Archive for July, 2010

The Genome Project and “Modern Anthropologists”

The damage from Climategate has been stupendous. The whole foundation of our belief system has been based on Science hurrying to endorse anything Political Correctness needed.

I have a feeling that the release of the information about Neanderthal blood being in all but blacks has to do with it. The whole Genome Project consistently declaring that there was no difference between races was based on the same thing the Green Tyranny was based on: All Established Science backed Global Warming.

That makes life a lot easier. You just accept what Science says. And the establishment controls science. You do not need a Conspiracy to control Science. Any establishment routinely controls Science.

Competition for publication is fierce in academia, a matter of life and death. Competition for grants is also fierce. Everybody knows that.

So anything that will get you denied a grant or publication is automatically weeded out.


This is obvious to anyone with the slightest experience in academia. There are lots of subjects for research, so you begin by weeding out the ones that are in touchy territory or if they begin to reach conclusions that could endanger your career.

This is routine. But people don’t THINK about it.

The problem is that in the competition those rise to the top who are dedicated to the establishment’s opinions. As Ben Franklin said, two people can keep a secret if two of them are dead.

Until the Obama campaign, people were able to deny liberal bias in the media. After all, it was the media who did the denying.

I did not know whether respectable conservatives would even mention Climategate, but they are doing so. They certainly do not hint that the race campaign in the Genome Project might contain such bias, but even some conservatives have started to question whether Official Science can be so blatantly partisan only on Global Warming.

Screwtape, Hell’s Senior Tempter, pointed out in CS Lewis that “People are always talking about how we put ideas into people’s heads. Our biggest job is to keep them OUT!”

The Genome Project is unlike any other scientific project in that we constantly hear about it. But all we ever hear about it is when they find something that seems to confirm Political Correctness.

Bill Clinton announced that the Genome Project had proved that human beings were all “99.999 percent the same.” This is now in the category of “I never had sex with that woman.”

A person who has a fatal melanoma is 99.99 percent healthy.

I have NEVER heard two official scientists give the same figure for the percent humans have in common with chimpanzees.

And until Climategate, I never heard anyone announce that one race has genes others do not.

In 1950, in reaction to Hitler, the Science Line was that “Modern anthropology has proven that all races are the same in innate abilities.” It was a LONG fight before the other side just gave up on proving innate racial IQs are the same, some forty or fifty years.

The Genome Project is the “modern anthropologists” of our day. But information was hard to get out back then.

The Established Foundation of “Modern” Science is already shaken.



Speaking for Whites: The Beginning

About a decade ago I pointed out in Whitaker Online that our long political future will be as spokesmen for whites.

People on or side talked only of restoring White Supremacy. This is Temporal Provincialism. Let me give you an example of where their thought was stuck.

Mark Twain would say something like “All people hate noise.” A few pages, to repeat the point, he said “all white people hate noise.”

His assumption that so few non-white people would be reading his book that there was no distinction at all, he was just saying the same thing in a different way. That was a VERY different world, and it isn’t coming back.

Whites were never Supreme in the way that word is used. Non-white countries let the white man set up governments which the white man considered necessary, but the union of what we call Iraq was utterly meaningless to them.

Today’s United Nations is famously a collection of colonial administrations out together by and for the European countries.

Whites were Supreme in the colonial world because they needed the labor and raw materials that were in colonials lands. But those materials were used for purposes the colored man did not understand and a major purpose of the whole exercise was so that European countries could compete with OTHER European countries.

White Supremacy was a term developed to indicate that what we needed came first. But the life of the colonial peoples was not, certainly outside the cities, wrapped up in the white man. The world in which every colored man devoted is entire thought to what whites told him was invented by Marxists.

At least half of the colored world had never SEEN a white man.

To Mark Twain, the white world was THE world, though he groveled over the recent existence of black slavery with the best of them.

White Supremacy is the echo of the Marxist outlook which is now in control. White Supremacy is an expression of the Mankind World View.

But the world in which THEIR White Supremacy ruled never existed. There is and never has been a single world of all races, either for the Marxists and the “Christians” to unite with their respective Holy Writs or for the White Man to rule over.

As a practical practitioner of power, I see what the Marxist, the Christian and the White Supremacists do not see.

I see a people without a voice. That is what any political practitioner looks for.

In the real world of power, White Supremacy makes us not only silly, but powerless.

The South was destroyed by a simple arithmetic change in the American electorate: There were four major parties instead of two in the 1860 election. Lincoln got forty percent of the popular vote, but total towered over each of the others.

Whites have no potential if they keep trying to be the majority in a field of White Supremacy and anti-whites. But, like the Republicans, our position changes entirely if we become the largest and richest minority.

The importance of this simple piece of arithmetic is never mentioned, but it is the most important thing in the world today, just as it was 1860 and at many other times.

We are not Time Provincials. We want to represent whites as whites become inevitably more and more self aware while they become a set of islands in a colored sea.

The entire two generations of Northeastern rule, of Northern industrialists and rail rates set to keep industry out of an impoverished South, began with one small statement: “No more slave states.”

“No more slave states” was as defensive a slogan for the North as the Mantra is for whites today. It did not jump into instant popularity. The Free Soil Party got less than one percent of the vote at its best.

But “No More Slave States” was a radical slogan, one which was clearly used by spokesmen for the North. The Mantra is a now-radical statement of exactly the same kind.



The “Never Let This be Forgotten” Industry

Comments on my demand that we hit the heirs of anti-whites forever, the way the left chases ex-Klan and Nazi people forever, have concentrated on the justice, aka, revenge aspect.

There is nothing wrong with that, but that is not the whole picture. Revenge is a part of human nature, simply because any social animal that does not revenge itself for its wrongs is unlikely to survive.

Jesus denounced human revenge, but the revenge for sinners that he counted on made the human sort smaller than an electron compared to the sun. If you had faith, justice would be done, or overdone.

I would find it hard to take property away from young people who were themselves dedicated pro-whites. I find it hard to remind people who have seen the genocidal program for what it is that they STILL were dedicated to parts of the worse program in human history.

But there are a lot of things I have had to do I didn’t like. I am not Jesus, and even his “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is very much a part of THIS world.

I have suffered a lifetime standing alone against these people, and revenge is not my motive. But I admit that, as a human being, I would feel better when I have to leave this fight, hanged or committed, if they had to PAY for it.

Having said all this, let me remind you that this program is a PRACTICAL matter. We have seen this method of never forgiving action, and it WORKS. We face it every day, but, as usual, we LEARN nothing from it.

Rounding up people and punishing them for political crimes lasts until the government ceases to be an absolute and open despotism. But having people get rewards for looking up what well-to-do people did that requires fining their offspring will last forever.

Meanwhile, the idea that these people’s actions will be regretted as long as human beings want rewards makes it more worthwhile for US. I want the person who defended genocide of our race to have his words and acts looked up and regretted until the end of time, because this is not a disease that will go away on its own.

I cannot imagine any other method that would do the job.

This is quite a switch from usual thinking in such matters. We always think of the Holocaust as being perpetuated by Jews with a grudge. In the real world there are vanishingly few who lived through the Nazi period.

If someone belittles the Holocaust they do not get a letter from a hundred-year-old man, but from a person who makes his living in some branch of the Holocaust Industry.

That is why nobody ever gets a letter when he ignores the millions who died in Stalin’s War Against the Kulaks. Stalin himself told Roosevelt that that was a more vicious war than the one he almost lost against the Germans!

But there is no Kulak Industry. Both Hitler and Stalin are eclipsed in numbers by the Chinese who starved and were exterminated in things like The Cultural Revolution. But even if that were not exempted by the fact that it was left-wing slaughter rather than a right-wing one, who would bother with it?

There is no Chinese Peasant Industry, either.

The only thing that works is PAYING people to be Professional Never-Forgetters.

For once, let’s use a lesson from actual history that actually WORKED.



Temporal Provincialism Again

National Review had an article on Cuba in which it mentioned that about 75% of that country’s population has Negroid blood. A Cuban American wrote them to say that it was more like 65% or less.

In answer, the writer of the article pointed out that the 65% figure and lower related to pre-Castro Cuba. He actually used the term “white flight” in relation to what had happened since 1959!

I remember it very well in its first stages at Fort Jackson in Columbia, where we were used to Puerto Ricans in uniform speaking Spanish. But it caused a lot of comment when people began to see people who looked like us, including a lot of blonds, who were in uniform suddenly starting to speak Spanish to each other.

The first wave was very white indeed.

In Cape Town it was very hard to tell many Coloreds from many classified without a score card. But up in Trek Country, Transvaal and the Orange Free State, the whites were very white indeed.

Oxford Geneticist CD Darlington, F.R.S., pointed out to me that even in the 1960s, Californians tended to be blonder than people in the East. This was the kind of observation he was condemned for, despite his membership in the Royal Society.

Hence, as David Duke points out, the old term California Girl.

The same man who is fanatically anti-white, if he has been in Spain, will talk about the beautiful women from Scandinavia.

This is what anti-whites mean when they say ours is a racist society.

Unless they are kooks like the Carter daughter, females almost never get their hair died black.

Including black women.

This is a lot like the death of the assumptions on which all legal thought today is based. Wordists are enormously powerful, but their assumptions about social animals having no territory or wars or class systems are dead and that takes its toll in the long run.

The natural fact of white supremacy also wears away even the seemingly unassailable power of anti-whites. Whitening creams still sell in India. No one has bought a darkening cream since we discovered that tans cause cancer.

Many blacks have admitted they were naïve about integration. They honestly believed that it was only official barriers that caused “racist” attitudes. And of those, few actually ADMIT it.

Those who moan realistically about how racism is endemic are right. They moan because they see their effort as, in the long run, doomed.

Because I am not a temporal provincial, I see what they are looking at. Those who spend their time wallowing in what we have lost and how things are now can raise money because most people are like them.

They get big organizations, and they are welcome to them.

BUGS is aimed at the future. As in any war, defeat is the lot of anyone who cannot think of anything but the present losses.



Flat Earth Philosophy

Wordism cannot allow freedom of speech because Wordism is based on a particular set of opinions. That is what Wordism IS. Discussion of differing opinions makes a Wordist society unstable.

A society based on loyalty to race can allow freedom speech. But it cannot allow freedom of LOYALTY. In America before the Slave Generation a person whose basic outlook was a hatred of his own kind was considered sick. Now it is considered the highest morality.

That is because we are now a Wordist society.

Ardrey destroyed the whole basis of Wordist society in African Genesis. His basic thesis is disputed, but the points he made about natural behavior destroyed he Rousseau’s view of the world forever.

The idea that animals have no property, no borders, no wars, no territory and no class system would be laughed at by any literate person today. But our society is based on those exact premises.

The right set of words will unite all mankind. The right of words will remove class distinctions. The right set of words will remove borders. The right set of words will end conflict. Every debate is about the right words we should use to reach those ends.

It follows from these outdated premises that America has nothing to do with the people who happen to be here. What America is All About is American Principles.

Principle is the code word of Wordism.

As Ardrey pointed out, loyalties in all social animals are complex, and man’s is the most complex of all. He described a normal man from Georgia in the 1960s, who would have loyalty to his state, his country, his race, his family, his college football team, his high school team, and on and on and on.

Wordism says a human being should have NONE of the feelings a social animal is born with. He is only interested in Principles.

Our society is based on ideas that are as dead as a Flat Earth.

When you suppress any instinct it comes out another way. Whites are not indifferent to their own race, they can’t be. So whites HATE their own race. There is every bit as much awareness of race today as there ever was. In fact white countries that never thought of race before are now obsessed with it.

So the first question is, why is our entire world view based on assumptions that died two generations ago?
