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Posted by Bob on December 8th, 2007 under Bob, Coaching Session

Thank you, woundednietzsche! You brought my fliratation with machismo back to the Mantra after I left the subject hanging.

Woundednietzsche, bless him,said:

“This did not have the dramatic effect of terrifying him. He just looked at me and decided I made sense. Every person who lives a life of confrontation makes a calculation. If he goes after everybody he’s dead before he reaches age twenty. I was just somebody he knew not to push.”

You didn’t have to terrify him, you simply had to show no fear. Street hustlers, muggers, aggressors, and PC ENFORCERS (Bob’s caps) are very much like dogs, they work off of signals. Everything you do is sending a signal, but they can smell fear a mile off. Fear is what ignites their aggression. Fear is what they expect you to show. When you don’t show fear, THEY immediately become frightened. We know what’s in their arsenal and its nothing we’ve not seen before. Trust that the enemy will be feeling the mantra slice into their underbelly for the first time

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