The immediate reaction to my Hitchens piece was Americans defending our racial brothers. That showed a healthy loyalty to be expected here but also a lack of the objectivity we need.
I happen to know that OUR Brits are not sent into a fury by an observation about the underlying attitude of Americans toward them. The average Frenchman would go to pieces over it. As one Englander put it: “An Englishman will show less emotion on being sentenced to death than a Frenchman will at being fined a sixpence.”
And we are not dealing with even ordinary Brits.
Not surprisingly Englishmen have the same attitude of superiority that the Whitakers who came over here do. In fact, the Brits were pissing the whole world off with this attitude two centuries before we started doing it.
It’s INHERITED from them.
(At this point, LN grins broadly. He is a part of what made the British Empire. You do not take a third of the world by worrying yourself sick over being liked.)
I would guess that Lord Nelson and his fellows appreciate this healthy white coming to their defense by their fellow whites, but also that they don’t NEED it. LN gets my point.
So I discussed it as a real part of what we are analyzing. It is IMPORTANT that Englishmen were picked for the niggerfication role in America. It looks at the REAL attitudes behind Political Correctness. We are NOT gong to make the respectable conservative mistake of avoiding reality to spare feelings. Especially feelings that don’t need sparing.
Take it from one who has dealt with a LOT of Brits, especially Englishmen. Behind all the flowery language, they have a bluntness that takes even an American’s breath away.
#1 by richard on 12/13/2007 - 7:45 am
I’ve often thought that the same impulse as Bob describes behind Julie Andrews et al, was behind the ‘British Invasion’ of the 60s.
If you wanted white youth to abandon their heritage and create a new ‘culture’ based on black music, you had to use kids from a foreign country with none of the racial baggage of the USA. Hence British pop groups selling cleaned-up black music to white American kids.
#2 by Simmons on 12/13/2007 - 10:19 am
A Brit accent pays well in this country, I could list examples till my computer fried. One I will relay Roger Ebert film critic all around poofter effite white male married to a black lawyer (a woman), and he hates whitey feels guilty but makes no secret that he is an Anglophile. So if you are going to say magic words use a British accent to help sell them. But what I did learn from my life’s experience is that one good WASP should be able to rule at least 100,000 wogs.
#3 by Dave on 12/13/2007 - 2:05 pm
Don’t worry about giving offense, ignorance likes to fly a flag.
I was teasing my Sikh friend: “Where is the Sikh national color in the Indian flag? He replied: “No way! The Sikhs are the pole. They hold the whole damn thing up!”
He was referring of course, to the “standard and packaged” political correctness of the Indian tri-color. Sikhs well know that careerist politicians emit platitudes and pretended bonds in the same way well fed dogs emit poop from their anal openings. The real bonds among people, the Sikh people in their real nationhood for example, are ignored.
The Canadian Maple Leaf flag is of the same ilk. Somehow Canada had to come around to being French. In contrast, actual Frenchmen are above flags. That’s because they know too much about life and the proof is that you will have a hard time finding a French school kid anywhere who doesn’t know that you have to be a certified rube to advertise your bad address with a flag.
It is just tough being ignorant. That is why in the 18th century and 19th century French army and naval officers were so brutal to their barracks muck out and kitchen dish up boys. They knew that truly enlightened and highly ranked personages such as themselves should accord ignorance no respect whatsoever. Accordingly, they gave their boys none. The sanitized public schools in the United States today do the same thing and the public employee unions running these schools have the same attitudes about rank that French army and naval officers used to have. Their organizational effectiveness has the same results too. Try being a public school kid and mention this. You will get the same boot the barracks muck out and kitchen disk up boys got.
The English were not so harsh to their ignorant boys. They were far less willing to rob them of respect. The Germans were kind of like that too.
Our Libertarians have no problem with these kinds of issues. Like the French, they are brilliant and know everything. Accordingly, they are above flags. That’s why in their view no one is a bigger loser than an 18-year old picking up cigarette butts off the gravel in a US flagged compound in Iraq.
But don’t charge them with a harsh attitude: they promise to “rescue” these boys, after all.
#4 by mderpelding on 12/13/2007 - 8:32 pm
The Brits sided with the eastern mongols and bolsheviks against their so-called continental ancestors. Their American colonies did the same.
When their Norman cousins used nigger troops to occupy the Holy Roman Empire, the Brits said OKAY.
These people happily tried to exterminate my relatives because profit trumped family.
I have heard that most children born in London are non-white.
I think that that is a good thing.
What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
#5 by AFKAN on 12/13/2007 - 9:30 pm
Dave made an excellent point.
Dave wrote:
in reply:
“…ignorant boys” they may have been, but they were English boys, and being groomed in the company of men to become Englishmen.
Thus, they were accorded the “respect” one member of the ruling Race owed another.
It is worth noting that so many people feel they have been accorded so little “respect” – that is a topic for another time – that an organization that promises the Forms of “Respect,” without the Substance of “respect” having been earned, can do very well politically.
Very well, indeed.
“Affirmative Action,” anyone?
This is fascinating, because it draws home a point Dr. Samuel Francis made, to the effect that when the Race of “Englishmen” ruled, they formed, led and ruled a world-spanning Empire.
When they waived the Racial responsibilities of Leadership, and became members of a de facto “Proposition Nation,” the sun was already beginning to set on the British Empire.
And rightfully so…
They now need “Respect” so badly, while the small Racial Elite fights The Enemy Without, as well as The Enemy Within, on Airstrip One.
Dave wrote:
in reply:
I suspect the National Leadership will do all it can to avoid the moment when the eighteen year old, picking up cigarette butts in our Iraqi compounds, discovers how badly he has been treated, and, with his brethren, decides to Do Something about this.
Whether we are talking about the formation of the CSA’s Meritocratic Aristocracy into the first Klan, or the Bonus Marchers being dispersed from Washington, D.C., soldiers who discover how badly they have been used have a nasty tendency to realize they have nothing, and nothing to lose.
They then resolve to be shown the “respect” they feel they have earned, and deserve…
One way, or another.
#6 by Pain on 12/14/2007 - 12:17 am
You say are you all spent out of ideas, that you have said everything you can think of.
I have a topic which would benefit from your mind, if you would like to do some new thinking.
The topic is: the Germans confronted the would-be International Revolution, ready to be launched from the USSR and stopped it dead in its tracks. So they saved the world while losing almost everything for themselves.
Thus: were it not for the Germans that the “Masturbation Generation” fought, you, Bob would be speaking Russian now.
NOBODY understands this now.
But you are good at getting what nobody else does.
I suspect that you have spent your whole life defending yourself from being called “Nazi,” so you have distanced yourself from them and do not understand what the Germans were doing. (By the way, not even Jewish historians consider them “totalitarian;” that is out of date.) I think you could free yourself from this your fear pretty easily.
All that I propose would be easy for you to do. Most of what you need, you already know. Nonetheless, you might want to look up the armaments the Reds had lined up on the frontier with Central Europe, the way their economy was geared exclusively to war, and you could simplify things by looking at the sheer number of tanks they had.
You could think the whole thing out in a few hours. Add a few hours to that digging around online. If Goebbels doesn’t scare you terribly, his speeches toward the end of the war are good, as well as Hitler’s private talks with the Finnish leadership also at the end. These are easy to find and skim through online.
At least remember: The Germans killed the International Revolution and without them you would be speaking Russian now.
NOBODY sees this. You would be the first.
#7 by Bob on 12/14/2007 - 3:31 am
danebor, OUR Brits didn’t so that, any more than WE committed the crimes ofthe “Greatest Generation.”
#8 by Bob on 12/14/2007 - 3:33 am
Pain, I have been pointing [out] for years that if not Hitler, it would have been the Commies taking over Germany. Those same armies coud have overrun Europe FOR Stalin.
#9 by Lord Nelson on 12/14/2007 - 3:16 pm
“These people happily tried to exterminate my relatives because profit trumped family” ??
“I have heard that most children born in London are non-white.
I think that that is a good thing”
You need to get a grip; you are starting to sound like an anti!
#10 by Pain on 12/14/2007 - 11:30 pm
I assumed I misread Mr. Pudding’s thing there. He hasn’t spoken up, so clearly, he really does believe it would be just super for London to go Paki all the way. Nasty.
London is far better than any large American city. And yet my lone experience in London was a 15-minute ride in a cab. I seem to remember the driver pointing and saying, “down that street is Whitehall” and I think I saw Cleopatra’s needle but I’m not sure.
I hope to venture thither once again. I hope it will not be Paki.
#11 by Pain on 12/14/2007 - 11:43 pm
I am assuming you want to talk about this. Entschuldigen Sie mich bitte if you do not. (Look, Ma, I can spell!)
The point I was making is that not only “could” Reds in Germany have overrun Western Europe and Great Britain, but Reds from the East WOULD have done that necessarily, and they would have come here too with all the resources of all Asia and all Europe.
It’s not that Germany kept their manpower from the Reds, but that they ended the dream of International Revolution forever and ever world without end.
Am I the only man that remembers “International Revolution?” (I have a dandy recording of the Internationale buried somewhere if you should like to hear it.)
It is this way: instead of Constantinople and all the Roman Empire (white civilization) falling to the Turks, Constantinople (Germany) was burned, looted, raped, flattened to nothing, accused of killing Jews, then the Turks went back home to central China and quietly died. That was WWII, 1939-1989.
But there’s one more twist. The Parisians (you, Bob), who drank coffee whiles Constantinople burned, complain to this day that the Constantinopolitans were wicked “Totalitarians” and that since these Totalitarians allowed whites who left the Turkish armies to fight for the Christians, the Constantinopolitans were really just silly “Wordists,” tsk tsk. Then you take another sip of vanilla latté and a bite of butter crumbcake.
“Ma foi! J’ai mangé trop. Ou la-la.”
#12 by Bob on 12/15/2007 - 11:28 am
I get you, Pain.
And you is entschuligt all the way (That sentence would drive Schwarzenegger up the wall!).
Now, peasants, I will go back to my latté.
#13 by mderpelding on 12/15/2007 - 6:59 pm
Interesting thoughts about the REDS from PAIN.
Czarist Russia was a powerful state.
But was unprofitable to the west.
So it was destroyed.
Bolshevik Russia was financed by the west.
Lots of money was made after that.
Don’t you think that if the Red Army wanted all of Europe they would have taken it?
They had just creamed the Wehrmacht.
Well…they did take over eastern Europe.
Fooled those oh so honest western leaders, did they now.
The Soviet army stopped where it was agreed they should stop.
That’s why we don’t speak Russian today.
The Russian revolution cost the bluebloods a few million. It paid off handsomely, don’t ya think?
Of course, millions of whites died. But they were mostly peasants.
I note that nasty old Hitler chased out all those dirty Jewish overseers out of Europe, didn’t he?
They are all employed here in the US now. Same job title, though.
In Europe, they’ve brought in a new batch of middle easterners known as “Muslims”.
New overseers for the masses.
But hey, all those “leaders” in London and New York will keep earning handsome dividends.
But London and New York are being taken over by the elites’ chosen overseers, aren’t they?
Yessir, Sir so and so and Lady so and so can’t drive the Bentley through parts of London.
All those crazy Pakis and coloreds that they imported to rule the sheep are acting uppity.
So I will say again, May every child born in London, and New York be non-white.
And may Lord so and so and Lady so and so reap the harvest that they have spent centuries sowing.
#14 by Ian Santiago Redux on 12/16/2007 - 5:36 pm
Pakis, beaners and other lesser racial types were not imported to rule the sheeple, Rather they were, are being imported to destroy democracy and the welfare state.
Viva la Raza Blanca!!
#15 by Bob on 12/17/2007 - 5:20 am
Ian, there is a book about that called “Importing Revolution.”
#16 by mderpelding on 12/17/2007 - 9:53 pm
What do you believe as opposed to what is…
Pakis, beaners and other lesser racial types were not imported to rule the sheeple, Rather they were, are being imported to destroy democracy and the welfare state.
Viva la Raza Blanca!!
Quotes mine.
All your so called lessor racial types are in the so-called “catbird seat”, are they not?
You know, there is what is, and what you think there is.
Democracy and welfare state are words.
I have never met another person named “democracy” or “welfare state”.
I have met Pakis,beaners,niggers,wetbacks, and all other forms of humans.
Profit and power aren’t imaginary.
#17 by Ian Santiago Redux on 12/17/2007 - 11:57 pm
The lesser racial types are NOT in the catbird seat, not at all. In fact they are racially and increasingly, economically useless and they are about to get thrown off the boss.
The notion that these “people” are here to rule over US is preposterous! These non-Whites can’t even rule over their own neighborhoods and everything they touch turns to shit. They are in the West to destroy the welfare state and democracy and for the time being to provide some mindless unskilled labor, that’s it.
These “people” live off our largess both in the West and in their crapholes through foreign aid. When the gravy train comes to an end these “people” will be left to their own devices and they will most likely go off, curl up and die somewhere just as they did in Ethiopia by the millions during their “famine”.
When We are faced with adverisity We adapt, survive, overcome and thrive just as the Germans emerged from the rubble after 1945. When non-Whites are faced with adversity they lay down and die, literally.
Quote of the Day:
“It means the reduction of real income in countries where the majority of the population is already living at the minimum existence level or even under it. That is difficult, but one cannot spare the highly indebted countries this difficult path. It is unavoidable.” –Fritz Leutwiler, chairman, Bank for International Settlements, 1982
“Fritz speaks with his guts. If he had his way, he would kill them all, in the Third World, except a few raw materials producers, of course.” –One of Leutwiler’s fellow Geneva bankers
Viva la Raza Blanca!!
#18 by mderpelding on 12/18/2007 - 6:00 am
All right…
“The lesser racial types are NOT in the catbird seat, not at all. In fact they are racially and increasingly, economically useless and they are about to get thrown off the boss.”
Quotes mine.
Who is leaving the UK?
What race/s?
Who is entering the UK?
What race/s?
Ever hear of the term, “white flight”?
Who controls Malmo, Sweden?
Think about this:
Joe white guy sells his house in the old neighborhood for peanuts and moves to the suburbs.
His new manse costs double or triple what he got for his old domicile. He has to work an extra job and his wife now works part time so they can pay their new mortgage. He barely sees his new neighbors because they are all in the same boat. Some of them commute over 100 miles to go to their jobs. Some are only home on the weekends.
So Joe the white guy and his neighbors now work more than they used to because they have to consume more.
All that money is going somewhere, isn’t it?
Don’t you think there is a profit in this for somebody?
Why did Joe and his other new neighbors leave their old homes?
Oh…fleeing “worthless” minorities.
Brought to them courtesy of their blueblooded betters.
A couple of ignorant niggers can force a whole community of whites to flee. Providing huge profits for the right people.
Mostly the same people who babble endlessly about diversity or those who bankroll them.
Those couple of “worthless” niggers can move again and again. Causing the same bout of white flight.
Over and over. I’d say that those worthless minorities are PRICELESS.
Stop believing.
Start seeing.
#19 by Pain on 12/19/2007 - 11:32 pm
Mr. Pudding,
Everything you say is disgusting.
Are you drunk?
You’ve just libeled just about every white group.
I think you were better when you wrote fortune cookies that made no sense.