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Why is this Information Produced?

Posted by Bob on March 8th, 2014 under Coaching Session

There are regular explanations of why public information is distorted.

Why is this information produced? Please get this question straight. I am asking why does the COUNTER information get produced in the form it does?

For example, we all realize that people on our side have little or no interest in what WORKS.

I came to realize this working for Republicans. It took me a long time to realize that the people who got paid to be Republicans were not interested in winning. It reminds me of an old and true definition of a political appointee: “He is someone who had a job which requires him to constantly talk about change while he hopes there are not changes.”

So when a new administration comes in, the administration appointees diddle with the organization chart. They move offices around and “reorganize” until they have found other ways to do nothing.

Professional Republicans want things to stay the way they are. How things are today is the way they make their living. I saw up close what happened when a group which had been professional opponents for decades were suddenly in power.

I remember that during the 1980 convention, CBS followed a lifetime professional Republican around while he complained, “I don’t, I don’t see anybody I know here.”

In any other case, the rhetoric would have been about thinking about bringing new people into the Party, the Big Tent. So why was the information this time a whine about all these strangers being there? photo dukebook.png

Obviously, the media were against THESE new people. THAT is why this information was produced.

As usual, though, Mantra thinking begins BEFORE other thinking starts. By the time someone says information is produced because The Jews want it produced, a Mantra Thinker will ask, “How is it that the information that the Jews want is produced?”

Obviously it not because attacks on Jews WORK. Information gets produced because there is a market for it.

The people who explain why the other side’s propaganda gets produced would never ask why their OWN does. But that is also information.

There is a MARKET for “The Jews Did It.”

There is a REWARD in being one of the True Intelligentsia in the Occidental. This reward is nowhere near the one TOO’s Mommy Professor’s opponents get paid for producing bullshit. But it is nonetheless a reward.

A reward we who seek only results will never receive.

BUGSERS put up with a lot from Ole Bob precisely because they are aware of what it cost me to get this information out.

You have learned that the hard way.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 03/09/2014 - 10:19 am

    We BUGsers reach the average White person and give them the moral high ground back.

    The AMPWs are simply not in the game, none of the WNs are in the game, none of them produce any information that is useful to the average white.

    They simply will not help the average white overcome the anti-whites defamation campaign.

  2. #2 by Daniel Genseric on 03/09/2014 - 12:07 pm

    Have you ever had a friend who loved to ruin a perfectly good joke by skipping to the punch line?

    “Spoiler Alert” is how Critics announce permission to ruin the ending to another Box Office Smash Hit or the latest New York Times Best Seller. They not only want to chew your food for you, they want to digest it too.

    Blurting out, “IT’S THE JEWS” every time something anti-white happens is not only more impolite and an incomplete thought, it’s a lot like stealing someone else’s dessert and adding, “It was DELICIOUS!” Like the critic, AMPW’s seek to rob potential pro-whites of any thought process stemming from the origin and evolution of thought. These essential steps must take place in order for the lay person to become proficient in identifying, understanding, and correcting racial problems.

    The above instances pay dividends because YOUR right to think for yourself is being stolen. And, besides, it secures their longevity as Truth-Sayers Extraordinaire.

    So, next time your AMPW friend screams, “It’s the jews!”, tell them, “No thanks. I prefer to chew my own food.”

    ALL anti-whites must pay the piper for white genocide
    ALL anti-whites must pay the piper for white genocide
    ALL anti-whites must pay the piper for white genocide

  3. #3 by ϟentinel on 03/09/2014 - 8:23 pm

    If a piece of information is produced because Jews want it produced, then that fact should be another obvious piece of information, not a conclusion on which to harp endlessly. As a conclusion, it accomplishes nothing. That’s like writing an essay on why you are POSITIVE that it’s raining, but never going outside to roll up your windows.

    …Why was this universe produced?

  4. #4 by Jason on 03/11/2014 - 11:46 pm

    When dealing with nominally pro-White groups who push Jewaholic material, shouldn’t our ONLY interest be in how they might be useful to getting our message out?

    They do what they do for rewards, often in terms of money (tiny as it is). They know if they push a certain line, they will get attention and maybe some dollars from a tiny group of fanatical Jewaholics. They sacrifice doing WORK on behalf of their people to feed that addiction.

    So, if some part of them can be used to push a message, fine. But don’t make the mistake of thinking they are motivated to actually save Whites in the same manner you are. They aren’t. The idea of pushing a message, day after day, without fanfare or beer or pats-on-the-back, leaves them cold and they REFUSE to do it.

    No point in arguing with them, and maybe it is tactically smart not to insult them. But just realize who you are dealing with.

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