Archive for November, 2014

White Genocide Petitions

The Wash Post blog on one of our “petitions” illustrates exactly a point that Ryan Holiday makes in his book Trust Me I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator that Bob has recommended to us recently.

“Andrew Kaczynski of Buzzfeed sent out an intriguing tweet yesterday with a link that I couldn’t resist clicking.”

That opening sentence of the Wash Post article is an example of what Holiday describes: you feed something to the low level blogs that higher level blogs customarily search for story leads, and your planted story can move up the chain to major media.

We didn’t have to plant that story, since the oddness of our message having appeared on the president’s site (and the need of media to publish, publish, publish something) was sufficient to launch it.

The petitions offer opportunities to use Holiday’s tricks. For example, we’ve noticed the anti-white petitions (one of them is on page 2 of that thread, and the 3-page thread is an entertaining read!) that have sometimes appeared that attack our own and (helpfully, lol!) focus on our own specific memes in particular as objects of their attacks.

If whoever’s been writing those continues, the rabid reaction of some SF’ers to them has illustrated the possibilities in planting stories in low level blogs about “the raging race war on President Obama’s website,” or whatever. As Holiday points out, most blogs are paid by their advertisers for page clicks, and so blogs are fiercely competitive in “being first” with a story and generally don’t have time or inclination to check sources.

I’ve noticed that those anti-white petitions take a long time to get their 150 sigs and become visible, so if they keep appearing it would be helpful if we could develop ways of helping get them up as quickly as we do our own, lest their author becomes discouraged! …let’s let him think he has some support… lol!

Al Sharpton to ask Obama to block ‘White Genocide’ petitions from White House site. A close associate of Rev. Sharpton has reported that…”

Blogs like it if you write their stories for them.

But I think Holiday’s bag of tricks are going to take some finesse. I wouldn’t know right now what blogs are out there, which ones are good ones to feed to at the bottom of a chain, and exactly how to shape the tone and content of my communication to them so that they could at least pretend to themselves that what I’m offering them might be real. Do I just say, “I happen to know someone who is close to Al Sharpton…. I liked the report you did on….and I think your blog would be perfect for this story”?

I’ve hoped that in the months ahead I could begin to learn how to do some of Holiday’s stuff, but I really have no idea right now what I’ll be able to do or not do after a good long rest. Maybe what I’ve just written will spark interest and other ideas in some of you who already may be familiar with some blogs that could be used.

(While I’m thinking about getting ready to prepare to consider doing that, I can probably predict who may actually do it! :) )

Because this is what we want to achieve: MSNBC discusses White House White Genocide Petitions.



“Religion” Repeals the Golden Rule

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  This is the Law and the Prophets.”  — Jesus

So, would you rather be prosperous or starving?

Easy to answer, right?

Would you rather be beautiful or ugly?

“Well, DUHH!”   Right?

No!   Would you rather be BORN into a prosperous family or into the brown third world?

Churches today agree that giving an answer to this is a SIN.

Would you rather be born ugly or beautiful?

The churches say everybody’s beautiful.  SOMEBODY, they say, would love a face that had one eye sideways.

But come on now. How would you like a clerical nutcase who MEANS that to actually DESIGN the face you live with the rest of your life.  photo goldenrule.jpg

In fact, that is exactly what is happening. The Pope says we should all be brown. The preacher thunders out that his goal is to get black children adopted into the North Carolina mountains, because they are beautiful to SOMEBODY, and, country by country, Mommy Professor can explain why EACH and EVERY brown country  is poor and stagnant.

NOBODY would let a nut like that make any serious decision in real life.

Or in their OWN life.

Who would allow someone with the smiling “Looks don’t matter” attitude decide how THEY will look?

Diversity makes sense only because absolutely nobody believes brown people want to be brown forever. It is revelation for people to hear that it only relates to browns chasing down Whites because nobody can IMAGINE whites chasing down browns.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  This is the Law and the Prophets.”  — Jesus

“Screw the kids.   Be Modern.”  — The Churches



Chasing Down Dead Whites

On a Southern California beach there’s a stranded, expiring, stinking great white shark. This near dead leviathan is the anti-White LA Times, a major American newspaper. Today it announced another ploy to resuscitate the franchise., an online gossip column/blog. It will be called Finding Marlowe. It is introduced with a noir storyline.|california|House-Ad||||||cal

The shtick is that it will mimic the career of a Magic Negro, Samuel Benjamin Marlowe, Sr., the first Black P.I., who was the real genius behind two great White detective writers Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett.  photo latimes.jpg

In itself this is a cutesy PR debut but it is also part of a systemic problem that Whites face. The effort to belittle any White accomplishment is relentless. Everything, one way or another, is Out of Africa.

It would be inaccurate to assert that Blacks are responsible for or the chroniclers of the lurid, perverted lifestyles oozing from the septic tank known as Hollywood. That dishonor belongs to the hostile elite that dominates the news and entertainment media of our society.

That establishment seeks to chase Whites into an abyss from which they will never emerge. To do this it is necessary to control today in order to dictate tomorrow in part by means of altering yesterday. You cannot really alter the past but you can change the perception of it.

WWII was rewritten in it’s aftermath. A hated war in Europe was transformed into the Good War through a concerted effort to disguise the causes and to hide many of the crimes committed by the victors. This practice is more universal than is understood. No opportunity is missed to steal credit from Whites and to demonize them in the process.

The author of the introductory spoof is one Daniel Miller, a show business journalist. He’s young, but he knows what his string pullers want. He understands what they fantasize while Portnoying – White Genocide. So he takes their pieces of silver by denigrating two accomplished White authors. The product is a skilled aping of the hardboiled detective prose genre.

A lot of readers will believe it to be gospel. More will internalize it as true while knowing it to be made up. This sort of White put down happens one way or another at every opportunity as Whites are portrayed as fools, weaklings and buffoons in movies and on TV. Much of it is clever and amusing.

Viewed as a stand alone theft this is unimportant. As a process it is deadly to our people. It is not accidental. Crediting Whites with the attainments of others is rare and always deemed to be “hate” per se. This standard operating procedure is one of our enemy’s most effective tools.

The purpose of pointing out this example is to bring home the truth that we are up against a vast host of anti-Whites. They are everywhere. In newspapers, radio, television, theaters, classrooms, perfume ads, magazines, junk mail, books, the Internet, even the churches. To counter this tsunami of haters we need to form a solid phalanx of Mantra posters and more.

We have had a good success popularizing, “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White”. Just as Coca-Cola knows that it takes more than “Things Go Better With Coke” to flog their flavored fizzy water in an ever changing marketplace, we need new weapons..

Bob has suggested “Chasing Down Whites”. The proof of the pudding is in the tasting. So get to it. Don’t forget to think up a new idea yourself. Try it and report back. If we don’t break ranks we will prevail.



Diversity = Chasing Down Whites

In the serious part of an interrogation, the interrogator never uses an interrogative.

The transcript will contain a lot of question marks, but seldom is it really a question:

“Where were you at one a.m. Monday, the …..?” means “You were committing a crime at one am Monday, the …”

Damned few people who have not been on either end of this process ever again will mistake something with a question mark at the end as a question.

You have learned the same thing at BUGS:  This is not a discussion, this is a fight.

Ammunition is limited and you make the most of it.

Old Coach is watching you closely.  Is someone on my team making an unnecessary move?

An old warrior watching you can see things you are too busy to see.  photo chasing.jpg

For example, I keep pushing “chasing down whites” because I THINK it would work.

But no coach worth his salt is going to try to force anything on a team that has racked up your record.   You can try things now yourself.

A few years ago, I would not DARE have suggested a line for YOU to TRY OUT.   I was teaching a very complex and novel discipline and could not afford any distraction.

But you don’t coach a pro team the same way you do a high school squad.

“Chasing down whites” gets around a couple of interrogative points we keep running into.

The first is DEFINING genocide.   AND we now have the White Genocide Project to do that.

“Chasing down whites” also destroys any consideration of DEFINING Whites.   The northern Idaho diversity SPLC project also is fun to KEEP mentioning.   Whites are the people they raise money to chase down.

Now that I have invested so much time and effort in producing my Dream Team, I would like to get your opinion on a few ideas like “chasing down whites.”   Of course, I would enjoy seeing people with your skills TRYING them.



White Schools

“The NRA’s proposal of posting an armed guard at every school is absurd.” – Mommy Professor

“The NRA wants to put a police officer in front of every school. That’s just nuts.” – Chuck Schumer

“How are we going to fund this program? We’re broke; we’re out of money” – Bill O’Reilly

Naturally, the Sandy Hook massacre triggered emotional responses from parents on both ends of the political spectrum. Right on cue anti-whites rushed in to say “The only way to solve these problems of massacres is with less guns.” Wayne LaPierre of the NRA jumped out in front and said that “The only way to stop bad guys with guns is a good guy with a gun.” They made it their mission to take the torch and secure ALL schools, once and for all, while the left shamelessly used the massacre as fuel to wage war on a largely white, law-abiding population.

As usual, they made no mention of disarming criminals.

Conventional Wisdom and Political Correctness went further on CNN saying, “Not so fast, RACISTS. We ALREADY HAVE armed guards and police officers in the schools that need them.”

You could see the audience raise a collective eyebrow. Their sense of self preservation helped them exercise their ‘right to remain silent’.

How come these school massacres seem to have a knack for occurring in predominantly white schools?

Why is it that armed guards and police officers are “already in place where they need to be” when schools are “under threat” from gang-related activity? Does gang-related activity now include white gangs? Will it ever? When was the last time a massacre like Sandy Hook or Columbine took place in a predominantly non-white school? So, why are non-white schools more important to secure?

Simply put, Mommy Professor DEMANDED that white schools remain unprotected because she cannot see a future which includes white children. Her anti-white religion dictates that she has no obligation to do so. In fact, she and her cult of Political Correctness won’t allow for the security of our posterity.

The following is a list of ten questions that can get you fired from your job and/or socially ostracized:  photo schoolguards.jpg

  1. Are lawyers and defendants in courtrooms, doctors and patients in hospitals, pilots and passengers on airplanes, athletes and sports fans in stadiums, congress and staffers on the hill, and merchants and consumers in the Mall of America really more important than our children?
  2. Why don’t we hear anyone talking about removing police and contract security from those institutions? Where was the public outcry when these security measures were implemented?
  3. If the goal is to keep our children “shielded from evil guns”, are children not allowed in airplanes, courtrooms, stadiums, malls or hospitals?
  4. I’m hearing about “violating the culture of education with armed guards.” Air marshals travel on airplanes. What about ‘school marshals’ or a silent security? Restoring our teachers’ right to carry would make it random and anonymous by nature.
  5. Why does the school system dictate that our children remain ear-marked for terrorism?
  6. How do we disarm people who have no regard for the rule of law?
  7. The experts who are consulted to deal with a problem seem to qualify by being the very people who made oversights in the first place. Why should we continue to accept that from quote experts unquote?
  8. Criminals will continue to gain access to guns unless we devise a plan for melting down absolutely, positively 100% of the firearms on the face of the Earth. Has such a plan been drafted and is that even realistic?
  9. When will teachers’ access to their second amendment rights be restored?
  10. When will liberals put their egos aside and agree to stop discriminating against our children’s right to a safe learning environment?

The day anti-white European Americans begin concerning themselves with the safety of OUR children is the day they become non-white.
