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Posted by Bob on August 24th, 2008 under General

But there is something deeper here: There is no substitute for tyranny because there is no cure for dereliction.

Let me say it again: There is no substitute for tyranny because there is no cure for dereliction.

Everything in our lives revolves around this issue. It is the very thing that is endlessly talked around, never confronted.

There is a reason we whites are so obsessed with technology. It is the one area where we have been successful in working around the problem of dereliction.

Pat Buchanan could never grasp what I have just said because he is a derelict himself. His Catholicism is just how he personally consoles himself for his dereliction. Consolation for dereliction is and always has been the Catholic Church’s genius. The durability of the Catholic institution isn’t for nothing.

Back to technology: “A rising tide floats all boats”, the boats of derelicts too.

That’s why there is this huge sense that, owing to progress and technology, nonwhites can be made equal.

The salvation of the white race is a bigger issue than the salvation of white race. It is an issue of freedom too. Not ideological freedom, because real freedom isn’t “freedom to do something”. It’s “freedom from”.

Freedom from the squalor of derelicts: Freedom from their tyranny. Freedom from their endless noise. Freedom from their stench. Freedom from their vulgarity. Freedom from their ugliness. Freedom from their indignity. Freedom from their humiliation. Freedom from their desperation.

Freedom from their goddamned religions.

I like science for one reason: YOU CAN’T BE A DERELICT AND BE A REAL SCIENTIST.

The two just don’t go together.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 08/24/2008 - 6:21 pm

    If anyone leaves the rightwing ghetto and actually converses with libs and non-whites (rarely liberal) you get the hint that their greatest fear is to explain themselves.

    As I get a kick out of conservatives bashing rap music in their usual innefective way, what a waste of time. I usually just ask, “let us take a look at it and see what its virtues are” for starters. It is the moot factor I apply it to anything and everything.

    As for derelection whatever it is it is debateable. That is our secret, the rest of the world needs a priest, we need a moot.

  2. #2 by AFKANNow on 08/24/2008 - 6:23 pm

    Note to ADMIN: The sign-in procedure seems to be much improved. Thank you!

    Dave makes some excellent points, some of which I would like to rephrase to drive home A Larger Issue.

    Dave wrote:

    There is no substitute for tyranny because there is no cure for dereliction.

    Everything in our lives revolves around this issue. It is the very thing that is endlessly talked around, never confronted.

    in reply:
    “Dereliction” doesn’t go quite far enough,I think, because “dereliction” implies ‘DUTY,” which has been mocked and maligned for decades, particularly by the Children of the Sixties, who were just carrying out the Commandments and Principles of the Self-Proclaimed Greatest Generation (SPGG) with the difference of wide-spread affordable color television, and the economic power of two wars fought simultaneously – Vietnam, and the War on Poverty – without the raising of war taxes.

    The concept of “Duty” as a force that works to enable and empower the fulfilling of transcendental Racial goals is completely absent.

    Thus, the only “Duty” was to move towards personal hedonism, which is, ironically, the Cultural response to feelings of despair.

    All of the Jews – ALL – have one clearly defined Duty – Service to the Race – and one clear goal and a tool to measure this – “What does this mean for Israel?”

    Our Racial equivalent to this is…


    THAT is why I define my Duty in clearly terms, in the fulfillment of a transcendent Racial goal – the training of my Nephews to fulfill their Talents and build a Northwest Republic.

    I do not do this out of a sense of defeatism.

    I simply recognize The Game Is Rigged, and can only do what I can, where I am, right NOW!

    you wrote:

    The salvation of the white race is a bigger issue than the salvation of white race. It is an issue of freedom too. Not ideological freedom, because real freedom isn’t “freedom to do something”. It’s “freedom from”.

    Freedom from the squalor of derelicts: Freedom from their tyranny. Freedom from their endless noise. Freedom from their stench. Freedom from their vulgarity. Freedom from their ugliness. Freedom from their indignity. Freedom from their humiliation. Freedom from their desperation.

    in reply:
    Yet, the supporters of squalor, vulgarity, and endless noise consider us useful fools for tolerating this.

    They KNOW they can not achieve what we have done.

    This is the key to understanding them:

    They hate us, and their blind envy will lead to blind rage.

    Look at Zimbabwe, look at South Africa, look to Detroit, drive through ANY black section of ANY city on a weekday afternoon, preferably during the colder months, just to make sure.

    People who are on the tip of the spear that is supposed to defend Civilization know this, far better than you or I.

    I watched the full Reginald Denny tape as captured by the news chopper.

    I saw – and this was cropped out from Mainstream Media – the LAPD black and white pull UP to the intersection, saw them SEEING Denny fighting for his life, AND BACKED AWAY, doing nothing.

    Want to talk about “Dereliction” and “Duty” in the same sentence?

    That event removed the scales from my eyes.

    My secretary was on the phone with her mother, who was horrified the rioters had moved out much further than the Mainstream Media had reported, and were in her neighborhood, acting with total impunity.

    The White Exodus from SoCal started in earnest that day.

    “Duty” gets redefined quickly, if only as a negative – “Get OUT of Here, NOW!”

    you wrote:

    Freedom from their goddamned religions.

    in reply:
    Those are the prisons we carry around that act as governors to our spiritual development.

    “Religions” are simply the Framework through which the Founding Aristocracy of a Culture chooses to define their relationship with God.

    This is not necessarily how “God” tries to define His relationship with them.

    Religions were the best mass control system avialble before mass communications.

    The Institutions, which We created, have become our masters, in so many ways, in that they have become, literally, perversions of what they were supposed to be.

    I have been focusing on what Christianity SHOULD have become, and how we can make that happen, in my discussions with my Nephews.

    THAT is part of how I am fulfilling my Duty to my Race.

  3. #3 by Tim on 08/26/2008 - 8:04 am

    The Democratic Convention looks to be a total war between the Clinton’s and Obama. But of course it is not racial! LOL

    Obama committed the cardinal sin. He would not even consider her for VP. He did not even vet her. All the while making like he was thinking about it. But the biggest sin is the fact that he is not helping her pay down her millions in debt.

    Clintons are bitter. I would love to hear what Bill is really calling Obama.

    Of course none of this is racial. Obama has been playing African Style hardball dictator politics (minus the shooting and torture). The Clintons just scream racism. LOL. From my “ghetoe bus” perspective, I love it.

  4. #4 by Simmons on 08/26/2008 - 11:10 am

    That word “Freedom” drops from the heavens, used right it mates with Mantra like they were cleaved from the same stock.

  5. #5 by Pain on 08/30/2008 - 5:25 pm

    The problem with the Church of Rome is that it demands obedience to mortal men that amounts to worship of an institution.

    This is grave sin from a Christian point of view but it also means that Rome will always call for divided loyalties. Fighting white genocide is part of the cause of righteousness, yet Rome officially and publically supports the invasion of the USA since Mexicans are its members:  if the US becomes Mexican, it will be de facto Roman.

    Thus Buchanan and Sobran will ultimately have limited value to the cause of righteousness so long as their loyalties are divided with Rome.

  6. #6 by shari on 08/31/2008 - 9:06 am

    I think the problem that is shared by both catholic and protestant christians is that submission to genocide, has been cloaked as christian charity and universalism. I think this is the big deception, leading to destruction, that we have now.

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