast, the South was trapped in a primitive triangle trade; their only asset was one that depreciated dramatically in value about the time the “King Cotton” speech was given. Remember, the cotton fields of India and Egypt came online almost immediately after war was declared…

    Thus, cotton – worth less by the day – was sold for gold – worth more by the day – to buy “European” (British) tools.

    The South never accepted the importance of the machine tool principle, and the importance of transforming their social institutions – public schools, in particular – and were doomed pretty much from the onset. Once Lincoln reorganized the Northern economy along the lines of the machine tool principle, all he had to do was fight for time, which would grant the inevitable victory.

    In short, when they get dressed up in CSA uniforms , without developing the skills and Mindset the CSA’s Natural Aristocracy SHOULD have been developing, as applied to this place and time, they are like so many in the White Nationalist “Movement” – in love with a past that never was, doomed to face a future that will do very well without them.

    It’s too damn convenient to sit around a warm fireplace, on a cold winter night, drink some Booker’s, and dream of the Empire of the Golden Circle, than it is to do ANYTHING constructive on building a better world for your Posterity.

    So – and this is the point I started to make before my anger took flight – they refuse to actually DO SOMETHING for their Race, and will sit around the fire, displaying the passive aggressiveness the Feminine South displayed for so much of its unlamented history.

    They will suffer the same fate; indeed, it might be that the southernmost tenth of the South might well be called Republica del Norte, Military District No. 1…

    Just for fun, ask them what they have done for their Posterity – their Children, and by extension, their Race – in the context of Positive Racism TODAY.

    See their soft, fat little faces turn away, and then talk about the importance of Alabama getting a new coach.

    Ask them about turning The University of the South into Sewanee, and see what it means to them…

    Then, let them go back to sleep, dreaming of Tara, before the War, and how wonderful Katie Scarlett will look in her new dress at the cotillion…

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