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Simmons in GC

Posted by Bob on August 27th, 2008 under General, Mantra

We are opening the new book on race. Kennedy is speaking to a group of useful idiots whose only bright spot in the future is that the feminists and the atheists preceeded them into oblivion from the Democratic party. Even the jews are abandoning the “party of color” in dribs and drabs because the average jew is seen as the uberwhite.

What is interesting is from news sources it seems three drug addicts with prison nazi tattoos were arrested in Denver. As of now there is no feeding frenzy of a witch hunt for whites in general, but that is certainly possible. I would hazard a wild guess that the DNC is conducting polling to see how extreme the witch hunt for “racists” can go, our first loyalty test so to speak. The opportunities for Mantra would grow exponentially in a loyalty test enviroment.

— Simmons

  1. #1 by Dave on 08/27/2008 - 1:07 pm

    Lyndon Johnson who had no illusions about black people really believed, as FDR did, that an apartheid policy threatened the long-term political stability of America. He could not have been more wrong.

    FDR eliminated the Jim Crow wage system in the name of national security believing equal pay mitigated a threat to America’s Southern military bases from black people. The reality was the opposite. It was the termination of wage discrimination that lit the fuse for the black rebellion and their committed disloyalty.

    Now we are at bookends. What started in 1933 has come full circle.

    It never occurred to FDR or LBJ that their policies would eventually result in the termination of the white population’s loyalty to America. And that is where we are now. In their wildest dreams FDR or LBJ could not have anticipated this result.

    That is why it is very meaningful that the whole emphasis of the Obama campaign is in the premise that Obama is actually an American. This is simply the defection of America’s white population expressed inversely.

    Accordingly, the Establishment is unprepared for the shocking result it believes to be impossible. They messed with the very foundations of America and their conceit caused them to believe there will be no real consequences.

    I watch the long bond (30 year US Treasury). More than any other barometer it reflects (the real) confidence in the US Government.

    The progress of the defection of the white population will be measured in the price of the long bond. You can rig an election, but money votes with its feet. It is there the real vote transpires.

    Just ask the Afrikaners.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 08/27/2008 - 2:43 pm

    How is that “loyalty” defined? Slightly confused on that one because I’m thinking old Benedict Arnold loyalty issues here. But then again in the age of derelection, derelection is the termination of loyalty or virtue in general.

  3. #3 by shari on 08/27/2008 - 5:15 pm

    I think that we see, each, our glimmers of hope from a personal perspective, which can’t be entirely said on this blog. At least, I can’t. The fact that what is happening is GENOCIDE, has to be gotten out there, front and center. But, we need some catalysts to help make it big. That’s what I think right now.

  4. #4 by Dave on 08/27/2008 - 5:47 pm


    What I mean by “loyalty” is this:

    We now have a situation where the Establishment is eager to confer the American identity upon millions of African blacks, Mexicans and other Latin and South American nonwhites, Asians, and nonwhite third-worlders in general.

    I am around these nonwhite people enough to know how desperately and genuinely they want the American identity along with the English language.

    I can’t count the number of Mexicans wandering around my community with American flags on the their hats and sleeves. Nonwhites (and anybody not actually born in America) are today’s gung ho patriots. (The exact opposite of what today’s “conservatives” and most white nationalists believe.)

    And it is THAT VERY PHENOMENON that is telling the real story of our times.

    A slogan on a piece of campaign literature I received from the Obama campaign says it all: “This is OUR time.”.

    My loyalty is to my race, the white race. Period.

    To goddamned hell with the United States of America.

    I am of Dutch ancestry. My people have lived in America for over 300 years and played a key role in building this country. The look back on my family comprises the entire history of America. The whole thing from A to Z.

    So when someone like me says “to goddamned hell with the United States of America” it means something.

    And I know that if I am saying it, millions of other whites are saying it too, in their hearts, and soon with their mouths.

    This is the very result the Establishment cannot afford.

    A possible Obama presidency could not be more meaningful. I will not give my loyalty to a nigger. And the very moment a nigger comes to represent the American identity is the very moment I cease to be an American.

    It is that simple.

    And it is not within the power of any circumstance or agent to change that result.

    I know that Robert Whitaker understands what I am saying perfectly for the very sentiment that I am expressing moves history. That’s what really does it.

  5. #5 by shari on 08/27/2008 - 8:47 pm

    “My loyalty is to my race period.” “To goddamned hell with the united states of america.” Well, Dave, that’s where my heart is too. Has to be.

  6. #6 by Simmons on 08/28/2008 - 11:15 am

    I could count on my fingers and toes the number of non-whites I have seen since 9/11 with American flag anything near them, and trust me I pay close attention to this. And one of them I counted was a black woman driving a Lexus had the American flag sticker upside down underneath her Depaul U. sticker.

    But we are in different areas of the country and I hazard to guess that the metrosexuals in their derelection out there in Seattle have decided that American flags are “not cool.” But those same metrosexuals are not worth a bucket of warm spit to us so your placing them in any positive light for us I think is misplaced.

    Anyway time moves on and the Obama campaign is part of our Evolution, I for one welcome it. I believe from now on Derelection comes with a price. So many factors for this are converging that I won’t bother trying to list them.

  7. #7 by shari on 08/28/2008 - 12:38 pm

    I wasn’t thinking of the lack of patriotism of metrosexuals. I am related to a lot of people who have their patriotism subverted by “conservatives” and “christians.” I have to deal with that. I don’t really hate America, but I hate this phony thing that presents itself as the USA.

  8. #8 by AFKANNow on 08/29/2008 - 1:55 am

    Dave made a number of points I would like to discuss.

    Foremost is this:

    The idea of Identity linking primarily to Citizenship in the State is fading, fast, and They Who Rule are scared.

    They see, in Britain, and now, France, a microcosm of Multicultural America’s future; literally, there are full scale WHITE Exoduses occurring in both countries, Britain in particular.

    These are the skilled technocrats, who have seen their country become Second World, with First World enclaves, and Third World regions.

    Without them, economic growth goes negative, and the Other Races get to fight over a declining economic order.

    That is why, I think, Britain has become so much of a surveillance society; they are losing the only source of economic growth, and need to protect the resources remaining, damn near regardless of the expense.

    Our own government has done something remarkably similar, with newly expanded rules that attempt to “claw back” the liquidated assets of Americans seeking to move to other nations – and seek citizenship there- permanently.

    This is becoming pronounced enough that all manner of nations South of the Border – and Canada – are now requiring income and asset tests of the Americans moving there.

    And, as for the Mexicans wearing American flag patches, I think that is mostly a facade, brought about by their recognition that the Mexican social order is a Failed State, with a failing – rapidly failing – economy, with national income derived from a petroleum complex that has been subject to attacks on the infrastructure by regional gangs.

    In short, within a decade, Mexico will be a failed State, and will literally shift the Recoquista into high gear.

    There goes the American Southwest – think of an Affirmative Action social order run by a Race that hates the Norte Americanos, and will have total political power.

    Notice how the crackhead niggers criticism of America seem to have calmed down lately?

    Think that’s because they recognize their future under the Reconquista – nasty, brutish, and short.

    In short, the Mexicans wearing the American flag do so as if they were adopting a brand name.

    All they will do is turn the areas they control into Mexico, and these areas will grow rapidly.

    The Obama campaign slogan – “This is OUR Time” – is based on the theory of envy, and revenge, that is the hallmark of the equalitarian mind.

    Expressed positively, it derives from the analysis of the demographic cohort known as the Millenials, in the book, “The Fourth Turning.”

    Clever marketing, but I think you can not run a stable social order by the Revenge Management System.

    You made a statement that pretty much shares my sentiments, and you are seeing it with every person, and every family, that tries to move to Canada, or Costa Rica, if they are marginally affluent, and Prague, or Saint Petersburg, if they are truly wealthy.

    You said:

    My loyalty is to my race, the white race. Period.

    in reply:
    Judging from where the New Expatriates are moving to, particularly in the White enclaves, so is theirs!

    Incidentally, these are educated people – they are old enough to have SEEN what was, and to SEE what is coming.

    you then wrote:

    To goddamned hell with the United States of America.

    in reply:
    The Children of the Sixties hated America so much they are determined to make it commit suicide, with no thought whatsoever as to what that means for them.

    In short, Wordism is running up against a Positive Practice of Race.

    I keep referring to the metaphor of the ending of “Atlas Shrugged,” where Eddie Willers, Good Guy, Good Drone Functionary, looked at the light of the Taggart COMET, as the transcontinental train was trapped, helpless, in the middle of the prairie, like a helpless, stranded Leviathan.

    I read the section of Willers, helpless pulling at switches and levers, hoping, by random chance/”magic,” that something will bring the train back to life.

    THAT is the new, Affirmative Action USA.

    And the other side of THAT is where our new opportunities will lie.

    Incidentally, I notice a lot of Jews are going to great lengths to distance themselves from the Zionist policies.

    Wonder why?

    Neither do I.

  9. #9 by Dave on 08/29/2008 - 2:13 am


    It is routine that people are tricked into giving their loyalty to something unworthy.

    Unworthiness speaks for itself in the form of distrust and is why the trust among the adherents of Wordist doctrines is as fake and plastic as the Wordism is itself.

    It takes trust to marshal a successful conspiracy and conspiracies are few because trust is rare, explaining the primary reason the Establishment feels so secure from threats emanating from below.

    But what is worthy of trust and loyalty depends upon your point of view. If you are a black African and know the harsh reality of African desperation and poverty, the prospect of escape to America is something very worthy of loyalty. The same is true of impoverished Mexicans and the beat down multitudes of the Third-World in general.

    Don’t be confused by the criminal garbage floating along in the immigrant flow tide, a physical threat, but not a political threat.

    It is the other kind that worries me the most. You can tell who they are because they are the ones nailing American flags to their shacks.

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