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Stage 2 is as Far as I’ve Gotten HERE

Posted by Bob on June 1st, 2013 under Coaching Session

In reply to my article on Stage 2 of the Mantra, Jason naturally asked whether I would have stage 3.

Let me answer that what I call Stage Two is a bit of fluke. I have been on this road many times, and I just noticed that the Big Names are still depending on the Silence and hoping they can keep the Mantra out with that.

This explains why, AT THIS STAGE, criticism is coming from those on our side who advocate a different approach.

It hit me that this piece of irony occurred just as my approach, be it with Russia or the Space Telescope, just began to be successful. When my stuff made real gains, the attacks came from my side.
 photo reagandems_zps6b70100f.jpg
If you read a cover article in National Review in 1976, you will find a cover article attacking my going for the “Wallace vote,” which, when it won in 1980 suddenly became “the Reagan Democrats” in both liberal and respectable conservative parlance.

As Bill Rusher, NR’s publisher, and others switched to my strategy, it was the other paycheck conservatives who feared we would ruin their highly profitable and constantly losing respectable conservatism.

The same thing happened when I, listening samizdats, insisted on the term Evil Empire, which writers removed from the President” speeches the way “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this Wall,” was removed three times behind his back.

In fact I think it was constant back-stabbing movement to remove the “Evil Empire” phrase that got Reagan to look very carefully in this speech. I decided to call this Period, when the total other side is still using the Silence and, as with BUGS, the only noise comes from our end of the spectrum, which I just NOTICED, the second phase.

A week ago I didn’t realize my history included a second phase.

  1. #1 by Asgardian117 on 06/01/2013 - 11:59 pm

    The other ppl on our side that use different methods are given the impression that this will not work due to the silence from the msm, when the silence no longer works and they crack under the weight of our consistent message AMPW’S will be eating crow. One thing coach you never answered what the third stage is, its not a question just to “question” you, that is not my intent, i genuinely am eager to know.

  2. #2 by Dave on 06/02/2013 - 1:57 am

    Robert Whitaker is a cop’s 500 lumen flashlight shining through the surrounding night.

    The light represents a beacon for survival for our race that puts “paid” to the careerist trickery submerging us in darkness. It is worth remembering that the whole of academia with few exceptions traffics in careerist trickery. Consequently, indebted and enslaved current and former “students” surround us. Paycheck conservatives came out of that along with countless other “tribes” of the confused. Of course some of these will call themselves “pro-white”.

    It is a small light in a very big night. So just follow the light.

  3. #3 by YankeeRebel on 06/02/2013 - 6:49 am

    We do not need to get stuck on terms like phase 1, 2, 3, etc. These are just ways to explain what is going on. Phase 3 could be what happens when, The Silence, no longer seems to work and the Anti- Whites begin direct attacks in the MSM and elsewhere. Or, Phase 3 could be something new.

  4. #4 by jo3w on 06/02/2013 - 11:36 am

    I imagine people will start doing all sorts of strange things as our side makes signifigant advances. People from both sides will try to straddle the fence and wait to see what side to get off on. There was an infiltraitor in the bugs swarm insisting that he wasnt like other anti racists. The losers will try to convince you that they were on your side along, we just had a little misunderstanding. As the ground for anti-whites becomes unstable the fence will be a very comfortable place for many while the big dogs do battle.

  5. #5 by Bob on 06/02/2013 - 1:34 pm

    Asgardian, don’t hold your breath. Other anti-whites will NEVER admit that they ever opposed the Mantra approach if it works.

    • #6 by Asgardian117 on 06/02/2013 - 4:11 pm

      Coach ill settle for the look on the faces of anti whites when their heros are found guilty in a tribunial.

  6. #7 by Mediakrig on 06/02/2013 - 2:05 pm

    I have seen others try to convince pro-white bloggers to use mantra terminology, by rational discussion and explanations in the comments on pro-white blogs, and I have also seen this work, as the bloggers starts to frame later posts with mantra terminology.

    Most pro-white bloggers want to say and do what helps white people the most, especially if it makes them look good and important, and because we can show the mantra works, and why it works, and make their blog more important by commenting on it, they are often not very hard to convince.

    I think I understand why just spreading the mantra is important, as that will have people automatically fill the missing rationale with their personal justification, but I don’t see that it would not help to get bloggers start using mantra terminology earlier?

    Just like real cults can lovebomb potential recruits, the swarm could “lovebomb” potential pro-whites blogs by giving them traffic and comments. If it pays to have you blog openly supporting the mantra, more bloggers are going to become pro-white.

    Also since bloggers don’t get payed, they are probably a good weapon to use to keep the respectable conservatives in check, once it becomes common knowledge that nobody that get’s payed to write, is free to write what they think.

  7. #8 by Daniel Genseric on 06/02/2013 - 7:10 pm

    Just a friendly reminder,

    Money Punishment & Tribunals here, but never out there on the battle field. Stay in formation and focus.

    The “third phase”, as I see it, is the phase where pretenders and professional prostitutes continue to do what they have always done. But, this time it is with OUR MESSAGE.

    Victory is ours.

    • #9 by Asgardian117 on 06/02/2013 - 9:44 pm

      Thank you for the reminder Daniel, you are right.


  8. #10 by Jason on 06/02/2013 - 11:40 pm

    Riddle me this: why did this particular cheerios ad get attention? We’ve seen interracial anti-White ads for years. Other anti-White ads have been getting negative comments on youtube for years.

    But this one got media attention. Is it just a matter of a slow news day?

    • #11 by dungeoneer on 06/03/2013 - 2:24 am

      The Evil Geniuses fed their requirements into their fourth dimensional quantum super computer and to their surprise it produced a white genocide discussion opportunity for mass consumption.

      They were a bit worried about potential blow-back of this novelty, but they rationalized it as a function of Chaos Theory and said to themselves:

      “We can roll with this”

  9. #12 by Simmons on 06/03/2013 - 10:30 am

    From my memory that of a 18year old anti-commie the term “Evil Empire” drew the dragon out of his cave of silence. The NYT’s and the commsymps if I remember right had a meltdown, think of the Wicked Witch.

    As for cult leaders like Bill Buckley I would pay good money to have seen him genuflect in front of his New York Jews of Authority (those who allowed him on TV) the first time Reagan uttered the term “Evil Empire.”

    This translates to our era, very well IMO.

    “So Mr. Bill O’Reilly, you do agree with the anti-Whites that no white country should ever be allowed to exist?”

    Response from respectable allowed CONservative, “Well I’m not an extreme anti-white, but I cannot take sides withanothernaziracistwhowantstokillsixmillionmorejews.”

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