Archive for June, 2017

Our Side AND Giving Credit

By Bob Whitaker:

“I admit it freely, their side gives credit in the right places. Our side does not.

It finally occurred to me why this would be true. The people who make their livings on contributions, do not want competition and would prefer that those of us who are not as well known don’t compete with them. That makes perfectly good sense, they don’t think of it that way because they are honorable people and it’s a dishonorable point of view but lately I’ve noticed that the SPLC and ADL were pointing out that the slogan White genocide was slaughtering the others, the anti-whites, and had Duke gotten onto it earlier he might have won the election for United States Senate.

But of course Taylor had pointed out earlier, that this made him tired, that white genocide was a “hard sell” and so forth, which it sounds like I’m trying to make a brave man look cowardly but really it’s just the way things occur. Some people have complained to me and I’m proud of my stands and if I give our side something good I would like at least people to notice it.

But its good old fashioned jealously. And its quite normal in politics that the people who are doing the spinning don’t get credit for it, normally they get money for it. In my case I would like some credit.

So I have thought it over, and finally figured out, usually, if you do a little logical consideration, but it’s hard to be logical when you’re taking a position which takes some guts to take, and now you’re not being given credit for it.

So.. I have now done my bellyaching.”

Credit – Audio File




Vale Bob Whitaker

By NatAlt:

There have been very few people who have been able to radically change the pro-White movement like Robert Whitaker has done. Back in 2001 or 2002 when I first came across the movement, debates with anti-Whites were long, convoluted and often a stalemate. Pro-Whites would throw out crime statistic, economic statistics, the history of slavery, Martin Luther King, immigration statistics, whatever it took to build a case for why White nations shouldn’t be subject to mass immigration. In doing this though, they predicated the legitimacy of the movement on whether these arguments were factually correct or not. It didn’t seem at the time that pro-Whites were just willing to say that mass demographic replacement is wrong, and stick to it. It is difficult to appreciate now, but it wasn’t a given that we had the moral high ground.

I fell into that trap a little too, dropping my previously held notion that something was worth preserving on its own merit, without justification.

When I came across Bob’s blog at, I was struck by the simplicity of his message and tactic, and the familiarity of it. While I had pointed out previously to opponents that they seemed to only want diversity in White nations (something which brought me to this type of politics initially), Bob hadn’t just thought of it, he thought ABOUT it. The mantra was simple and precise, and Bobs experience in politics showed. A simple, deadly message effectively repeated is dynamite. The key wasn’t throwing out as many arguments as possible hoping some will stick, its finding the one weak point, and hammering it relentlessly with discipline. It was the strategy of not allowing your opponent to throw out off message by making you ‘tailgate’, that is, follow their train of thought.

I applied this on online forums with some other early BUGSers, and we would hit the anti’s with the mantra again and again and again. We would ask why it was that ALL and ONLY White countries had to become melting pots, and why we were Nazis for opposing this selective targeting for diversification. The strategy worked. Anti’s couldn’t answer the questions without revealing their own anti-white bias. Now, rather than us making mathematical cases, we were asking them to justify Genocide and to explain themselves. We were now on the offensive, and them on the defensive. No longer were we the ones grovelling to be left alone, we were the ones accusing THEM and getting them to answer for themselves.

This line of arguing took off, and after some months and years of using this tactic, we saw it become more and more widespread. “Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White” become a meme, perhaps the first proper meme of pro-White Nationalism. We saw more and more people, people we hadn’t heard of using this phrase. More and more people were talking, not about black crime rates, but White Genocide. We saw even some quasi-mainstream figures point out that the West, and only the West seems to be targeted for mass immigration, and this means our disappearance. The old concerns about black crime now seemed so passé. We exposed the larger underlying issue and brought it front and center.

From there BUGS, coached by Bob Whitaker refined their art. “Diversity is a code word for White Genocide”, “Chasing down the last Whites” were spread far and wide. The argument that a country is only considered “diverse” when it’s non white might have been something many pro-Whites would have been aware of, but it was Bob Whitaker who weaponized it. BUGs wasn’t about teaching us about ourselves, it was about making those things we know, those arguments in the back of our mind effective WEAPONS.

The BUGS swarm ensured that everyone came across their message, and it became mainstream knowledge. Today, Ann Coulter more or less paraphrases Bob’s arguments and these initial arguments can now be heard repeated by ‘mainstream’ people. Bob believed that our movement would eventually prevail, and he wasn’t too concerned with the petty personal dramas of prominent players, focusing on the task at hand.

Many of my articles are heavily influenced by my involvement with BUGS and Bob Whitaker. Personally, there is no bigger influence in the way that I approach our pro-White message than Bob Whitaker. While many others are prolific with videos and outrage, Bob was one of the rare few who could provide something useful. It was his ability to provide something useful that inspires and motivates me to write articles, as I write articles with the hope that the reader will learn something useful about how to argue. We are arms dealers in a war of words.

Bob had a gift for being able to see the basics and just as importantly, conveying basic observation to others. It is a rare skill, and we are now poorer for having lost him. There are though many, like ourselves who have learned these lessons, and we have to take it upon ourselves to coach others, as Bob took it upon itself to coach us.

Rest in peace coach…



Robert Walker Whitaker, March 31st, 1941 – June 3rd, 2017


It’s with great sadness that I report Coach passed away in his bed, Saturday afternoon June 3rd, 2017.

His passing is going to leave a hole in so many people’s lives. But he has given the world the tools we need to expose this anti-White system and its program of white genocide. We will keep on using what he has taught us.

“He left a huge legacy of words and audio, an entire world view way more in line with reality than the official world view.

“That legacy lives on. I know he had a lifetime of frustration with people refusing to use the talking points and political strategies he came up with, no matter how devastating they were to the leftist establishment, but he lived long enough to see his methods start to work. His stuff is EVERYWHERE.

“I hope he took comfort in that.

“He taught us what to do. It’s just a matter of doing it and teaching others. He’s the exception to his own rule that no hero ever made a difference in a war.

“This prophecy WILL come true.

“We all know what Bob would want us to do.”


