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The Buckley Rule

Posted by Bob on May 16th, 2013 under Coaching Session

BUGSERS are now in a position to understand why I claim so much credit.

To start with, you were startled when you discovered that the Mantra was damned near magic.

Next you ran into an endless stream of people on your own side who denounce it.

You can easily empathize with what my life has been like. I ran into fallacy after fallacy, and each time I also ran into its paid pushers and its paid opponents.

I soon realized that the same mentality chooses both the pros and the antis.

After all that work in Intelligence, including combat, I found that what mattered was destroying the enemy by embarrassment. The collapse of the Soviet Empire was accomplished not by nukes, but by faxes.

But anybody who got ahead as a professional opponent of the system could only do so if the other side was comfortable with him.

This is what I call The Buckley Rule. So in our system, all Big Time opponents avoid anything like the Mantra like the Plague. Nobody has noticed this simple Rule but me.

And I make the system very, very uncomfortable. So I spent my life pushing memes that the Buckleys hated worse than the outright enemy.
 photo aa_zps15a20805.jpg
National Review never mentioned that every Workers’ Paradise had to shoot escapees. Why?

The Buckley Rule. That is an Outlaw Point, one which destroys the enemy in one sentence.

I have made this point here a hundred times: This was the kind of logic that destroyed the USSR. This was the logic that violated The Buckley Rule so blatantly that President Reagan found that his paycheck appointees took out, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this Wall!” THREE TIMES behind his back in preparing his speech!

I endangered my life, but I finally discovered that most people who win heroic fame will not risk their paychecks. I was a constant, vital factor in bringing down the Soviet Empire in an endless number of quiet battles with the paychecks.

And I am tired.

I have said a hundred times that both Communists and professional anti-Communists hated the argument that Communism is totally discredited by the simple fact that it had to shoot escapees.

I have waited for years for somebody to say exactly the same thing about multiracialism.

A simple, deadly mime: Everybody loves multiracialism, and any escape is illegal.

No one has made this simple point. Comments on the No-Escape Communist policy always consist of discussions of Communism.

I want some of you to learn this TYPE OF THINKING, not just to agree with me.
You now have the field experience to really understand The Buckley Rule. You have been mauled by those who have learned to succeed by never using a Judo Punch on our mortal enemies.

You are now in a position to understand my THINKING, not just my opinions.

  1. #1 by Epiphany on 05/16/2013 - 8:01 am

    America is slowly dying! Multiculturalism is the poison which is sapping all our strength. We are not what we once were, and all has begun to change since around the 1970’s, in this world.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 05/16/2013 - 10:35 am

    We don’t like simple points on the right, we love minutae and long essays belaboring the small points. Of course the left loves anyone who never challenges their basic position of moral superiority, hence we got Buckley and his racket.

    Now we get the v-dare racket send money for the latest IQ essay but never ever will they challenge the very premise that the Left is morally superior, talk about hobbling yourself.

    Even asking that our glorious writers to even challenge this notion of the left’s supposed moral superiority is getting me kicked off mindweapon’s site because “a troll who is seeking purity.”

  3. #3 by Sentinel on 05/16/2013 - 10:35 am

    ”I have said a hundred times that both Communists and professional anti-Communists hated the argument that Communism is totally discredited by the simple fact that it had to shoot escapees.”

    The professional anti-communists are our present-day AMPWs.

    The message that anti-Whites and AMPWs both hate is that the Holy Rite of Diversity must be enforced in order to exist at all. If everyone wants Diversity, why must it be enforced and why are escapees condemned for ”White Flight?”

    Why was this information produced? To stop White GeNOcide.

    Who benefits? Our People.

    Follow the money: What money? We are volunteers.

  4. #4 by Dave on 05/16/2013 - 10:36 am

    The core of totalitarianism is to care what others think so that what you think becomes mandatory.

    Prescribed thinking is the Establishment in a nutshell. You are BY LAW MANDATED to think in a certain way.

    The enemy isn’t complicated. And by legally mandating what we are to think, the enemy has chosen war.

    • #5 by Lord Nelson on 05/17/2013 - 7:34 pm


      I had never thought of it that way before. But now I realize that all of the crazy Anti-White hysteria against saying anything that could possibly, maybe, offend some or any obscure group somewhere, suddenly makes perfect sense.

      Great post. And thanks.

      BTW: Yes it is a WAR.

      Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White!

  5. #6 by Simmons on 05/16/2013 - 11:13 am

    Couldn’t edit my last post, but I want to add I’ll bet Bob never questioned the Buckley Clown show as to why they observed the taboos of the left or why they never asked the basic questions.

    We are the interogators. We face the same basic problem today, our side wanders around in semi-approved but increasingly not esoteric circles.

    So how do we get around these people? Should we just try and poach their memberships, swing support to certain orgs to drain the support away from the least effective ones. Like I wrote above if you question the esoteric wanderings that so fascinate our side you are seen as hostile so this is no easy task. Smart as I am I cannot come to any conclusive answer.

  6. #7 by Bob on 05/16/2013 - 11:27 am

    Simmons, A Plague on Both Your Houses, my 1976 book, made his dear friend and publisher, Bill Rusher, have to except himself in the Foreword from my opinion of Buckley.
    I also demanded the preservation of the white race in that book.
    I was just very good at it.
    Otherwise I wouldn’t presume to teach you.

  7. #8 by Simmons on 05/16/2013 - 11:40 am

    You are the best I cannot say that enough. But I wrote about asking them a very specific question, not opining about Buckley’s racket (which he was protecting)

    I have opined enough about our intellectuals to the point I’m no longer welcome. I simply have not been effective, when I opine they turtle up and tell each other how smart they are, talk about cults. When I ask point blank direct questions and since they are not sitting across from me and I have no leverage they again turtle up and tell one another how smart they are.

    I do have a small bit of insight how it must have been in the 70s with King Buckley wasting our side’s efforts quibbling Soviet Atheism at the feet of his NYC jew master’s feet.

    Pardon me if you did ask that question point blank in that book, this entire post might be out of ignorance I just assumed you opined that Buckley was a goofball.

    My point is that interogation is domination, opining less so

  8. #9 by Bob on 05/16/2013 - 12:54 pm

    Simmons, what you said about us as inquisitors is dead accurate and illuminating.
    I wish other commenters would sum up hwat I am actaully trying to say that way.
    I learned from it.
    If they ignore what you say, you’re probably on the right track.
    When you are questioning, they always veer away.

    • #10 by Daniel Genseric on 05/17/2013 - 10:02 pm

      You gentlemen already know this, but maybe other BUGSters do not.

      Interrogation is not limited to the realm of fighting white genocide. I see it happen daily in business – at certain levels. When upper management begins asking questions, ask back and watch them clam up. Answer one and be prepared as you have just positioned yourself for an immediate follow-up. Choose your battles wisely and always leave yourself an out. Never underestimate your opponent’s ability to decipher WHICH game you are playing.

      The higher up the food chain you go, the less anything is actually answered.

      Always Be Interrogating (ABI)

      Silence. Silence. Silence. Listen to it. Watch for your superiors to do the same and sidebar as necessary. Don’t be afraid to ANNOUNCE it in front of others. You won’t be disappointed.

  9. #11 by Simmons on 05/16/2013 - 1:18 pm

    Bob I hate to get you involved in a rambling thread since I know your reading comprehension and tolerance levels have been so beaten up by the pros.

    I honestly think we are sidetracking the pros, but its so damn frustrating watching our IQ geniuses miss so basic a point, militantly so, that the entire blank slate theory is a fraud with no proof and that this fraud is the operational intellectual hammer of our genocide.

    But with your tutoring I know that in a debate in front of a large mixed audience I could best six of the IQ superstars.


  10. #12 by Dave on 05/16/2013 - 2:56 pm

    To understand the precise meaning of interrogation is important.

    In interrogation, YOU do all the talking.

    You only interrogate when you KNOW your opponent is guilty. Your object is to force a confession.

    Interrogation is a procedure used for condemnation and punishment.

    The FBI does not interrogate. FBI agents are mostly lawyers. Hence, they believe interrogation to be unethical. This shows us why the FBI is hopeless. They are stupid and ineffective.

    Nevertheless, WE are endlessly interrogated by the Establishment. Interrogation is one of the things the Establishment does very well. That is how they ENFORCE what we are to think. They love confessions and apologies. Not a day goes by without one.

    Maybe BIll Buckley was a Stockholm Syndrome victim. Sounds plausible to me.

  11. #13 by Conrad on 05/16/2013 - 6:54 pm

    “National Review never mentioned that every Workers’ Paradise had to shoot escapees.”
    “A simple, deadly mime: Everybody loves multiracialism, and any escape is illegal.”
    “No one has made this simple point. Comments on the No-Escape Communist policy always consist of discussions of Communism.”

    The above statements turned on a little light for me. It seems clear to me that escape is not just an issue of physical escape from a location but any and all theoretical and ideological concepts that these Neo-Communists hold dear. This is why they went ballistic after the Sandy Hook School shooting and wanted to kill NRA members. They are anti-gun so those that want to opt out of this idea are to be shot.

    Can I assume that the “Buckley Rule” has something to do with William Buckley?
    Jack’s War

  12. #14 by Conrad on 05/16/2013 - 7:04 pm

    “…and all has begun to change since around the 1970′s, in this world.”

    That is not quite accurate. The roots of this go way back but the push behind what we are seeing now accelerated during the administration of FDR. See, THE ROOSEVELT RED RECORD by Elizabeth Dilling. For a clearer understanding of the roots of this egalitarian nonsense in the USA see, WILDERNESS EMPIRE.

    You might want to read about the issues surrounding the attack on Pearl Harbor.
    Jack’s War

  13. #15 by Conrad on 05/16/2013 - 7:23 pm

    Please excuse this third entry but I do not see where to edit one of the other comments.

    This from the C of C C. Notice that the MOST TOLLERANT are the countries in which whites are facing the greatest danger or most under attack.

    According the Washington Post, South America, North America, and Europe and the “least racist” areas of the earth.

    North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and the South Pacific are the “most racist.”

    Of the nations surveyed, American was classified as the 5th “most racially tolerant.”

  14. #16 by Bob on 05/16/2013 - 7:29 pm

    Good God, Conrad, that sounds like Buckley’s theoretical crap! What I saw were not imaginary psychological borders, they were machine guns, land mines and barbed wire.
    THAT’S What NR never mentioned!

  15. #17 by Bob on 05/16/2013 - 7:29 pm

    Good God, Conrad, that sounds like Buckley’s theoretical crap! What I saw were not imaginary psychological borders, they were machine guns, land mines and barbed wire.
    THAT’S What NR never mentioned!

  16. #18 by Conrad on 05/16/2013 - 7:42 pm

    Yes I get that. What I am referring to is that these present day Communist are just as willing to kill when one tries to escape EVEN their theories. Like the NRA folk or those of us that are withdrawing from their egalitarian plans. In short they are still the same killers.

  17. #19 by BGLass on 05/16/2013 - 9:01 pm

    “Of course the left loves anyone who never challenges their basic position of moral superiority, hence we got Buckley and his racket….”

    That should just be a cue never to cede any moral highground, and to point out the endless contradictions, but it rarely is.

    “The core of totalitarianism is to care what others think so that what you think becomes mandatory. Prescribed thinking is the Establishment in a nutshell….”

    It’s easy to show most people that they are gutted, that they don’t think, that they are out of touch with their own real motivational force, that they just copy what others do— that they are fascist human subjects, small f— totalitarian “human subjects,” reacting and doing as people would who were raised under a totalitarian system. New things are “rolled out;” they stand in line.

  18. #20 by Asgardian117 on 05/17/2013 - 12:59 am

    I would like to point out that within the past few weeks i have not been met with the typical resistance from anti whites that i have encountered in the past. They are now begining (in my experiences at least) to lean HEAVILY on statistics. The mantra is not really being debated or denounced by them outright, they are now trying to avoid it and circumvent it, in my un professional opinion that is quite signifigant. When before all they tried to do was break it down line for line, now they try and tell me the population demographics of dubai.

  19. #21 by POLARBEAR87j on 05/17/2013 - 10:06 am

    Let me try an outlaw point…

    The only way to avoid Multiculturism is to say it is a strength

    well im getting there 😉

  20. #22 by Scythian on 05/17/2013 - 3:45 pm

    Anti-white whites and their colored companions insult us and label us and insist on living with us. If their insults and labels were genuine, they’d demand we have the right to self determination, to our own reservations if you will.

    How many whites would intermarry if that meant they had to live in a brown world? The only reason they live in a white world is because whites have been denied the freedom to live together – this is the LAW, it’s undeniable.

    If propaganda that is complete bullshit facilitated and now strains to maintain the ongoing CRIME of white GENOCIDE, then why would anybody in their right mind believe that simple truths exposing said bullshit can’t stop and reverse it. Isn’t that EXACTLY what happened to the Soviet Union? (Why does every Workers Paradise have to shoot escapees? Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall). No wonder why the little “elite” anti-white establishment and it’s media wing is SILENT on the Soviet collapse. The Soviet Union would not have collapsed if the mighty and enormous Soviet military still believed in the establishment, correct?

    Non-whites with prodding from their anti-white white masters INSIST on integration; if their bitching and moaning about whites were genuine, they’d seek self determination from whites – it’s the opposite, not living with whites terrifies them. When whites become free and are allowed to live together, non-white groups will be seeking self-determination from each other. Would for example Koreans accept being minorities in a brown world? Would they insist on integration and “assimilation” with the brown majority? Yet traitors and non-whites assume whites will do so?

    Malcolm X didn’t stay true, he got paid by the establishment to go from being a RACIST to an anti-racist, then say he “evolved”. Everybody “evolves” before they die, huh?

  21. #23 by Scythian on 05/17/2013 - 3:54 pm

    Everybody knew the Workers Paradises had to shoot escapees, as BBG said, this it was so obvious it had to be pointed out to them over and over and over again, until the Soviet Union could no longer hide their embarrassment.

  22. #24 by Asgardian117 on 05/17/2013 - 7:25 pm

    What on gods green earth is going on in the mantra thread?

  23. #25 by Asgardian117 on 05/17/2013 - 7:27 pm

    If shit like that keeps up we will wind up taking the route that we are trying so goddamn hard to avoid

  24. #26 by Conrad on 05/17/2013 - 8:10 pm

    An interesting article from C of C C –

    Northwestern University man denied position on
    student government because he is a “heterosexual white male”

    Northwestern University student government says “heterosexual white males” are not capable of serving the “minority community.” Student government proves “anti-racism” is a code word for being “anti-white.”

  25. #27 by Bob on 05/18/2013 - 11:11 am

    Asgardian, please EXPLAIN it or dont mention it

  26. #28 by Asgardian117 on 05/18/2013 - 12:07 pm

    It will not happen again coach.

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