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David Duke, the Face of Heresy

Posted by Bob on June 5th, 2013 under Coaching Session


Flying from Columbia to Washington once, I rode up with Senator Strom Thurmond.

As a multimillionaire, Strom had put his family up in First Class.   But since his trip was on the taxpayers’ dime, he sat back in Tourist Class with the peasants, cattle and Staff.

Being in Tourist, we were three across.  An obvious bureaucrat leftist type sat beside us at the window, and spoke not a word to Strom, even when Strom offered him some peanuts.

We always looked upon Not Speaking as a sign of trash, but it is considered the height of aristocracy in New England.  That guy is probably still telling people how he refused to speak to Strom.

Strom was not devastated.

I have been around a lot of Public Figures, but there is only one who is identified with our particular Heresy.

And being white IS heresy, a word which cannot be emphasized too much.

If Dr. David Duke is attacked, the press will give a very friendly report of the attackers.

Absolutely no one else would get as little sympathy as Dr. Duke. photo st2_zps0e72259e.jpg

If a raving “kill Whitey” black has violence committed upon him, we all know the media will distance themselves from it.

This is what I mean by Heretic.   The blanket protest against all violence is applied by the media to everyone else, religiously.

But in Europe the utterance of our Heresy is punished by law.   In America it is sanctioned by The Silence.   William Buckley praised  European Hate Laws in one of his last columns, and violence against us is implicitly encouraged by both our Established Faith and its kept “Opposition.”

I had number of courses in Unarmed Combat under various titles during my career.   Yes, you do learn how to kill with your hands, but there is more to it.

On his book covers, David is in coat and tie.  His thin face makes him look like a slender man.

But in person, especially in a home visit, Dave reminds me of some other lessons the Unarmed Combat Professor gave us informally.

Lessons on who NOT to take on.

It is no accident that Strom Thurmond could do his age in pushups plus one until he was eighty.

David has excellent health reasons for staying in athletic condition.

In our society, at least until we join the Europeans in actually burning the heretics, it is a good idea for a public Face of Heresy to keep in fighting  trim.

  1. #1 by Asgardian117 on 06/05/2013 - 1:14 pm

    YES! This is so so important. I wrestled throught all my years in school my grandfather said it is something i can take with me forever. Just like coach, my grandfather was right. It is SO important to stay in goodshape especially when ppl feel justified in attacking someone that is labeled a hateword. To those who arent looking to go to a gym you can work out at home sit up, push ups, pull ups and dips and go for jogs outside. I prefer wind sprints and cross fit type work outs due to my limited time. If you notice in davids videos he is NOT a small guy, and remeber whats most important is PRACTICAL strength ie; weighted movements that apply to real life. ANYONE can get their bench press up to 325, idk how many ppl can swing a 10lb sledge hammer 20 times or do 25 pull ups (outside of myself) lol all joking aside if you do workout out keep it practical, and none of us are going to look like Arnold or steve reeves besides thats not the goal!

  2. #2 by Bob on 06/06/2013 - 5:05 am

    David and I were both raised in the Deep South back when most work was primitive. Today a guy working on a brick plant drives around a big vehicle with a fork lift, and a lot of them are fat and soft.
    I was raised when every brick had to be moved individually, and anyone who passed out on the job twice was fired.
    I have a lot of muscle under the fat, but I didn’t get it voluntarily, as you and David Duke did.

  3. #3 by Asgardian117 on 06/06/2013 - 12:05 pm

    Coach, anyone can get strong. Its your ability to cause a cascading system failure in mommy professors brain that the anti’s fear.

    The anti white system is begining to spring leaks the silence will not hold much longer, when the silence breaks thats when the real show will begin. Thats when everything that you have taught us will be on display FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE.

  4. #4 by Asgardian117 on 06/06/2013 - 12:05 pm

    Coach, anyone can get strong. Its your ability to cause a cascading system failure in mommy professors brain that the anti’s fear.

    The anti white system is begining to spring leaks the silence will not hold much longer, when the silence breaks thats when the real show will begin. Thats when everything that you have taught us will be on display FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE.

  5. #5 by Cleric Preston on 06/06/2013 - 7:08 pm

    My initial take on the article was it’s a timely reminder to get in shape.

    My second take was in the spirit of ‘Why are we being told this now ?’.
    We must be coming to the time when public faces will be needed.

    Jason, I think we’ve unlocked your ‘Stage 3’

    Remember, the camera adds 10 pounds.

    If anybody needs workout plans etc there’s a health and fitness forum on S/F ; )

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