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Why the Only Answer to Mantra Thinking is Labels and Insults

Posted by Bob on May 18th, 2013 under Coaching Session

Mantra thinking seems simplistic because, instead of leading one on a flight of imagination or a showoff of one’s Intellectualism, it digs into the question at the ground level.

If “published” discussions always reach one conclusion, it is like all the gang members telling the same story.
Every single study on racial busing in schools yields precisely the same result: No matter whether it went smoothly or there was rioting, no matter where it occurs, the result is always that it helped minorities a little and did not harm whites.

Helped minorities, but only a little. When the Civil Rights Commission did a study which its Chairman Fleming told the staff, “It must show desegregation WORKS,” even some of the workers there leaked his orders and it was reported in Time Magazine, fanatically anti-white though Time was.

But studies cannot show that busing, which can put white kids on the school bus four hours a day, has any bad effects on whites. So all reports avoided Fleming’s mistake and reported modest improvement for minorities, and said white kids, no matter how exhausted, had no problem with it.

And everybody, including pro-whites, tend to accept that.

All accepted sources will tell you that IQ has been increasing steadily because more people have more practice with written tests in each generation. Genetics has absolutely no effect on IQ.

Naturally, as an interrogator, I assume all that is untrue. Anyone who concludes huge low IQ families and sterile smart people has been driving average IQ down is anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. As usual, the Buckleys of the world led the way by firing a staffer who had concluded in a paper on schools that have lower IQ immigrants having a lower average IQ. photo anazi_zps46f77b0e.jpg

But for people who study News and Jews and do not think Mantra-style, this obvious conclusion is reached only when a news item, like that firing, brings it up.

Imagine how far they could have gotten in debates if they took each statement of “fact” by the other side and took it apart this way. No cop would get away with running into the station and shouting, “I just had some news that shows that Lefty tells me whatever he thinks will make him innocent.”

Yet no one, no one, dissects establishment arguments this way. Whenever Global Warming is mentioned, I discuss how many of the people who discuss it depend on it for a living and articles.

Which indicates to me that no real research on it will ever be done.

I do the same thing with the Holocaust. I talk about the Holocaust Industry. I talk about the giant investment Wordists have in it.

All my stuff is legal in Europe.

I’ve even said, “As an American, I was raised to believe that anything any government requires you to believe has something wrong with it.”

Even that is legal.

Mantra Thinking and Mantra Logic can tear down walls nothing else can even reach.


  1. #1 by Sentinel on 05/18/2013 - 1:05 pm

    ”Every single study on racial busing in schools yields precisely the same result: No matter whether it went smoothly or there was rioting, no matter where it occurs, the result is always that it helped minorities a little and did not harm whites.

    Helped minorities, but only a little.”

    Now this stood out to me – if it had helped them TOO much, they wouldn’t need any more ”help.” They must never be fully ”helped,” lest the need for forced integration dry up…

    Just like the paychecks, experts, etc., who create reasons to keep their occupations necessary, reasons to keep FRONTS for White Genocide going are created along the way by anti-Whites.

    I’m realizing more and more that all anti-White propaganda plays strictly on the emotions of its targets. Every example I can remember is 100% emotional. BUGS is about straight logic. There is nothing emotional about the damned truth. That’s what’s so beautiful and clear about it.

  2. #2 by cecilhenry on 05/18/2013 - 1:52 pm

    That’s a really good point about ‘helping minorities, but only a little’

    I had never thought of it that way, namely that it is important that these changes not be seen as helping TOO much.

    For that would STOP the manipulation and justification for the current agenda.

    Nice response.

  3. #3 by Jmcaul on 05/18/2013 - 4:09 pm

    We are clearly fighting against a distinct form of madness that has infected our world. Even I at times succumb to the all-encompassing, relentless onslaught of this madness being whispered into our ears and laid out for us everywhere like a trap 24/7; and find myself unable to come up with a quick and decisive Mantra blow. Decades of being subjected to the insanity have permeated almost my every process.

    Many of us are fighting our way back to sanity ourselves AS we fight to wake up other insane people. Perhaps if we were to view our fight for survival more as a fight for sanity would it help us to see things as clearly as Bob seems to? I don’t know the answer to this. I am just throwing it out there. My brain is fried.

  4. #4 by Asgardian117 on 05/18/2013 - 4:10 pm

    I read the mantra to a close family member the other day, and as usual it was met with insults i let the person say what they had to say and THEN i asked them instead of attacking me why dont we discuss the mantra, at first he was quiet then he admitted the mantra was right but began attempting to justify what is happening to our race, so i asked him if i was responsible for things i did not do to ppl that were no longer alive…his answer was no. He then went on to explain to me how as he got older he felt somewhat out of place, he HONESTLY believed that it was OK for people to take jabs socically at our race, even though it bothered him. The key here was that there was no peanut gallery just him and i, no one to chime in and support the wordist regime. We may be seeing him sooner than later 🙂 Trying to get through to ppl in my age group is HARD but its a investment that is well worth the effort

    • #5 by Jmcaul on 05/18/2013 - 4:25 pm

      Asgardian I admire your mastery over yourself. I find my discussions with family members to be the MOST explosive of all. I am frustrated by my inability to get others to see what I see so clearly (this may be the only place where I am on any kind of par with Bob’s personal experiences, I start to understand even more the toll it has taken on him and I remark once again at the stuff he is made of and can only HOPE that I have even an ounce of the same stuff.) Just now I had a major blowout with my husband. His family are ALL wimpy White anti-Whites. Two of his siblings intermarried with blacks and so my children have grown up with non-White cousins. He (and they all) see me as the proverbial naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews and ‘racist.’ The whole ball of wax. It’s just a MESS. The only reason I am still around is because I have a blond haired, blue-eyed Irish-Norwegian descent daughter whom I am trying to protect from their pathological influence. If I had the financial ability to remove her physically from the situation I would do it in a heartbeat though I am not sure she would appreciate it and be willing. She is 15.

      I really don’t know how much longer we should contend with our own who simply REFUSE to hear the truth because at the heart of it they are simply cowards. My husband is a coward. He always has been. I’ve known it almost since day one though I was not able to articulate it to myself without feeling deep shame at being so ‘critical’ and so I buried my opinion telling myself it was me and not him. I was wrong. It’s HIM but now there are children involved. So I do my best day to day to keep the peace, to instruct my daughter (who is sometimes receptive, sometimes not,) and to continue to look for a victory, an escape or a delivery.

  5. #6 by shari on 05/18/2013 - 4:58 pm

    Jmcaul Hate to say it, but your comments are kind of a backwards encouragment to me. I have MANY of the same problems. My mind is numb and I don’t have the skills many bugsers do with the computer, or personally. I am convinced that the very crux of evil in the world is white genocide, however. I can’t change my mind about that. Hang on! I keep praying to be calm and hang on myself.

    • #7 by Jmcaul on 05/18/2013 - 5:09 pm

      Thank you Shari, you’ve actually encouraged ME again here! You state ” I am convinced that the very crux of evil in the world is white genocide, however. I can’t change my mind about that.”

      I guess when we get mired in the reality of the everyday battles, this is the starting point we must return to. Again and again. THIS is also the thought we are trying to plant in the minds of other Whites. It is the conclusion of the Mantra as well (at least in my mind it is.)

  6. #8 by Asgardian117 on 05/18/2013 - 6:17 pm

    Jmcaul, my wife has zero tolerance for non whites we are both in our late 20’s. We moved to a area that is 40 mins from where i work but it was WELL worth it. It will give our children the ability to develop on their own frequency. My wifes father is a coward and my wife knows it, i exposed him at a family gathering and it was not pretty he screamed and shouted but mantra style thinking won the day. I am sorry for the predicament you are in i really really feel your pain i understand how invasive it is, you almost to the point where you feel violated ive been there. I made a promise to my great
    grandfather along time ago he told me ” you and your sons
    will be silenced and your wife and daughters will be hunted” i
    wish i knew what he meant when he told me that, better late
    than never i guess. Just drop little barbs memes here and there for your daughter, as long as she has some1 like you she will be fine 🙂

  7. #9 by Daniel Genseric on 05/18/2013 - 11:11 pm

    It’s perfectly legal, but simply exhausting

    Bob’s article ties in neatly with something I have been saying for years. Dealing with labels and insults from anti-whites, AMPW’s and those we love the most can wreak emotional and physiological havoc on pro-white activists.

    This is why I say “take breaks” to every BUGSter who messages me. Fighting anti-whites day-in and day-out takes its toll on the soul. It takes great moral courage to do what we do. Moral courage and a work ethic AMPW’s can only dream of. So, when you feel your energy running low and coffee is no longer cutting it, take a friggin’ break you Mantra-posting animals.

    After all, just who is going to take up all this work if YOU burn out?

    • #10 by Asgardian117 on 05/18/2013 - 11:32 pm

      You are right, the name calling and insults does take its toll. Its not always fun, especially when it comes from family that you are trying to protect. It seems like a thankless task sometimes but, we arent looking for instant gratification here, the prize is little further down the old dirt road.

      Thanks for that comment daniel.

  8. #11 by Dave on 05/19/2013 - 12:03 am

    To understand interrogation, Mantra thinking, and Mantra logic you must be possessed of moral reason. Do not trouble members of your own family with these issues. They are NOT responsible. YOU ARE! Your personal obligations to your own family are elsewhere and it is a sad thing to get in fights with family members over these issues. Don’t try to fob off what YOU are responsible for on your own family.

    Interrogation is a method for procuring confessions from persons known to be guilty. Tailgating is out of the question in interrogation. Also, you use interrogation only when you have your opponent entirely at your advantage. Let me give you an example of interrogation from an incident that recently occurred in Syria.

    A Sunni rebel militia got the drop on a squad of Alawite regulars at a checkpoint in Aleppo: Instead of attempting to shoot their way out as honor demanded, the Alawites behaved exactly as our anti-white whites would have behaved and immediately surrendered expecting mercy, for even though they were bearing arms against the Sunnis, they believed irrationally that they lived in merciful world and expected mercy from the very people they acted against.

    The Sunni rebels began their interrogation of the Alawites. And the Alawites, despite the fact they were bearing arms against the Sunnis, instead of dropping to their knees and admitting guilt and begging for the opportunity for atonement as logic demanded, instead irrationally proclaimed their innocence! They proclaimed their innocence exactly as any anti-white white would do, for they genuinely believed themselves, against the evidence of their own acts, to be innocent! They believed themselves to be innocent even AFTER they crossed VOLUNTARILY under the arch of the condemned!

    The Sunni’s went to the next phase of their interrogation: They proceeded to shoot the self-judged innocent Alawites, beginning with pumping bullets into their feet, then their shins, then their knees, and then their crotches. The Alawite “innocents” writhed in contortions with the brutal shocks to their flesh, and shrieked in agony in throes of deserved cruel death.

    Real justice! A thing rarely, rarely witnessed on this earth.

    The Alawites in this case were of the same moral character as our anti-whites whites. The anti-white whites show no mercy to their own race, yet they profess to believe in mercy and expect mercy from the very people they act against. They are devoid of moral reason.

    To understand interrogation, to understand Mantra thinking, to understand Mantra logic you must be possessed of moral reason. When we confront anti-white whites, we are confronting people devoid of moral reason.

    You can’t get to Manta thinking and Mantra logic through brain work. It is ATTITUDE that gets you there.

    • #12 by Simmons on 05/19/2013 - 10:46 am

      Sounds more like a thrill kill by psychopaths. My favorite interogation is from “1984”, and yes you will love big brother.

  9. #13 by Scythian on 05/19/2013 - 12:05 am

    The petitions are becoming a joke, should do no more than 3. Here’s one I think could work: Mr. Obama, tear apart ALL laws/policies that force my RACE, the white RACE, to integrate with a global herd of non-whites.

    • #14 by Daniel Genseric on 05/19/2013 - 7:54 am


      And I’m glad you said it so I can agree with it. Maybe it will be more warmly received from the activist who has taken up this particular Mantra banner.

      Quality, not quantity.

      Perhaps, “Mr. Obama, why should the USA stand for white genocide?”

      Mr. Putin?
      UN high Commissioner, or the
      Russian Federation

    • #15 by Simmons on 05/19/2013 - 10:47 am

      I suggested they more relate to “real world” issues such as Holder not prosecuting hate crimes if they are committed against whites as proof of group harm. Less abstract sounding and more intune with people’s political vibes.

  10. #16 by Harumphty Dumpty on 05/19/2013 - 1:55 pm

    Thanks for the feedback on the “petitions.” In June I’m almost certain now there will be only three, the #1 of many past months that is the simplest and most straightforward, and two that promote the videos, probably ARH and Minerva’s recitation of the Mantra.

    My present intention, always subject to change, is to try just three for several months, always running the main petition #1 that I just mentioned, and varying the other two usually among the 4 “top” videos we now have, but sometimes having just one petition on a video so another one of the many other “petitions” that we’ve run can also be reintroduced.

    Look, you guys who have ideas for petitions need to write those! I can’t do it. I just barely know what’s going on in the world day to day, week to week…I don’t keep up with that, and I don’t have sufficient knowledge of “real world” issues to write about them.

    I’ll be blunt about something else: None of you can possibly have any idea how difficult and exhausting it is to get the initial 150 sets of initials on our “petitions” each month to make them visible to the public.

    I’m developing an engine to do that, the Stalwarts, of whom there are 48 at this moment, who initial the “petitions” on the FIRST day of each month, the day they’re submitted.

    Those of you who are not yet Stalwarts, please go here and become one…take just a moment to help me build this group:

    Those of you who have ideas for “petitions,” please write those petitions and PM them to me at SF. Using our joint judgment, and the judgment of those we both confer with, we’ll polish up any that seem very suitable and weave them into the ongoing mix.

    I’m pretty much deferring to the judgment of Horus and many of the rest of you in changing from 6, 7, or 8 “petitions” to just 3.

    I can faintly see some advantages to that, but really overall I don’t get it. Maybe I will about mid-June! Lol! I hope!

    The most amazing spreading of “petition” grey goo (well, no, I guess MSNBC’s audience must be much larger) is the spread we had in Motherboard/Vice, and that seemed to rely much on our “bombardment” of the White House site, as the author said in his title. But if our petitions had been only three, maybe he would have used some other hook and still have written his thorough article.

    So Scythian, it could help me a lot if I can understand in what way the large number of the petitions have made them “become a joke.” When we only had 2 (maybe it was 3 then) and Wash Post and MSNBC picked up the story, they very much treated it as a joke.

    But later when we had 6, and then 7, SourceFed and Motherboard/Vice very much did NOT treat them as a joke.

    But that difference may have more to do with the differences in the media involved in those cases, than with the number of the “petitions.”

    But please do elaborate on that remark, either here or on this thread:

    Jmcaul and shari…you have my great sympathy, and my encouragement…I can’t think what more to say.

    Except of course, thank you both very much for being Stalwarts. And thank you jmcaul for getting there first and being Stalwart #1! 🙂

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