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Free Rider Loyalty

Posted by Bob on December 15th, 2007 under Coaching Session

I will have more to say about this, but let me give you an example.

Sometimes, when I talk about the white race, a white respectable conservative will refer to “YOUR race,” to show he has no loyalty at all to MY race.

I often reply, “You know, I’m as loyal to YOUR country as it is to MY race.”

From that, good seminar members will probably be able to say a lot of what I was going to say about Free Rider Loyalty.

Let’s have some Mantra Thinking, gang!

  1. #1 by danerebor on 12/15/2007 - 12:50 pm

    The Internet is a blessing because it helps us keep track of these people for later. When things change, there WILL be a list of who has betrayed us. Santa will be very angry.

    What surprises me now is how naive these traitors are. Don’t they realize that here very actions are guaranteeing their own demise? The very existence of the ARA seals the fate for ARA members.

  2. #2 by shari on 12/15/2007 - 4:25 pm

    This is the point where I actually do feel very angry. It’s those that love lies. I have never in my life felt any great anger at any race.

    There are two blacks, former athletes, here, who are due to go on trial for a cold blooded murder of a white man. When I see their pictures in the paper, I don’t feel any great anger. But the shenanigans of their lawyers infuriate me.

    A new priest at a church I used to attend glibbly says “our faith is bigger than a country.” I told my husband that if communism is wonderful, one world government would be fabulous as hell.

    This is where I feel very angry.

  3. #3 by shari on 12/15/2007 - 4:34 pm

    I do understand that this is wickedness directed toward my race and my children’s race. I didn’t understand that before I became engrossed in what can be read on Bob’s blog. I’ve lived, all my life, so far, around mostly whites, so I didn’t understand what was going on.

  4. #4 by backbaygrouch3 on 12/15/2007 - 7:20 pm

    My race is a part of me.
    My race is also my past (ancestors) and my future (offspring).

    I am a part of my country. My country is not part of me.
    My country is solely a present convenience. It exists only for my benefit.

    My race cannot be changed.
    My country can be changed. Example one, the American Revolution. Example two, immigration.

    My race can command my loyalty only through my love freely given.
    My country can, and often does, coerce me. Taxes, military service, etc.

    My race allows liberty.
    A country curtails liberty. It is varying degrees of slavery.

    I coexist with my race.
    My country is an arm’s length association.

    A parting of ways can be punished by a country as treason.
    Treason can be committed against race without consequence.

    My country is a contractual arrangement.
    My race is a part of my essence.

    My country is a man made instrument.
    My race is a gift of the Creator.

  5. #5 by mderpelding on 12/15/2007 - 7:44 pm

    Loyalty requires discrimination.

    Obviously, loyalty must also be hierarchal.

    If you think for yourself, you must define those hierarchies. Most people opt for community/religious/cultural standards as inherited from their elders,(the conservative position) or from non-family people,(the liberal position)to map out their loyalties.

    Note that I am THINKING FOR YOU in my definitions.

    The white world is full of people who have ceased to think at all.
    Third worlders think as individuals, or as narrow groups. But they do think.

    Note that I am THINKING FOR YOU again.

    The greatest IQ is worthless if it can’t smell bullshit.

    Oh the Agitprop of it all!!!

  6. #6 by Prometheus on 12/15/2007 - 11:24 pm

    Come to think of it, I don’t hear white antis use the term ‘our race’. It is always your race, the white race, but rarely ‘our race’, if ever.

    Anti’s would sound silly, if they did refer to the white race, as our race.

  7. #7 by Simmons on 12/16/2007 - 1:30 am

    … and genetics don’t matter? They of course do, and any respectable earns dividends with our racial inheritance, the real white privilege. We’re dealing with children hopped up on jewish fairy tales, a complete joke. The intellectual quality of liberalism or PC is like sitting down to tea with your young daughter and Ms. Snuggles, save the part that you don’t love liberals and you find them roach useless. But then you have AR that thinks that to be taken seriously they must first complete every sentence that a liberal blurts out, or like after having tea with your young daughter and Ms. Snuggles you rush out to buy the both of them college bonds. There is nothing to liberalism, a decadent mood swing nothing more.

  8. #8 by Dave on 12/16/2007 - 3:21 pm

    When you say, “there is nothing to liberalism or PC”, there is something: disloyalty.

    Loyalty and disloyalty are entirely differently motivated. Loyalty is about what people will do, no matter what.

    Disloyalty is about what it is fashionable or expedient to do.

    Disloyalty quickly melts in the face of real opposition: It does not persevere in the face of real challenge.

    It springs into being because of an environment of unaccountability, an environment that celebrates dereliction by re-labeling it according to the whims of intellectuals. Accordingly, dereliction’s handmaiden is “idea voyeurism”, a name for that set of activities that today we call a “college education”.

    It is all very upsetting to me: As a child this thing called “hippyism” sprang into being, to such ruin of the American people, it sickened me. My child’s mind couldn’t comprehend how the very low thing of being drugged out could be held out to be a positive.

    Now, this same generation has invented “Libertarianism”. This is even worse than hippyism because it expressly styles itself as a movement for the restoration of the American Constitution.

    If you follow Robert Whitaker logic, it is easy to understand that the worst brand of traitors would wrap themselves in packaging such as this.

    But these are not motivated traitors. I personally know of no Libertarian who would be able to withstand one sock to the mouth. One minor bloody interlude, and he would be on his knees renouncing it all. Like the hippies, that is how utterly phony they all are.

    They don’t have a chance against people like us.

  9. #9 by Simmons on 12/16/2007 - 4:26 pm

    Yes Dave all of that is absolutely correct. Given my semi-Bohemian upbringing I know those people, they are failures. I knew long ago they amounted to nothing, and race (Spengliarian version) is everything. What I failed in recognizing early on is the Greatest Generation’s faults in all this. As an aside the Korean vets were all killers the GGs seemingly all boys everafter.

  10. #10 by Ian Santiago Redux on 12/16/2007 - 5:22 pm

    The bottom line is this, as the old Croatian down in Argentina relayed to me; never trust anyone who would pledge their loyalty to an abstraction! People can change their political/religious affiliation as they change theri socks but RACE is real and that is why Racial Nationalism will be the most powerful force in the very near future history of the world.

    PS: I am going to go back and address some of the comments made in response to my post about my trip to Argentina and my member ship in the comrade’s organization and I am gonna get a bit long winded!

    Quote of the Day:

    “The white population of the world will soon cease to increase. The Asiatic races will be longer, and the negroes still longer, before their birth rate falls sufficiently to make their numbers stable without help of war and pestilence. Until that happens, the benefits aimed at by socialism can only be partially realized, and the less prolific races will have to defend themselves by methods which are disgusting even if they are necessary.” –Bertrand Russell

    Viva La Raza Blanca!!

  11. #11 by Prometheus on 12/16/2007 - 6:57 pm

    Liberals are loyal to mommy professor and to what mommy professors say. They know how to behave like an attack dog, striking at targets their masters don’t like. Mommy professor is their master, progressivism their ideal, their hero. That are the attack dogs trained to attack their kin, their own mother at their masters behest. They prove their loyalty to mommy professor, by acts of treason against their race and country.

    Anti’s always make a big deal about their disloyalty. They always make a point to mention that they are WHITE with a coloured partner, or mixed race kids. They are always the ones who make a point to mention how they would accept a black over a white, based upon certain credentials. They are the ones who applaud whites becoming a minority. These are acts to prove their faith, and devotion to mommy professor.

    This treason, to them, is a virtue.

  12. #12 by AFKAN on 12/17/2007 - 12:00 am

    in reply to Simmons:

    you wrote:

    Yes Dave all of that is absolutely correct. Given my semi-Bohemian upbringing I know those people, they are failures. I knew long ago they amounted to nothing, and race (Spengliarian version) is everything.

    in reply:
    They ARE failures, but, my God, how much they hate that which works, and is beautiful!

    I am looking at the tremendous response Oprah has from “white” women who truly – on levels we really don’t like to face – truly hate White men, and, by extension, all they have done.

    The Clinton/Obama candidacy is simply further proof that, one way or another, a Day of Reckoning is coming…

    If their enthusiastic supporters don’t realize they are destroying the foundation of what made this country work AT ALL, then, don’t they deserve what is coming their way?

    you wrote:

    What I failed in recognizing early on is the Greatest Generation’s faults in all this. As an aside the Korean vets were all killers the GGs seemingly all boys everafter.

    in reply:
    I suspect the Korean vets knew – explicitly -they were in a Racial War, and there is only one outcome to such conflicts, particularly when the alternative is to lose to Asians.

    That is a real motivator!

    Incidentally, one guy – who I believe was in a position to know – said all US military plans in the Korean “police action,” which was under UN control, went to the UN, to be “approved” by the Soviet military chief.

    He said MacArthur realized this was the reason why all of our military acts were neutralized, and that was the reason why MacArthur told NO ONE in the chain of command about Inchon.

    MacArthur committed the cardinal sin of success, given an ill-equipped (WHY?) army fighting half-way around the world, in support of “the United Nations.”

    He also said the Armistice went into effect when Eisenhower told the Chinese that either an armistice would be signed, or we would use atomic weapons.

  13. #13 by AFKAN on 12/17/2007 - 12:24 am

    in reply to Dave:

    you wrote:

    When you say, “there is nothing to liberalism or PC”, there is something: disloyalty.

    Loyalty and disloyalty are entirely differently motivated. Loyalty is about what people will do, no matter what.

    Disloyalty is about what it is fashionable or expedient to do.

    Disloyalty quickly melts in the face of real opposition: It does not persevere in the face of real challenge.

    It springs into being because of an environment of unaccountability, an environment that celebrates dereliction by re-labeling it according to the whims of intellectuals. Accordingly, dereliction’s handmaiden is “idea voyeurism”, a name for that set of activities that today we call a “college education”.

    in reply;
    Dereliction succeeds when there are no sanctions for dereliction of DUTY (to Family, and Race!), and only the reward of softly betraying those who came before you, and gave their all, for the world you inherited.

    I suspect a “college education” today has essentially degenerated to merely the form needed for job certification.

    Wait until they have to compete against the graduates of real schools, for positions in anational corporations.

    Heh, heh, heh…

    you wrote:

    It is all very upsetting to me: As a child this thing called “hippyism” sprang into being, to such ruin of the American people, it sickened me. My child’s mind couldn’t comprehend how the very low thing of being drugged out could be held out to be a positive.

    in reply:
    That began with the Children of the Sixties, who, lacking the intellectual skills to carry the process of Civilization forward, chose to see all things as having been created equal, and therefore, as being inherently equal.

    Therefore, there was no need to choose, or do any real Work as is called for to carry Civilization forward.

    Just lie back, and get high…

    Remember, also, this was the age where the First Biological Revolution – the birth control pill – took place.

    So, sex without committment, and the Sensate Society seen as a superior social order…

    Now, extend that two generations forward, without any countervailing factors that could come from real competition.

    Now you know why almost three out of four of the nominally Adult members of our society are on prescription tranquilizers. (The old figure, “more than half,” is almost a decade old; the new figure I got from a pharmaceutical rep at my doctor’s office.)

    you wrote:

    Now, this same generation has invented “Libertarianism”. This is even worse than hippyism because it expressly styles itself as a movement for the restoration of the American Constitution.

    If you follow Robert Whitaker logic, it is easy to understand that the worst brand of traitors would wrap themselves in packaging such as this.

    But these are not motivated traitors. I personally know of no Libertarian who would be able to withstand one sock to the mouth. One minor bloody interlude, and he would be on his knees renouncing it all. Like the hippies, that is how utterly phony they all are.

    They don’t have a chance against people like us.

    in reply:
    God, but they hate us!

    I have seen it in their eyes when I try to discuss the Race issue in positive terms.

    I suspect this hatred comes from one fact – the Generation of Peace and Love know, on some level, that they have been played for Fools, and will be wiped out, one way or another, by What Is To Come.

  14. #14 by Sys Op on 12/17/2007 - 2:54 pm

    I am looking at the tremendous response Oprah has from “white” women who truly – on levels we really don’t like to face – truly hate White men, and, by extension, all they have done. –AFKAN

    Yes, but only in the way Prometheus described in 12/10 comments… which all comes down to worldview/psyche, but by far most not to any dysfunctional subconscious “need” to be in abusive relationships. Cops can show proof after proof of those. They loathe political activity. Lesbian dysfunction brings the seething anger fueling political activity. White men live the lies, so it only stands to reason white women will freak out. Especially the younger ones emerging from the public concentration camps.

    There is always a personal aspect to someones political conviction, but the question that must be asked, is whether this persons political conviction is a means to promote their values, or as a means to satisfy a particular desire.

    For many hardcore leftist activists, they have a need to feel solidarity with others, and a low self esteem. The causes they take up, have nothing to do with their values, but they take up these causes because it enables them to feel a bond with other ‘oppressed’ people. It enables them to create a ruling power and feel the underdog. –Prometheus

    Only PC extraction of money to fund all the dysfunction and foolishness allows them to exist at all. Go Hill-Billy. Bankruptcy is on the horizon. Race is obvious.

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